Thursday, July 30, 2009

Thurs Core 7/30/09

Warm up

Rack pulls
10 x 245
10 x 325
3 x 10 x 375

Power Squat
10 x 540
10 x 630
3 x 10 x 720

45º Hyper
3 x 15 x bwt

Leg lifts on stability ball
4 x 15 x 30#

Standing ABS
3 x 20

Kroc Rows

Low pulley EZ curls

Seem to be getting stronger core wise. Moving up in weight and reps went ok on the leg lifts.

Grip is very suspect on the high rep rack pull work sets. In the future as I go up in weight I might wuss out and use the straps. I had to reset like 3-4 times on the last set. Very wussy. But since I will never pull in comp and this is core day.... And I do the kroc's.... Helloooo straps...

I love it when a plan comes together.


God Bless!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Tues Bench Support

Warm up

DE Bench
9 x 3 x 135 Varied Grip

Mil Stump Press (205#)
5 x 135# x 65% bar + 90# swinging
5 x 155# x 75% bar + 110# swinging
6 x 175# x 85% bar + 130# swinging
Felt better than anticipated.

5 x 12-15

Assisted Pull-Ups
5 x 12 x -100

Rope Push Downs
3 x 15

Suspended Push up
3 x 15

Reverse Pec Deck
5 x 12

Decent work. Decided to use some 5/3/1 principles in the military work. I will still use the 4 movements I've been doing and rotate the 1st 3 weeks of the regular 5/3/1 cycle percentages and see what happens. Next week will be the overhead close grip for sets of 3 @ 70%, 80% & 90% of the assumed max of that movement.

Gotta go


God Bless!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Hand crank 10 min

Bike 40 min

Das ist alas


God Bless!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

ME Bench @ Ripped

Warm up
2 Boards
?? x bar
2 x 5 x 135
5 x 225
5 x 275
5 x 315
3 x 365 Add 2 boards
1 x 385 shoulda done 2-3
? x 405 Jeff touched it
1 x 405 tie PR

Low Rack Lockouts maybe 6" stroke
5 x 315
5 x 365
4 x 365

Lil Dave’s Tri’s x 5

Seated CNG high pulley rows to the chest
5 x 15

Ok session. Happy to hit the 405. Second attempt was much stronger except for an odd lateral double clutch but I adjusted and locked it out. Looking at my board PR's I seem to have about a 10# difference per board. If that holds accurate, my max full stroke would be 385. I don't think I'm quite there but I hopefully will be soon. This program seems to be working so far.

Not happy with the rack lockouts. I am not comfortable in these racks. I don't fit the spacing well. I wanted to do like a 2" stroke but the holes are so far apart and my arms are too short that wasn't going to happen. Probably just need to do 5 boards from here on out. Maybe they will have a new rack when they move in 2 weeks. That would be nice.


God Bless!

Friday, July 24, 2009


Warm up

10 x 135
3 x 10 x 235

Leg Press
5 x 15 x500

45º Hyper
3 x 15 x bwt

Stab ball LL 4 x 12 x25#
Stand abs 4 x 20

Kroc Rows

Seated alt db curls

Decent sweaty session. Went better today than last week. Progress I think.


God Bless!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Hand crank
10 minutes 5 forward, 5 backward

Recumbant bike
40 minutes


God Bless!

DE Bench Support

Warm up

DE Bench
9 x 3 x 135

Overhead 6”Lockout off of pins
5 x 135
5 x 225
3 x 275
1 x 295

Dips 5 x 12 x bwt

Assisted Pull Ups
4-5 x 12 x -100
Got lost on my set count here.

Overhead Cable ext
3 x 20

Face Pulls
5 x 20

Lockouts felt VERY heavy. Could be the pin setting. Next time around I will play with stroke length. Everything else seems to be going forward.

Got a job interview Friday morning. Good possibility. Am hoping this is the one God has for me.


God Bless!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

ME Bench

Good day. Spud showed up and did pretty well. Kid got married and seems to be doing ok. Nice to see him again

Warm up
Fl00r Press
?? x bar
5 x 135
5 x 225
3 x 275
2 x 315
1 x 330
1 x 355 ties PR
Weird misload. I wanted 345 but loaded 355. Jeff touched it but I locked it out.

Flat Bench + Minis
W 55# squat bar (it was on the bench so we just left it)
5 x 145 +
5 x 235 +
3 x 285 +
Add 3 board
2 x 325+
1 x 345 +
Scott says that the minis are 80# at the top on this set up so the last rep was 425 at lockout.

DB bench

2 x 12
Jeff had a Jones for these so we brought them out of the ol' bag-o-tricks. I was going to do a 3rd set but went to get water and they had unhooked the straps. ah well. Another set next time.

McGilla's are a weird tricep movement thought up by Gill Anderson. @ a seated lowpulley row station add a strap or chain about 2-3' long to the caribiner. Add a short EZ bar to the loose end. With your back to the stack and 1 foot on the footrest pull the bar up and over your head. You should be facing away from the stack @ 45º or lower with a close grip on the bar above and behind your head. Elbows up and knuckles forward. Press to lockout. Go light. Do 3-5 sets of 10-15 reps. To aid in getting set up right we add an extra strap that a spotter uses from the side to help get the weight/bar into positon. Much safer this way. If you are doing these rigth you will feel them a bit in your shoulders and a lot in your lower outer triceps.

Push downs

CS rows
5 x 15

Tired. Think I need a nap.


God Bless!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Core Thursday 7/16

Warm up

Rack pulls
10 x 225
10 x 315
3 x 10 x 365
Power Squat
10 x 450
10 x 630
3 x 10 x 720

45º hyper
3 x 15 x bwt

Stab Ball Leg Lifts
3 x a2 x 25#

Standining ABS
3 x 20 x 130

Kroc Rows

Alt DB Curls

Fast and sweaty. Yay endorphines

Pray against current legislation

Gotta go


God Bless!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

DE Bench + Assist 07/14/09

Warm up

DE Bench
9 x 3 x 135 Varied Grip

Military off of pins straight weight
5 x bar
5 x 135
3 x 5 x 185

Dips bwt 4 x 10

Selkow Neg Pull-Ups
5 x 2
Not built for any type of pull ups. Hate these.

Push downs
4 x 15

Suspended Push ups
3 x 12

Rev pec deck
4 x 12

Not bad. About an hour and 20 minutes. Forgot MP3, radio etc. Bummer. Dips went much better than anticipated. Pull ups might improve as weight comes off. I'll keep the DE bench where it is for a week or two. Better to err on the side of too light. Might intro some 5/3/1 back into the military portion on the next cycle.


God Bless!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Sat ME Bench @ Ripped

Lisa and I went to the Farmer's Market this AM early and I thought I would miss the gym. We went through earlier than anticipated and still had time for the gym while most of the regulars were there.

Warm up
Incline Stump Presses
?? x bar
5 x 95 (bar + 50# swinging)
5 x 135 (bar + 90# swinging)
5 x 185 (bar + 140# swinging)
3 x 225 (bar + 180# swinging)
3 x 245 (bar + 200# swinging) PR
1 x 265 (bar + 220# swinging)
1 x 285 (bar + 240# swinging) PR
Got a bit iffy taking the bar down with the heavier weights but was able to avoid an incident...

4 Boards Flat B
5 x 365
3 x 385

Lil Dave Tri’s x 4

CS NG Rows
4 x 10 x 3 plates

Face Pulls 3 x 20

Ok session. Those incline Stump Presses tend to fatigue me alot. Boards felt much tougher than they should have. Lost 5.5# this week so that's a plus. Need to do this better than last time. need to keep the strength while losing the pudge.


God Bless!

Thursday, July 09, 2009


Warm up

10 x bar
10 x 135
3 x 10 x 225

Leg Press
3 x 15 x 450

Abs: LL 3 x 12 x 20#
Standing 3 x 20

Kroc Rows

45º hyper
3 x 15 x bwt

Nice intense session. Trying to find the balance between strength training and fitness training on this day. Need to respect the condition of my knees and lower back while gaining strength, keeping leg drive and possibly improving cardiac health.

Anybody out there have a job opening? Dude needs a job bad.


God Bless!


10 min hand crank cardio

35 min bike

Working back up a bit at a time

Weight is coming off as well.


God Bless!

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

DE Bench + Assist

Warm up

DE Bench
6 x 3 x 135

Military overhead CG Tri’s
5 x bar
5 x 135
5 x 165
5 x 185
5 x 205
4 x 225

Assisted Dips 3 x 15
Assisted Pull-ups 3 x 10
F Pulls 5 x 15
S Abs 3 x 20
Suspended Push ups 3 x 12
OH strap ext 3 x 12

Decent session. We'll see how this goes. I feel a little fatigued but not beat up. Saturday will tell if I over did it or not. I like the variety. Everything done in under 90 minutes. That included some spotting.


God Bless!

Monday Filler

30 minutes on the bike
5 minutes on the upper crank thingy

Trying to drop a few # without going crazy on the cardio. Last time I dropped weight (45#) I lost tons of strength. Being more aware of what goes into the pie hole should help. The current plan (in pencil) is to drop to 270-275 and see how that feels/looks. I would still want to lift up in the 308's though. Probably a crazy idea but could work.


God Bless!

Monday, July 06, 2009

Sat ME Bench July 4th

Ripped was closed so Jeff, Brian and I went over to Gold's on Van Winkle.

Flat bench
Warm up
3 x 3 x 320

3 boards
2 x 365
1 x 395
1 x 405

DB bench
3 x 15 x 85’s

Lil Dave’s Tri’s
CS Rows
Alt DB curls

Figuring out that on the 3 x 3 day my board work is down by about 10-20#. Still good to have the higher # in my hands for my CNS to get used to. The 5/3/1 is a decent program for gaining over all strength but for me I didn't see it helping my bench 1RM. Technique and set up need to be honed under higher weights.

Complete new cycle starts Tuesday.


God Bless!

Friday, July 03, 2009

The week 7/03/2009

Helped a friend move a chunk of the week. Didn't hit the gym at all. Back in tomorrow.


God Bless!