Wednesday, April 30, 2008

DE Bench + Assist

Tuesday @ Gold's on 7th in Sandy.

Warm up

Flat Bench
2 x ?? x bar
9 x 3 x 135 varied grips

Military Pin/Stump Press Pins @ chin height
Bar x 5
5 x bar + 90 swinging = 135
5 x bar + 120 " = 165
5 x bar + 140 " = 185
3 x bar + 170 " = 215# I believe this is a PR. The last set actually turned into 3 dead stop reps. Tough but felt good.

Prone Skull Crushers
8 x 75
8 x 95
2 x 8 x 105

DB Rows
8 x 100
2 x 8 x 135

DB Curls
8 x 40's
2 x 8 x 45's

I held back on the rows and curls. Bi's were still sore from Sat. Somewhere between lifting off Moosie and doing ez bar curls I got my bi's very sore. Moosie went up to about 675 for shirted board work. In his Katana he can't help off of the bottom at that angle. Back feels fine. Bi's got sore.

Felt really good about the 215 on the pin presses with 170# swinging. I'm feeling a lot better mental control the last couple of weeks. I picked the number and chose to get it. Very fun to find the extra gear. Hopefully I can transfer that over to my bench sessions.

Liking the very light DE work. I think I used to go too heavy before. Good times.

The election is getting to be more of a circus every day. Now Barrack has totally dumped Wright. Holy crap what a joke. Lord knows how it will all work out in the end.

Work to do.


God Bless!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

ME Bench @ Ripped Fitness

We met @ Ripped Fitness in Draper today. Very nice facility. I was last guy there because I helped my daughter move her big furniture back to our house. Our basement looks like a poorly packed storage unit.

Moosie and Parker and Jeff were there along with Manny and his posse. I think he had 3 guys with him today.

We weren't aware that they closed @ 2:00 on Sat but Jody was very cool and stayed till we were done. I think we will be back 1-2 times a month. Very nice atmosphere for training. Much better tunes than Gold's.

Warm up

Incline bench
Bar x ???
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
245 x 3
255 x 3
275 x 1
295 x M
In following V Dizenzo's program I had chosen 275 as my last rep regardless of how I felt and I tried the 295 which I should have gotten. Got sloppy and loose. I should have stopped @ the 275. Haven't done inclines in a long time and didn't know where I was. Goal is inclining 315 by or before the end of the cycle. Doable. Shoulders felt ok from Wednesday.

4 board flat bench
5 x 315 very fast
5 x 335
5 x 355 grinder on the 5th. I think 5 reps might be a PR here. Feel good about pushing through past what my head used to think was my limit. I think my head is catching up to the potential of my HRT.

Lil Dave's quad tri death
2 x 15 x ??

CG NG seated rows
10 x 150
10 x 180
2 x 10 x 210

Rev Pec Deck
3 x 10 x ?

EZ bar curls
3 x 10 x 85 very tired. Didn't push on these.

Really nice atmosphere to train in. Much better music than Gold's and it was only the 9 of us in that area for most of the session. We will be back.

Feeling much better about my ability to grind out reps. For some reason I have had trouble digging deep until recently. Very happy with the progress. Looking forward to the work leading into the August APF meet.

Bringing Dick Scouler into some websites about prophecy etc. His eyes are being opened I think. I'm going to let him borrow 'An Inconvenient Book' by Glenn Beck. Very insightful.

I here the new Ben Stein movie is excellent. Getting bad reviews from the left. Doesn't surprise me. the left these days cannot hold a civilized discussion if their life depended on it. They do not allow any dissent against Darwin even though there are so many real problems with their theory. DNA, vision, the fact that at the moment of conception there are billions of codes at work in a fertilized egg. Billions. All this happened spontaniously in some special sauce combo of slime? And where did the slime come from? Think about the building you are in while you are reading this.

Millions of years ago the building you are in didn't exist. It was nothing but a muddy piece of land. One dark and stormy night some lumber trucks were driving through carrying all manner of building material in a caravan. One by one the trucks failed to make the turn and all tipped over and then suddenly they were all hit by lightening. Over the centuries, out of the ooze, a building started to form. In time the building was complete with walls, a water tight roof, working sewer line, phones electricity, cable, locks, the whole nine yards. A MIRACLE!

Horse bisquits. Somebody bought the land, got permits, hired an architect and a contractor and built the building BY DESIGN.

Look to your local mountains, woods, marshlands, whatever. One chipmunk's cardiovascular system is more complicated than the building you are in and that building was built by design.
If there is a design, there is a designer. Why do people get so fired up and stupid about this? Maybe because they think they are their own little gods and if there is a bigger God (designer) they might have to answer to him?

"Be not deceived, God is not mocked." We are all going to answer someday for our lives and our actions. God says that none of us are good enough on our own but based on Jesus' sacrifice and our acceptance, we can be made good enough. John 3:16-17, 1 John 1:9, Ephesions 2:8-10. Look it up. Not my words. Make informed choices. True religion is not religion with rules and chants and do's and don't's. What it is is a relationship with the Creator of the universe. The earth and inhabitants area amazing but not worthy of worship. Nothing that is created is worthy of worship including the fallen one, lucifer. Only the Creator is worthy of worship.

Consider it.


God Bless!

Friday, April 25, 2008

4/24 Core Work

Warm up

Sumo dl's
3 x 10 x 135

Leg Press
5 x 10 x 450? (whatever the last guy left on)

Lever Machine Shrugs
8 x 270
3 x 10 x 360

Stab Ball Leg lifts
2 x 8 x 25

Fast session. Working into the sumos slowly. Even with the light weight I could feel my hammies alot. It's way early in this program but I am liking what Vinnie has put together here. Much thanks to Matt Rhodes for posting it on

Talked with Dick Scouler about end times stuff and prophecy along with current events. Wondered out loud if he would consider working on a booklet re same with me.

Amazingly crazy stuff going on in the world right now. Much scaruiness abounds.


God Bless!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Wed's DE Bench

Yuppers, back to speed work. Not worrying about % but concentrating on speed.


Flat Bench
2 x ?? x bar
9 x 3 x 135 varied grips

Overhead Lockouts
5 x 135
3 x 185
3 x 225
3 x 255
1 x 285
m x 305
1 x 305

5 x 135
5 x 155
5 x 165

CS Rows
5 x 45
5 x 90
5 x 135
5 x 180

Hammer Curls
3 x 8 x 40's

Feeling pretty good. I think that was the first time I have broken 300# on overhead lockouts. I really like working military off of the pins in the rack. I'm sure the purists wouldn't like the way I do them but I think the way I do them helps my bench by A. strengthening shoulders and tris and B giving me a stronger arch.

Looking forward to this weekend @ Ripped Fitness. I haven't seen the inside since they opened. up. I understand Brad has put some great equipment together.

Gas is going up, there are food shortages and the electioneering is just messed up. Are we in the 7th week? If we aren't, it is going to be a very bumpy ride. The world is just hacked in it's thinking. So blind and sooo wrong. And there is no discussion allowed. The 1st amendment is about dead. This is not a drill. We are really approaching trouble and getting there fast.

The Creator knows what is going to happen and has already won the fight. We are just riding out the last few pages. If you don't have a personal relationship with the God of the Universe, read the Gospel of John and the book of Romans. Get right or get left.


God Bless!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Sat ME Bench

@ Sandy Gold's on 7th East. Moosie, Parker & Jeff were there. Manny and his guy Mike were there also.


Floor Press
?? x bar
?? x 135
?? x 225
2 x 245
2 x 265
2 x 285
1 x 305
1 x 315
Had more in the tank but per the template I pick a # then work to that # leaving a bit on the table. Jeff actually thought I was done but as I got my second wind I pressed the bar and his hands.

3 boards
4 x 3 x 315
Last set was the best one because my focus on setup, being big and tight was the best. Go figure. I'm pretty sure most of my screw ups in the gym are lack of appropriate focus. i'm mental.

wide grip seated row palms down
10 x 150
2 x 10 x 170

Rev pec dec
3 x 10 x 150

Seated cable preacher curls
3 x 10 x ??

I liked this workout (1st ME session in Vinnie's template). I think I am going to add a tri exercise next week with the guys. I can get about anything off of my chest but I tend to satall 2/3 up.

The intensity is up in the group. I think we all have some things to show and prove. We are all capable of more than what we have done in meets. I think I'm the worst in our group at meeting potential. I need to be stronger and more consistant mentally.

We are going to check out Ripped Fitness next week. Should be fun to see what Brad has put together.

Heard Eric Milburn is done with his mission in October. I t wil be good to see that kid again. What an amazing natural strength athlete.

Stuff to do.


God Bless!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Thursday Stuff


10 x 430
10 x 655
10 x 700
There was a pair of 35's on the machine and I didn't want to bother taking them off. I also forgot a 45 on the 2nd set. I really need to check my loads.

Rack pulls just above the knee
10 x 225
10 x 315
10 x 405
5 x 495

10 x 225
2 x 10 x 315

Stab ball leg lifts
8 x 15#
2 x 8 x 20#

Nice quick sweaty session. I was close to the Gold's on 13th so I went there. Very different vibe in this gym. More "fitness" types. Lot's of hoops and raquet ballers as well. Once in a while it's cool to come here just to appreciate what I have over on 7th. A little slice of insanity makes the sanity really welcome.

First ME session tomorrow with the V Dizenzo road to 600 template. Looking forward to seeing how I will do getting ready for August.

Gotta fly


God Bless!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Warm up

DE DB Bench
10 x 50's
6 x 3 x 70's

5 x bar
3 x 135
3 x 165
3 x 185
3 x 205

Tuck seated lat pull downs
3 x ?? x ??
Tried something to mimic tucking in a shirt to isolate the lats. Not real impressed so far.

Over head wide grip extensions
3 x ?? x ??

Pretty certain I will do August raw. Going to check out a Vinnie Dizenzo program that he did for a 16 week cycle to break 600 raw.

I'll make a couple of adjustments along the way but will try to follow the spirit and philosophy of what he is trying to do.

Too much going on right now to go into current affairs.


God Bless!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Sat ME Bench

First session looking toward the AAPF meet in August. I think I will do that one and then lift raw in the AAU Peach Days meet in September.

Moosie and fam were camping and Jeff was in CA with his son's school band. Manny was there with Mike and Michelle came as well.

Warm up
Flat bench

?? x bar
?? x 135
?? x 225
3 x 275
2 x 315
KK DD on
3 x 365 no touch
3 x 3 x 405 nt
1 x 445 nt
I was a little concerned because Manny was lifting me off and I didn't know how much help he would be because of his shoulders and bad hip if I dumped the bar so I jacked the shirt and didn't come close to touching.

I think I will do more triples in the future. The guys said that my 3rd set of the 405 came much closer to touching. I didn't wet the shirt at all. I'm going to try getting this all figured out with a dry shirt. I don't think I get the pop I like when the shirt is wet.

Not a perfect session but I think progress was made.

Close grip Stump presses
3 x bar + 70 swinging = 115
3 x bar + 140 swinging = 185
2 x bar + 210 swinging = 255
m x bar + 260 swinging = 305 + 3 boards
3 x bar + 260 swinging = 305 + 5 boards

Lil Dave's quad tri death
3 x 110/110/110/150 x 15 ea

Holy crap was I beat up on the tris. Feels good.

Onward and upward. I feel pretty good about the August meet. My strength is up and I believe I am going in the right direction technique wise with the shirt. I need to be more automatic in my set up and be more confident in the equipment.

I'll give this a look see but may do the August meet raw. The Snake River meet was the first meet that the APF/AAPF had a raw division so all of the records are open.

We shall see.

The more I sit back and look at all that is going on in the world, our messed up election choices, food riots, genocide, lies about climate change etc etc. Lots of chaotic events screaming for a solution. Unforunately the masses will fall for the solution provided by the instigators that are looking for a global socialist state that they want to control. The True Solution will come back on a white horse and all will bow a knee. Not all will worship the King of Kings when He comes back but all will recognize who He is. Best to be on the side of the King. Pay attention. Events in the world are pulling together toward the end.

Refuse the koolaid
Refuse the mark
Accept the King


God Bless

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Snake River Meet, Idaho Falls, 4/5-6

Fun meet. Thanks to Linda and Mike.

Day one was the women and light weights as well as the pee wees. I've never seen this before but then again I don't get out much. The kids of the lifters get up and left mini weights. They were great.

I had a learning experience on Sunday. I had not touched in the KK DD to this point so there was a little concern. I've put on about 12# since I was measured for the shirt so that I am certain contributed. We wet the front of the shirt and that helped but it was not the complete ticket.

First attempt: 200 kg: Tucked and got the bar low but it drifted back and never touched.

Second attempt: 200 kg: Tucked harder and actually touched but I got my hands in front of my wrists and I dumped the bar. Got the sympathy "oooohhhss" out of the audience.

Third attempt: 205 kg: Lil Dave thought it might help to go up and touch easier. He was right but I got spooked and dinked with the shirt a little. I got the bar and hovered for an eternity about 2" plus or minus. They took the bar and that was it.

Stuff to work on: Drop about 10#. Bring in grip 2 fingers or so. Spend more time in the shirt.

I was planning on training this week but I became a grandfather again yesterday. Micah was born about 4 pm yesterday. 6# 7 oz. one of his first acts was to pee all over his sister Annystin. He seems pretty mellow. His Uncle Ward and I have plans for this Lad. Good times are in the future for sure... Close your doors and lock your windows...

Gotta fly


God Bless!