Sunday, August 26, 2007

Sat 8/26

Good day. Good group. Lance Jeff A., Sean, Moosie, Parker and unbelievably, Spud. I guess he had bacerial meningitis and was way out of commission for a while. Good to see the kid back with his crazy arch. Humans are not supposed to bend like that.

Shoulder complex

Flat bench
??? x bar
??? x 135
3 x 225
1 x 275
1 x 300
1 x 320 This felt good because of last week. Came of my chest really fast. Slowed right @ the end but some extra lockouts should help that.

4 boards
3 x 335
2 x 345
1 x 355
1 x 365 Better technique and faster than all the others. Concentrated on rolling up on my traps and gaining the biggest breath possible after taking the hand off.

Floor press
5 x 135
5 x 185
5 x 225
5 x 245
5 x 255

Lil Dave's triple tricep crap 3 sets of 15 per each of 3 angles = 45 reps per giant set
1 x 30
1 x 50
2 x 60

8 x 115
8 x 135
8 x 145

Seated bent over rope low rows
5 x 105
2 x 5 x 135
2 x 5 x 150

Good work in this session. Great to have Spuddy back. Lance's shoulder seems to have gotten better. Haven't seen Manny in a couple of weeks. Word is that he may have overtrained his shoulder with the band and chain workouts he likes to do. After his surgeries tha last couple of years he needs to take it slowly on the extra resistence stuff.

Bwt Sun Am 252.

I went with Danielle yesterday and she got her self a new (used) car. A little Chevy Cavalier. Not a bad little car better than the POS Corsica she HAD to have last year. Its an '02 with 58K on it. She got the extra 4k miles warranty which I think is a wise idea. pretty much covers everything including towing.

Lisa and I are gong to drive up to Ft Lewis WA next Friday to see Ward. Long drive but it should be a good time. We will come back on Labor Day.

The world keeps moving faster and faster to its conclusion. Look up Alice Bailey and follow orginizational links for Lucis Trust. This new age thing isn't so new. It is also much bigger than you think. Also check out Fabian socialism.

Gotta go. Keep your eyes on God. No matter how weird the next few years get it doesn't really matter because God has already won the war.


God Bless!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Weds 8/22

Have plans for Thurs night so I trained on Weds

Hip swings

Icarian Power Squat
8 x sled
8 x 90
8 x 180
8 x 270
8 x 360
8 x 450
8 x 540
8 x 630
8 x 720
I don't know the weight of the apperatus but the added on weight x reps =25,920#

It felt pretty good. I didn't really feel my knees at all. I got pretty deep on thes. My glutes and the top of my hammies are a little angry this morning. Feels good.

Hack Sled
8 x 180
8 x 270
2 x 8 x 360
These were between 1/4 and parallel. Unlike the powersquats my knees move forward as I went lower on the Hack so I needed to keep the motion on the high side.

CS T row
5 x 90
5 x 135
3 x 5 x 160

Flite pulldown w/ dbld bands
worked up to
2 x 10 x dbl blue + dbl mini

EZ curl
8 x 75
3 x 8 x 85

alt DB curls
3 x 10 x 35's

stab ball wtd leg lifts
3 x 8 x 20

Nice session. Felt beat up in a good way. Really enjoyed the power squat. Knees feel great this morning. I need to figure out a way to add plates because the 720 maxed out the machine's capability.

BWT Thurs AM 251

I am finding more and more stuff on the web that interlinks many many orginizations and individuals that seem to be working very hard toward globalization. There is a somewhat quiet yet patient arrogance about their workings. Was amazed when I saw pics of the Israeli Supreme Court Building. Many occultic markings in it. But, it wasn't designed by Israeli's. Look it up it is facinating how things have been progressing without anybody paying attention.

Today's church is absolutely unprepared for what is going to unfold in the next 3 years. Could get ugly. Look up the links in previous posts and cruise them. Also try:

People do not fell for the lies that will be getting more prevelant. Get to know The Creator of the universe. Get into your Bibles and learn what is behind current events. Your eternity depends on it.


God Bless

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Tuesday 8/21

Hip swings
Shoulder complex

Flat DE Stump Presses

??? x bar
10 x bar + 50# hanging = 95#
5 x bar + 100# hanging = 145#
5 x bar + 150# hanging = 195#
8 x 3 x bar + 170# hanging = 215#
Miscounted in my feeble little mind and went higher than expected. Seemed to go ok though.

Suspended push ups
4 x 10 feet elevated

Overhead lockouts bar 1" over my head.
5 x bar
5 x 135
5 x 185
2 x 5 x 225

Seated DB cleans
15 x 25's
2 x 15 x 30's

Over head cable extensions
1 x 10 x 110
4 x 10 x 150

Rope push downs
3 x 15 x 110
This cable set up was light or the ones I normally use are way heavy. Who knows?

All done in 75 minutes. Weight for the last couple of days was 252.

Ward is in Ft Lewis WA now. Things are a little confusing right now in regards to what it will take to get him home. Army red tape and jurisdictional issues I think.

In regards to New Age and Global gov't stuff, get online and start following threads. Power Elite, Illuminati, Rokafeller(sorry that's wrong), Rothchilds, Free Masonry and others that you will come across. Lots of intertwining and seemingly seperate on the surface. National boundries will fade into regional governments and all covered by the global government and business. Roller Ball had a lot of this right.

This was coming for a while and was prophesied about in Daniel 9 & 12 and in Revelation. I am just amazed how they got it all done so far with hardly any notice. Look up the term Fabian Socialist. They work toward world changes in small subtle moves that in and of themselves seem innocent enough but when the end game is played the public wil not know how this new paridgm came to be. People need to wake up and take a stand for what is impoortant.

Gotta fly,


God Bless!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Sat 8/18

Back @ the American Fork Gold's today. Moosie's stomping grounds. Nice to move around and lift on different equipment. Moosie & Parker were there along with Lance, Jeff A.and myself. I'm guessing Sean was sleeping. I tried to get some heavier volume going. I think that happened today.

Hip swings
Shoulder complex

Flat Bench
??? x bar

DB Flat Bench
10 x 70's
8 x 90's
8 x 95's
2 x 5 x 120's
Goofiest thing, I couldn't find db's from 100's to 115's lots of 95's and 120's but the inbetween was not around.

Flat Bench
135 x ???
225 x 5
275 x 1
315 x m pop was ok but back was soft and had no lockout
295 x 1 fast
315 x 1 Moosie touched it but it was mine.

5 x 225 + 40# chains + 3 boards
3 x 275 + 40# chains + 3 boards
2 x 3 x 275 + 50# chains + 3 boards
2 x 275 + 50# chains + 3 boards
This was 325 @ the top. very little chain deloaded with the 3 boards.

10 x 115
10 x 125
10 x 135
8 x 135

lil Dave's Triple Tricep Trauma
3 x 15 x dbld mini
3 angle each set = 45 reps per set

Low Pulley CNG
5 x 200
3 x 5 x 200

Plate Raises
4 x 8

Yup, got some work done. I feel like the mental and set up portion of my bench is coming around. Speed off of my chest is coming back as well. Working on leg drive, spreading the bar and getting back up on my traps. Bigger breath helps as well. I paid more attention on the last 315 and it went lots better. Still have that crappy lockout on the last quarter of my stroke. The extra tri work should be paying off in that regard. I think I am getting more accustomed to the longer stroke.

I went into the local Gold's last night to help Nick Leinhart with a new Katana he bought. He got the angled sleeves. He got a 36 chest plate and 40 arms and a 40 back. It seemed jusyt a hair loose but it might be perfect with the ability to jack the shirt around and set up with the collar way low. He had a good night. did a lot of volume and was able to touch 275. I bet we could jack the shirt and belt it and he wouldn't be able to touch 350. Nice shirt. I might have to think about one of those. Cheaper than the Karin's DD I really want. I still like Mikey's old Rage X too. Aw well going raw for sure till at least December. Maybe up until next year's WABDL meet.

Things are decent at work. Some positive changes seem to be happening. Got a vote of confidence from the board by them allocating funds for some new equipment. Very good deal. Things are improving in other areas as well. God is good.

No word on Ward coming home yet. He is taking some heavy meds that turn him into what he calls a "window licker". Hopefully this is temporary.

People from church have been great this week and brought by dinners for 3 nights and daughter in law Mandi brought a roast on Monday. Great cooking. I gained about 5 pounds. Not even ceretain what I way today. 254 or so I think.

World situation keeps cruising along. Google power elite and follow those threads. What is going on now with the EU, NAFTA, Globalization of everything curious wars and lots more are the culmination of at least a couple hundred years of planning. Check out Alice Bailey's writings. She was one scary socialist promoter. People at the top of the food chain are still buying in to it whether they know it or not. We are rapidly heading into Global Socialism with just a few string pullers running the show. We are allowed to live our lives the way we see fit if we don't cause any trouble or get in the way. If you do become a nusance, regardless of position in the pecking order, you may just wake up dead. The crazy power mongers are real.

Read the Dennis L Cuddy Archives.

The positive thing is that though this life may get a little ugly before it's done, God has already won the war and this life is just a temporary dust particle in light of eternity. Chose God. Accept Jesus' sacrifice for your eternity. The alternative is not good.

We go to school and train for a career that may last 40-45 years. What do we do to train for eternity? What have you done to train for eternity? John 3.


God Bless

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Tuesday 8/14

Lisa's surgery went great on Monday. Her gall stone was the size of a large cocoa puff. No wonder she wasn't feeling well. She is tender today but able to walk around some and she got to take a bath today. She should be able to drive tomorrow. God is good.

Gym time:
Shoulder complex
Hip swings

DE Stump Presses
2 x ??? x bar
10 x bar + 50# hanging = 95#
5 x bar + 100# hanging = 145#
3 x bar + 130# hanging = 175#
5 x bar + 150# hanging = 195#
I tried to have a slow, controlled eccentric phase concentrating on my tuck and keeping the bar path through my lats and then paused ea rep with an explosive concentric phase.

Standing off of chin high pins
5 x bar
5 x 135
5 x 155
2 x 5 x 175

Upright rows
3 x 5 x 135

Tate press / rolling extension SS
3 x 8 x 55's/45's

DB French Curl
8 x 70
2 x 8 x 80

Suspended push ups feet on bench
4 x 10

Decent work out. Talked waaaay too much. Had 4 different people ask questions and want to try the stump presses. Ah well, paying it forward I guess.

Ward has made it to Landstuhl Germany. Lisa got to talk with him which was good for both. She didn't tell him about her surgery. He has plenty on his plate without worrying about his Mom.

I Google Earthed Landstuhl and found the hospital where they are evaluating Ward. Cool beans. I also looked at Ar Ramadi in Iraq. Nasty looking place. I am very glad he is out of there.

More stuff cooking on the world front. Keep up on international press releases. We get crap here about world events. worldnetdaily has stuff from around the world as well as fulfilled and some of their links.

Keep looking up, stuff is coming to hit the fan.


God Bless!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Sat: what goes around comes around

Or the prodigal son returns...

Moosie made it back after 10+ months of being off. He brought Parker who is going to be huge. Parker is 13 about 5'10" with a size 12 shoe. Diehard BB player. Great kid.

Life got very full this week and I wasn't able to get into the gym till Sat.

Good turnout. Jeff A, Sean, Lance, Manny, Moosie & son and me. Lance's shoulder bothered him again and he went around doing rehab stuff and chatted up old friends. Manny is looking bigger. He says he's back up to between 275 and 280 now. Sean is getting stronger and is improving in his 2 week mini cycle programs he does for ME bench. Good group of guys. Jeff is trying to figure out how to bench 32 days a week without over training. I suggested having him look @ Dave Tate's "Periodization Bible part II". Great description of the conjugate method and DE days. I hope it helps Jeff. Jeff is on the verge of taking off again strength wise I think.

Shoulder complex

Flat bench
??? x bar
10 x 135
Stump Press
5 x bar + 100# hanging = 145#
5 x bar + 140# hanging = 185#
4 x bar + 190# hanging = 235#
5 x bar + 190# hanging = 235# Jeff touched the bar on rep 5
5 x bar + 190# hanging = 235# got it all on my lonesome. These are crazy hard. The bar seems to have a mind of its own. It moves all over the map. This last set I concentrated hard on my tuck and bringing the bar down through my lats. BIG difference. I may do a 3 week cycle of these for DE day and speed bench.

5 boards straight weight
10 x 135 I know I know. I was just screwing around
5 x 225
5 x 315
3 x 365
1 x 385

8 x 115
8 x 135
2 x 8 x 145

Lil Dave's tiple tricep trauma with overhead cable
15 x reverse grip, 15 x forward grip & 15 x neutral rope grip = 1 set
1 set x 50
3 sets x 90

Bent over low row.
3 x 15 x ???
Read about this on Elite. Get the rope attachment on the low row and sit way back on the bench and with feet in front of you on the floor bend way forward. Pull back through your lats with elbows leading. Interesting movement. I'm a little sore in my back today.

I'm also sore in my pecs and a little in my anterior delts and my tri's. I really like those 2 tri exercises together.

BWT 252 Sat AM 252 Sun AM

Lisa has Gall Bladder surgery tomorrow. We need to have her @ the hospital @ 0600. Good times. She is actually looking forward to having this behind her and to start feeling better on a regular basis.

Ward has been moved from his unit and is on his way to Landstuhl in Germany for observation. His concussion injury, TBI, is not progressing in healing as much as the doc's would like. So, when he hits Germany he is done with Iraq. We are still hoping he can get home by mid Sept as previously thought.

Nice to see more people are starting to worry outloud about all of these geographic unions and what that means to soveriegnty and and national identities:

Spooky stuff. And most of us are pleased to be fat dumb and seemingly happy. Tings will change in spite of us and when the majority gets a clue it will be too late. I think it's too late to stop the wheels already. We have been cleverly rounded up and shoved into a pen. Not good.

Yet, the Bible predicted this time. If you aren't a Bible believer or reader, there will be a time where there is a cashless society soon (notice all of the Visa check card ads?). There will be a mark, tattoo or chip, that one must have to buy or sell. This mark is more than that. It is also the swearing allegiance to the world power. The Bible tells us that those that accept the mark and buy into the world system are doomed for eternity. This wil not be nice nor pleasant. When you see this coming around the corner, deny the mark. Accept Jesus (John 3). It may sound screwy but its accurate.

Drop a line if you have questions.


God Bless!

Saturday, August 04, 2007

ME Bench + Lance meets a friend

We came to lift. Lance's shoulder wasn't right. He disapeared after he saw another guy that works in corrections. Buh bye Lance...

Besides Lance Jeff and Sean were there. Sean said he started taking ZMA and had some odd dreams. I forgot to ask him more about that. Sean, drop me a note about those ok?

Shoulder complex
Lots of talk and joking

???? x bar
??? x 135
5 x 225
3 x 255
3 x 285
3 x 2 x 285
First reps on the 285 seemed pretty strong but ran out of gas quick on the other reps. That could be because of the higher volume earlier in the week. Felt pretty good re form and leg drove when I remembered to stay tight and drive up on my traps. Bar moved much faster when I did that.

Reverse grip bench 2 boards
5 x 135
5 x 185
2 x 5 x 225
The first 225 felt heavy but when I remembered to stay tight and to drive my legs the bar went up easy.

Push downs with "A" bar
4 x 8

Head supported bent over flies
4 x 8

Felt a little beat up today and not very motivated. Jeff seemed to be about the same but he perservered(?) and did more work than me. Sean worked bands on the bench. For a guy with long arms he is gaining on his lockout. Good mental toughness.

I love the Sat workouts. We are an ecclectic bunch. Most days I feel like we are the most sane people on the planet. I'm certain others would disagree.

Bwt 253 Fri AM 252 this AM. It's not about the cardio it's about what goes in your mouth.

The more I read the more I am convinced that we are in the last 7 years. If the ENP is the traety with many that is written about then we should see the Temple in Jerusalem go up soon. Big crap will hit the fan by June 2010. Christians Jews and possibly Muslims will be persecuted. Why? Because these are the only monotheistic faiths.

The people that keep to the basics of these faiths reject secular huminism which is a religion in and of itself. Secular humanism does not tolerate the thought of absolutes which is odd since the practitioners feel they are very methodical and scientific in their approach to life.

It is an age old religion that stems from lucifer and his rejection of the maker of the universe. Anything to promote one's self and to deny God. Lucifer's arrogance is astounding to me. He is very powerful and clever but is a created being nonetheless and can do nothing unless allowed to do so. Pinochio thinks he can overthrow Gepetto. I've read the Book. The war is over. God won. These last few battles/years may be difficult but the matter was settled when Jesus said "it is finished".

That's a legal phrase that meant the deal was done or paid in full. Jesus paid for our souls with his own blood so we wouldn't have to. All we have to do is accept the gift. God is a Gentleman and won't force you. John 3 and Rev 4. He knocks. We have to open the door.

Read up on Javier Solana. Then look up Herb Peters, Constance Cumbey, Dennis Cuddy. Good stuff.

Also check out the site Times of Noah.

Need to take a nap. Be good.


God Bless!

PS I had the honor of speaking with Constance Cumbey this week. Amazing mind. What a great committed person. Watch the videos on her blog. Eye opening stuff.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Thurs back, legs and bi's

Shoulder complex

bent rows underhand grip
?? x bar
5 x 135
5 x 165
5 x 185
5 x 195
5 x 205
My wrists felt pretty good on these. All of the underhand work has really increased my range of motion.

Weird lever pull down machine
12 x 105
12 x 130
12 x 155

Pin squat lockouts from bottom of chest
8 x 225
10 x 315
10 x 405
10 x 495
10 x 585
I probably could have jumped up another 50-90# but I needed to move on. I wish the knees allowed deeper movements. These went much better than anticipated. Left shoulder complained a little bit. Kinda felt kniked inside. Not sore at all today.

Standing band abs
3 x 10 x blue band doubled over chin bar

45 degree hyper used like a ghr
10 x bwt + mini
2 x 10 x bwt + 2 minis

Straight bar curls
8 x 50
8 x 70
2 x 8 x 80
Just testing to see if the wrists would hold up doing this. Surprisingly the right wrist has felt best during the whole workout. The left one hurt on the outside edge. It's fine now.

Weird plate curl machine.
3 x 8 with what ever was on there.

Quick workout. All in about 60-65 minutes.

Feeling pretty good. BWT Thurs 252, Fri AM 253. Had mass quantities of pizza last night. Yummy.

Javier Solana wants 10 international regions like and including the EU by 2009. This would include Canada, the US and Mexico as the North American Union with the currency being the Amero. Eventually the plan is to have the world under one gov't with the currency being the Phoenix. Not making this stuff up folks. You can find it all on the internet. I'm not certain there is anything to stop it.

I believe that we are in the 70th week of Daniel and that the great tribulation is not a full 7 years but 3.5 and that the wrath God will keep us from is His own. I believe we as believers will take some persecution as the new world order comes up before the rapture occurs.

Not making it up. I wish I was. Get on line and research. All of the events and information is out there to see. Keep your Bible open and your hearts on God.

Gotta fly.


God Bless

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Tues 7/31

Shoulder complex

Flat Bench
???? x bar

DB Bench
10 x 55
10 x 80
4 x 5 x 95
These felt much lighter and faster than the 90's 5 weeks ago.

Seated reverse grip shoulder presses
5 x 35
5 x 40
5 x 45
5 x 50
5 x 55

Seated DB Snatches
20 x 20's
2 x 20 x 25's

Band quad squat extensions
3 x 12 x blue bands

Band leg curls
3 x 12 x purple bands

?? x bar
4 x 8 x 135

Doc's triple tricep extension with cable
3 tri sets x 15 x 35
These are a set of palm reversed overhead extensions, palm forward and rope neutral grips. No break within a set other than switching grips or bar/rope. You wouldn't think that 35# on a cable would feel as heavy as it did toward the end.

Standing calf raises
2 x 20 x ???

I was going to do some suspended push ups but time was short.

Bwt Tuesday 253, Wed's 252. I haven't lost much weight but the switch in focus more to the training than cardio has dropped fat and added lean which is good. I wish I could drop more weight with the positive gains. I would like to lower the stress on my knees as well as being a comfy 242.

I am sore today. It takes alot to get my tri's sore. I am enjoying the extra work. Once I hit the weight room the WO took about 70 minutes. Not bad.

Lisa's Gall Stones are acting up. I hope she can last the 2 weeks until her appointment. Poor kid is in pain.

Finding more places to research current world events and how they got to the point where they are. is awesome for almost daily reports and commentary. provides pertinent news stories from many sources.

Read. Keep yourself informed. Get into the Bible and be aware that what is going on was predicted abd that though things may get grim for a short time, God is the Creator, the Victor is and will remain Lord of the universe.

Take Hope.


God Bless!