Monday, July 31, 2006

Mon Alternate Training

Because of my knee situation I try to do some alternate training to get some leg work in without compromising the knees.

What a day. I hooked up with a tire guy and scored a tractor tire worth about 350-400#. Now I know the big boys toss the 800#ers like nothing but I'm not one of those beasts.

Started out with some dragging. I have a smaller tire that I've added some hardware to so it can be dragged and weight can be added.
4 x 60 yds x front
4 x 60 yds x rear

Big Tire Flips
Several 2-5 rep sets with variations on technique. Glad Manny gave me that article on heavy tire flipping a ways back. It is better to get your legs farther back and drive your chest into the tire then kick a knee up. Can't just manhandle the big ones. Gives me great admiration for the Strongman competitors.

Stuff to do.

God Bless

Saturday, July 29, 2006

7/29/06 ME Bench

Moosie and Mikey were in attendance. Moosie and I were doing heavy DB's. Mike is still working the kinks out of his shirts.

Bike x 10 min
Shoulder complex x 1
Rope rotator stretches

1 x 10 x 80's
1 x 2 x 130's
1 x m x 130's
1 x 8 x 115's
1 x 6 x 115's

I should be working 120's but they seem to have only 1 - 120 and 1 - 125. The handle on the 130's is fatter and I couldn't get a good feel for it. Should have been able to handle more I think. One needs a tougher mind set when the weights rise. Mentally I don't think I was there for these.

Beau / Stump Press
2 x 5 x 135 + 100 hanging = 235 total weight
2 x 5 x 145 + 100 hanging = 245 total weight
We combined the Beau Press and the Stump Press just to see what would happen. We set the bar up like stump presses by hanging 2 - 25's off of each side with tie down straps. Then we executed each rep like Beau Presses with a pause at the bottom and a pause at 3/4. We called 'press' for each other at each pause. Doesn't seem like lots of weight at first but it sure does wear you down toward the end of each set. Good stuff. I think we'll do these BS presses again.

Push downs with purple band wrapped around stack.
4 x 5 x ????

Even with the slow DB start I feel like we accomplished something today.

Trying to drop some weight slowly so it won't be a big deal when I need to cut later on.

I may go to Elko on 8/19 to give Mike a hand at the WABDL meet. Moosie says Shuree won't let him go... Wow. And he's 3 x her

More of the same on the world front. Keep your eyes to the skies folks.

Lisa is in Evanston for the Trace Atkins concert. I don't know how they did it but she and her girlfriend scored back stage passes plus passes to a meet and greet with Trace. I am Mr. Mom + I have Mom in Law duty (walk dog etc...)

God Bless!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

7/27/06 Thurs. Shoulders & Tris

10 min Bike
situps 3 x 10 x bwt
shoulder complex x 2

Standing Military (not good at these so I need to do them...)
2 x ?? x bar
1 x 5 x 135
1 x 5 x 155
2 x 5 x 175
1 x 3 x 175 tweaked something in upper ab here
1 x 10 x 135

Double DB Swings
Swings to eye level
1 x 5 x 40's
2 x 5 x 50's

Swings to snatch
1 x 5 x 40's
2 x 5 x 50's

Swings to snatch + press
1 x 5 x 40's
2 x 5 x 50's

Rolling Extensions
1 x 8 x 35's
1 x 8 x 40's
2 x 8 x 50's

Push Downs on the tight stack
1 x 10 x 90
1 x 10 x 100
2 x 10 x 110

Ok workout. Not sure about that ab thing. Sore but not debilitating. Looking forward to Sat.

Heard nothing re jobs today. May make a couple of calls tomorrow.

Israel is calling up 30,000 reservists. Maybe people should take them seriously.

I don't know if I posted re the Harpazo Network. Find it @ Good succinct stuff on prophecy and a well supported, straight forward statement of faith. Really good stuff.

God Bless

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

7/25/06 Bench acc and back

Bike 10 min
Sit ups 3 x 10 x bwt
Shoulder Complex x 2

Flat Bench Comp Grip
2 x ?? x bar
1 x ?? x 135
4 x 10 x 235 Moosie's program starting to work for the short guy. 245 in 2 weeks.

Rack Lockouts 3-4" stroke Mid Grip
1 x 5 x 315
1 x 5 x 365
1 x 5 x 395
2 x 5 x 415

Assisted Pull Ups (I stink at these)
5 x 5 x ??

Seated Low Rows Close Grip
1 x 5 x 170
1 x 5 x 200
3 x 5 x 230

Suspended Push Ups
Feet on Bench
3 x 15 x bwt

Good work out. Rt shoulder feels good. Not 100% yet but better. Looking forward to September.

Have not heard re jobs yet. Need more patience...

Pull up your chairs, grab a Bible and pop some popcorn. Things keep getting more and more interesting in the mid east. If the old boy Javier pulls off a truce in the region, you know craziness is just around the corner. Jesus is the only hope for mankind. Interesting times.

May God be your Hope.

God Bless!

Monday, July 24, 2006

Mon 7/24/06 Legs and Abs

Situps 3 x 10 x bwt
various stretches and old man groans

Rack Pulls just above the knee
1 x ??? x bar
1 x 5 x 135
1 x 5 x 225
1 x 5 x 315
1 x 5 x 365
1 x 5 x 405
2 x 5 x 455

Band Hack Squats
5 x 10 x green and blue each leg

Incline situps
1 x 8 x bwt
4 x 8 x 45

Holiday to day here in Utah. Pioneer Day. Moosie was able to come up. He did Bent over GM's while I did rack pulls. I introduced him to the band hacks and he snickered at first until the second set when his quads started to burn.

Pulls felt ok. Grip in the repaired rt hand is coming along slowly. Manny showed up and said hey. He has some disc probs so he did som light bench stuff and laid off anything that might compress his back. Good guy. Sorry to see him go through this.

Hope to here from either of the companies by Wednesday. Itching for me to get a pay check. So's the

Still very interesting and nastier in the mideast. Be reading Dan 9, EZ 38 and 39 and Rev. then read John 3

God Bless!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

ME Bench Sat 7/22/06

Just Moosie and me today. Jeff and Mike out of town. Spud's been MIA for 2 weeks now. Moosie is kinda beat up and my rt shoulder is still a little tweaked. We took the volume down a bunch today.

Shoulder complex x 2

Flat Bench comp grip
2 x ?? x bar
1 x ?? x 135
1 x 5 x 225
1 x 3 x 275
1 x 2 x 315
1 x 1 x 345 + 1 board
1 x 1 x 355 + 1 board
1 x 1 x 365 + 1 board. Came off the bottom strong and started to windmill a little. I had it but Moosie being the mother hen that he is touched the bar lightly with his index finger. I asked if I could count the rep or not. He said he didn't really affect anything so I should count it. So I will. That's a PR.

Beau Presses.
1 x 3 x 225
2 x 5 x 225

These are attributed to Beau Moore. They are a regular bench with a mid or close grip and a pause at the bottom and then again at 3/4 of the stroke. To make it easier, the spotter called 'press' at both points. We really didn't push these hard at all. We were just trying to get a feel for them.

Moosie's shoulders were arguing with him so we called it a day at this point. We're both lifting in an AAU meet on Sept. 16 so we are meeting to do legs Monday and going to revamp and fine tune the planned workouts for these last few weeks.

Well they did it. Israel went into Lebanon with ground troups. Not sure what happens next but it will be interesting.

God Bless!

Friday, July 21, 2006

Interview Company #2

Skipped shoulders and tri's today because of the interview and #1 son is out of town so I helped my daughter in law with the grandkids.

The interview(s) yesterday went very well in my mind. The position is for a tech manager that will interface with several parts of the firm, dealers and outside customers and handle various other tech related issues. The writing and communication aspect seem like a good fit. Because of all of the people the position will interact with, they had all the candidates go through interviews with 5 sets of people. I sarted out at 10:00 am and left at 2:45 pm. Voice is very scratchy today.

Got some pretty good feedback from some of the principles. I should hear back by Tuesday/Wednesday to see if I made the final 2. If I did, I then meet with the CEO. A decision should be made by Fri. I hope the good feeling I have isn't just gas.

Looks like Israel is going into southern Lebanon with ground troops. When they do, pay attention to Iran and Russia. China may posture a bit as well but Russia and Iran will do more than that. They are the ones backing the Hezbollah.

Interesting times for sure.

God Bless!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Interview #1

Went well this pm. Met with the regional mgr for about an hour. Rate for training would be ok. some field work involved for 8-10 weeks or so. I think it went ok. One way or another I will hear back within a week to see which way they want to go. Training is 6-12 months. Afterwards it would mean relocation. In some ways that would be cool but in others not so much. Danielle has her senior year and I can't imagine lifting without the guys. John said the hot spots are the North East and South East. Told him that TX would be my 1st choice but FL winters vs NY winters would be my choice anyday.

Interested to see how tomorrow goes. That position would have a much broader interaction in the field and fewer actual employees to look after than the job I interviewed for today. Starting pay would be more. Not certain yet where the ceiling would be. From what I know, I think I'm more cut out for the interview tomorrow.

Praying hard to not be dumb here.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Tuesday 7/18/06 Bench Assist and Back

10 min on bike
Shoulder complex x 2
Sit ups 3 x 10 x bwt (holy crap are my abs sore from yesterday)

Flat bench comp grip
2 x ??? x bar
1 x 5 x 135
1 x 5 x 225
4 x 5 x 285

These went well. Not as fast as I would have liked but there was no doubt. 295 in 2 weeks?

Chest Supported Row
1 x 5 x 160
3 x 5 x 185

Suspended Push Ups / feet up on bench
5 x 12 x bwt

Lots of stuff going. Decided to cut it shorter today. Probably good to cycle the volume down every so often.

Excited about the interviews tomorrow and Thursday. It will be good to be working again.

Mon 7/17/06 Legs & Abs

Bike 10 Min
Situps 3 x 10 x bwt

Squat Rack Lockouts (6"-7" stroke)
1 x 8 x 225
1 x 8 x 315
1 x 8 x 405
1 x 8 x 495
1 x 8 x 585
2 x 8 x 675
These went well and didn't feel horrible. I could have jumped another plate but I'm trying to be conservative with the arthritic knees. I'm a wide squatter so anything on the shoulders with a wide stance puts lots of pressure on my already compromised interior meniscus. Have plenty of strength to squat but may have to back off a lot more to protect the joints.

Band Hack Squats
3 x 12 x bwt + blue's and greens

Seated Band Hammie Curls
1 x 12 x purples
2 x 12 x greens

Stand Abs w/bands
4 x 12 x asstd set ups

Stability Ball DB Leg Raises
4 x 10 x 25
These are nasty. While laying on a stab. ball, grasp something stationary behind your head (machine, post, rack, whatever.) then with the db horizontal, squeeze it between your feet and do the leg raises that way. Really gets your lower abs and adducters.

Got a call re an interview for Wednesday. It is a real good op but #2 in my head right now. After training, I would need to relocate. So much going on here to think that relocation would be fun. Also got word that #1 choice will be calling to set up an interview time for later this week. Feels good to finally have stuff rolling. I'm praying for wisdom so I don't mess up God's opportunity.

Update: While I was typing I got a call from #1 choice and I interview Thurs AM. Things are starting to move.

I heard that the Israelie (?) PM made a statement on the lines of saying that a country sometimes has to say enough is enough. I think that Israel is pulling up their socks and putting on their cups and getting ready take on all comers. A word to the wise: don't screw with the Lord's anointed.

God is great!

God Bless!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Sat 7/15/06 ME Bench

2 x Shoulder complex

Continuing with Moosie's program we started with
DB Flat Bench
1 x 8 x 80's
4 x 8 x 115's Wanted to use 120's but couldn't find them and didn't feel like jumping to 125's. I'll do that jump in 2 weeks.

Flat Stump Presses Mid Grip
1 x 5 x 175 + 100 hanging = 275# total
1 x 5 x 185 + 100 hanging = 285# total
2 x 3 x 195 + 100 hanging = 295# total Pretty happy with these. Was able to stay tight and pressed ok with th inside grip.

Push down with purple band.
(wrapped a purple band under the stack and secured the top of the stack with webbing and caribeener (?))
4 x ?? x ??? All I know is I kept up with Mikey. He threw his shirt on today and looked more comfortable in it than I have seen in a long time.

Good workout. I feel that the splits and extra volume I've been getting really helps in creating a good base. I've neglected that aspect in the past. A little smarter now I'm hoping. After all one doesn't load a bar rated for 1,000# with 1,500#. If one wants to bench 500# everything involved needs to be ready and rated for more than 500#. Seems simple enough. Don't know why it took me so long to figure it out. The more one gets into this sport, the more it seems almost zen like....

Hezbollah (?) is calling Israel out? Wow. There is a fine line between dedication and stupidity. I feel bad for the not so militant Lebanese who are going to get there lives turn upside down because of 'the cause'. These terrorists remind me of that old 70's poster 'The Last Act of Defiance' Dirty Harry said it "A man has to know his limitations". Not exactly scripture but somewhat inspired nonetheless.

Watch the Israel/Lebanon thing escalate and some of the other Muslim brethren and allies jump into the party.

Got a commission check yesterday and was pleasantly surprised that there was $600.00 more than I had anticipated. There were some sales from a product I helped put together that they hadn't told me about. God is good.

Looking forward to Monday and seeing what happens interview wise.

God indeed is good!

God Bless.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Thurs 7/13/06 Shoulders & Tris

Warm up
Bike 5 min
Shoulder complex x2
Sit ups 3 x 10 x bwt

Seated DB Military
1 x 5 x 45's
1 x 5 x 65's
1 x 5 x 75's
2 x 5 x 80's Happy with these. Not the best ever for me but for not doing these for literaly years, it went well.

Hanging Snatches
1 x 5 x bar
1 x 5 x 95
1 x 5 x 115
1 x 3 x 135 To say this set was not pristine does a HUGE disservice to the word pristine. It was ugly.
1 x 5 x 125 Much better.

DB Incline Reverse Flies
1 x 8 x 25's
3 x 8 x 35's

Skull Crushers w/easy bar on the floor
2 x 5 x 105
1 x 5 x 115
1 x 5 x 125

Incline Tate Presses
4 x 6 x 45's Surprised @ how tough these seemed today. Skull Crushers must have done me in.

Back Supported push downs (tough pulley set up/not all pulleys are created equal I've heard.)
1 x 5 x 80
1 x 5 x 100
3 x 5 x 120

Nice workout. Done in about an Hour + 15 min. Gym was quiet. Very nice. Should feel it tonight and tomorrow.

Got a call yesterday from an outfit I responded to with a resume on Monday. Nice guy and it seems like a good fit. Established company that is growing. I think I can contribute and be an asset with them. Should hear back tomorrow re interview. The other guys will be calling Monday re a Wednesday Interview. I think I like this newer option better. More up my alley, better starting pay and no relocation required. Would love to have the answers already.

For the record, don't piss off Israel. Not good for your health to mess with the Lord's annointed. Lebanon and Syria are acting dumber than a box of rocks. Watch the horizon to see what Iran and Russia do. Some out there are suggesting this could be the start of the war mentioned in Ezekial 38-39. Worthy of a read with Biblical cross references. Interesting times.

Gotta go ice the right shoulder

God Bless!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

7/11/06 Bench Acc. / Back

Ah good times. Didn't have my head into on Monday so I skipped legs and abs.

Warm up
Bike x 10 min
Shoulder complex x 2
Situps 3 x 10 x bwt

Flat bench
2 x ??? x bar
1 x 5 x 135
4 x 10 x 225 time to move up

Suspended lockouts mid grip on all
Mid stroke
1 x 5 x 315
1 x 5 x 345
5" stroke (moved the set up higher)
1 x 5 x 365
1 x 3 x 395
3 x 1 x 395

Band assisted pull ups. Not sure I got anything done but it was fun playing with the set ups.
4 x ?? x various bands and setups

Suspended push ups
5 x 10 x bwt

Close grip low pulley rows
1 x 5 x 180
1 x 5 x 210
2 x 5 x 220

Not a bad work out. Need to really get my lock out strength up. I guess with a closer grip today it wasn't so bad. The bar I used wasn't a comp bar so I'll guess my grip was about pinky on rings for the lockouts. Maybe a little farther inside. Didn't measure to be sure. Feeling much stronger on the suspended push ups. I think they are a real asset.

Ding in the rt shoulder/rotator cuff feels somewhat better. Still a little tight and tender.

Iran is still courting the worlds powers as they try to get Iran to back off. Nobody really saying much about Iran's declaration that they want to eliminate Israel from the map. Weird. No mention of hate language there. Double standards as far as one can see.

China is not going along with sanction talk re N Korea. No real surprise there.

How come we supply muslim prisoners with Korans and prayer stuff and our chaplains can't pray in Jesus name? Things are way upside down. 4-6 years will see some dark changes then some real good ones.

Finally heard back from the regional guy. Should have an interview a week from tomorrow. Also submitted an app with a sports flooring company. Would like to investigate that one further. Job opening sounds like it might be a good fit.

God Bless!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

7/8/06 ME Bench

Good day today. Rt shoulder a little tight and sore in the anterior rotator cuff.
Warm up
3 x 10 x bwt sit ups
Shoulder complex x 2

Raw Flat Bench
2 x ? x bar
1 x ? x 135
1 x 6 x 225
1 x 3 x 275
1 x 1 x 315 (should have at least doubled this, possibly tripled. Who knows?)
1 x 3 x 335 x 2 boards
1 x 1 x 350 x 2 boards (should have done more)
1 x 1 x 370 x 2 boards strong / all time PR
2 x M x 380 x 2 boards

370 went real strong and fast. Started thinking too much for 380. Moosie noticed on my setup that my rt shoulder was shrugged a few inches higher than my left shoulder so I was a little cockeyed with the bar. That was right after the 370. Started thinking about it. That probably wasn't the only thing I messed up. I will get the 380 next time 2 boards roll around.

Close Grip Flat Bench
1 x 6 x 245
1 x 6 x 255
1 x 6 x 260

Upright rows and wide grip pull downs to the chest
1 x 8 x 135 1 x 8 x 170
2 x 8 x 145 2 x 8 x 190

Very happy with the 370. Felt very good. Hand and wrist feel awesome. No wraps at all this work out. Added belt @ 275 on the flat. I am starting to like benching raw with a belt.

Things are getting a little dicey financially. Need a job. Contacted the regional mgr for a firm I'm in contact with. I would be a great fit. Word from the local mgr confirms my opinion. Would really like to have John (regional guy) respond to my e mail by Monday. But.... Not if that interferes with what God has in mind. His will is for my best interest. Hard, hard, hard to be patient.

Still no foreseeable end to all of the wierdness in the world. N Korea still rattling the cage. Mideast is a jumble. Heard yesterday that Islam extremists in the UK are recruiting caucasian men so that it would be easier to infiltrate for terrorist purposes. Who says Islam is peaceful? Over 30 times the Koran calls for the destruction, killing etc of infidels. An infidel is ANYONE that does not believe in Islam. That's a whole lot of people. There's no "Can't we all just get along?" rhetoric. The idea of a mutual understnding and peaceful coexistence just can't happen with the strict followers of the Koran.


God Bless

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Shoulders and Tris

Warm up:
10 min bike
3 x 10 x bwt situps
Shoulder complex x 2

Standing military
2 x 5 x bar
1 x 5 x 95
1 x 5 x 135
1 x 5 x 155
1x 5 x 165
1 x 10 x 135

1 x 5 x 90
3 x 5 x 115

Cheat Lateral Raises
2 x 5 x 55
2 x 5 x 60

5 x 10-14 x bwt

JM Presses
2 x 5 x bar
1 x 5 x 95
1 x 5 x 115
2 x 5 x 135

Overhead High Pulley Rope Extensions
3 x 8 x 75

Not all pulley setups are created equal.

Haven't done military like that in years. I hope to improve those numbers alot. The shoulder and tri work hould pay off I'm hoping. Trying to create a big base to press from.

Wouldn't want to be GW right now. North Korea, China's pitbull is creating some stress. Bet your last dollar China is checking the US response with a microscope. If it weren't for politics I would guess GW would be on the button in a heart beat. Please, a Texan with the ability to fire the weapons that he has at his disposal? He must be getting stretch marks from holding back....

Lots of stuff going on.

If you're not right with God, It's time to do it.

God Bless!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Accessory Bench and back

Happy 4th of July!

Fun Day! Because of the holiday, Spuddy, Moosie Mikey and I were able to get together during the week. Doesn't happen very often. Gym was very quiet except for us. We can get loud in a fun way.

Warm up:
Bike 5 minutes
3 x 10 x bwt situps
shoulder complex 2 x
rope stretch
lying ox

Flat Bench
2 x bar x ???
1 x 5 x 135
1 x 5 x 225
4 x 5 x 275

Close Grip Declines
1 x 5 x 225
1 x 5 x 245
1 x 5 x 265
1 x 4 x 275

Flite (X Pull) Pull Down
1 x 5 x 160
3 x 5 x 230

CS Row
1 x 5 x 140
4 x 5 x 165

Suspended Push Ups
4 x 10 x bwt

Good stuff. Rt shoulder has a bit of a tweak. Need to keep it stretched and adjusted. Doesn't affect strength but it is annoying.

Thank God for this country! We are truly blessed. I am afraid we as a group forget all too often what it took to get us the freedoms that we enjoy. I shudder to think what is in store for us as we become less of an ally with Israel.

My brother flew through town on his way home from a conference. He had stayed over at my step sister's house and had some long talks with Karen's husband Joel. Joel is also interested in prophecy stuff. I have been interested in prophecy and current events and Joel is interested in putting time frames together. Joel seperates the tribulation from wrath. He feels Believers will go through the trib but escape wrath. He makes a good arguement but I have some questions re some scripture he hasn't covered yet.

Gotta go get ready for our annual party later.

God Bless!

Monday, July 03, 2006

Monday legs/abs

Met Mike @ Gold's West Jordan this AM. He was squatting today and worked up to an easy set of 435# raw. Hit depth easily.

Due to meniscus/arthritis issues I don't squat or do full pulls any more per Dr's orders and wife's threats.

Pin Pulls @ knees
1 x 5 x bar
1 x 5 x 135
1 x 5 x 225
1 x 5 x 315
2 x 5 x 365

These were easy. Not killing myself on this day as I get other leg and low back work on days I do cleans and db swings.

Band quad/hack squat
4 x 10 x Blues and Greens

Weighted Situps
1 x 10 x bwt
1 x 10 x 25#
1 x 10 x 45#
2 x 10 x 90#

Shot the breeze for a bit and called it good.

Learned yesterday that GW signed a deal in '05 with Canada and Mexico to install a free trade relationship in North America set to start in 2010. Is that why he isn't real quick to close off our borders? Lot's of open market place agreements being set for '10. The country/world as we know it is changing and set for bigger changes right under our noses. Don't think I like it. However, If the ENP launches the 7th week per Daniel 9, then the bad will have to come and get worse prior everything getting better.

Don't know how those that do not have interest in Biblical perspectives reconcile the state of the world and the radical changes that are knocking at our door. Interesting times for sure.

Happy Fourth of July!

God Bless!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

ME Bench Day

It was just Mikey and me today at the West Jordan Gold's

Warm up:
5 min bike
3 x 10 x bwt sit ups
shoulder complex w 10's

Flat db bench
1 x 5 x 75's
4 x 5 x 115's PR

Incline Stump Presses
1 x 5 x 135 + 50 hanging = 185 total wt
1 x 3 x 135 + 100 hanging = 235 total wt
2 x 4 x 135 + 100 hanging = 235 total wt

Push downs
6 x ?? x ?? stack for most of em. Not all stacked machines are created equal.

Very excited about the db PR. Going to go for 120's in 2 weeks. Wasn't real easy but was very solid. Hand and wrist did fine. My head is finally sarting to wrap around numbers that my body is capable of lifting. Fun thing being able to get stronger as we get older. 50 in December.

Stump Presses (named by Moosie 'cause I thought of them.) came about after I watched Manny bench with a cambered squat bar. If you didn't stay tight with the cambered bar, tiny weights would crush you. Since I A. can't afford a bar right now and B. hauling a bar around on a whim is a hassle, I C. came up with another idea. Using tie down straps we create a loop that we place through a plate(s) then hook the ends together and hang it off of the end of the bar. This forces you to stay tight and maintain your groove. If not, you may be buying new This really moves the bar around alot and works your little stabalizers. Helps later in a straight bench when you missgroove you can pull it back in without hassle. The more weight you hang the stronger the swing. My all time PR is 325 raw total weight: 225 + 100 hanging. The most I ever hung was 95# a side for 190# hanging. I only worked up to 265# with that. Very tough. Those straps come in very handy. Not only do we do a variety of Stump Presses we add handles and do suspended push ups, suspended lockouts and some very spooky Stump Squats. Back when I was allowed to squat, I hung 2 45's off of each side and had 225 on the bar. This was a total weight of 405#. The squats (sets of 5) weren't a big deal but the walk out and back in was kinda scary. Got a lot of strange looks on that one. I also use a strap to hang plates around my waist for dips.

Found a new prophecy page that looks enteresting: Worthy of a look. Even one that isn't into the Bible would find interesting things on the prophecy pages I've listed. Another is Koinenia House by Chuck Missler. I hope that is how it is spelled. Interesting thing lots of prophetic things look like they are pointing toward mid 2010. The Mayan calendar (?) stops @ 2012. Not certain of the connection if there is one but both dates fit in with the young earth position that the earth is about 6,000 yrs old per Biblical records.

Our annual 4th of July party is just about here. Sounds like we will have a good size group. Probably do some yard stuff today to get things ready. It's been warm it mostly dry. I hope people play it smart and not get careless with fireworks. Here in UT the fireworks are pretty low key. 80 miles up the road in Evanston WY you can buy what ever your heart desires fireworks wise. I'm worried about dumbies that get their hands on some of the rockets and mortors and send them over brush. I pray for the best.

Very happy about today's workout.

God Bless!