Thursday, August 31, 2006

Thurs Shoulders/Tris

Bike 5 min
shoulder complex x 2
bwt situps 3 x 10

Standing Military Stump Press
2 x 5 x bar
1 x 5 x bar + 70# Hanging = 115#
4 x 10 x 85# + 70 Hanging = 155#

I may be nuts but I think the overhead work may help my arch/lower back flexability.

Two Handed DB Swings
Front Swing to Eye Level
1 x 5 x 50's
2 x 5 x 60's
Front Swing to Snatch
3 x 5 x 50's
Front Swing to Snatch + Press
3 x 5 x 50's

Overhead Tri Machine / Stack Loaded
5 x 8 x???

Push Downs Easy Handle
4 x 8 x ???

Shoulders felt good. Getting more endurance with the sets of 8-10. Maybe will help the GPP some. Not going to get real excited. I still maintain that I was born built for comfort and not for speed.

Looking forward to the AAU meet 9/16. I feel the adjustments that have been made in this last cycle have all been good. Looking forward to see if it all pans out when it counts.

On the world scene, Iran is flipping off the UN big time. Who is asking for patience? China and Russia. Starting to heat up again. Ezekial 38 and 39 folks.

Had second set of interviews with Sport Court yesterday. This time there were 4 interviews. CEO, 2 VP's and the HR head. I feel like it went well and think that I am a good fit for their needs and personalities. I am supposed to know what they decide before the 7th.

God Bless!

Monday, August 28, 2006


Thought about flipping a tire today but that lasted like 4 maybe 5 nanoseconds. Still got some aches from last Thurs and Sat. And I'm old. I could have done more but I would have whined a lot and nobody wants that.

Went up to Flat Iron park to drag my smaller tire where the yuppies play tennis, soccer and frisbee.

Did a couple of trips forward and backward for about 70 yds ea. Played with a set up for ankle dragging that will work but I need like a passenger car tire or even a trailer tire. Something smaller.

The equipment wasn't coming together for the scheduled workout so after a brief discussion with myself we called it a day. We feel pretty good about the decision.

My 17 yr old daughter started her senior year today and I spent the day fixing the last minute details to get the tags on her new car aquisition. '93 Corsica. Not fancy but will get her to school and work and she paid for it.

Interview #2 with Sport Court is tomorrow AM. I'm jacked for it. It's time.

Mideast is just simmering..... God knows.

God Bless!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Sat ME Bench

Shoulder complex x 2
Bwt situps 3 x 10

Flat bench
2 x lots x bar

DB Flat bench
1 x 8 x 90's
1 x 5 x 125's
2 x 4 x 125's
These may have been better if I could have gotten a better grip position with my rt hand. Still feels puney some days. May buy some of those PowerHooks I've read about. They could help my grip set up on DB's.

Flat bench
1 x 5 x 225
add 52 Rage X
1 x a bunch x 315 Not certain on the stroke length but with that shirt it was really short. Helped seat the shirt though.
1 x 5 x 365 x 4 board
1 x 5 x 405 x 4 board
1 x 5 x 435 x 4 board
1 x m x 465 x 4 board set up was soft, chest was too low, no leg drive, set the bar up too high..... a crap attempt
1 x 1 x 465 x 4 board set up was tight, chest was up, had leg drive, set the bar up lower... wow, an ok attempt. Go figure. Was pretty fast as well. This ties an old PR if I'm not mistaken. Hand held up ok.

Rope push downs
4 x 8 x ???

Nice day considering I'm still beat up from Thursday's workout.

Gotta go do stuff.

God Bless!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Thurs Shoulders/Tris

Bike 10 min
shoulder complex x 2
bwt situps 3 x 10

Standing Military Stump Presses
2 x 5 x bar
1 x 5 x bar + 70# hanging = 115# total
1 x 5 x 75 + 70# hanging = 145# total
4 x 5 x 110 + 70# hanging = 180# total
These finally felt better. Figuring out how to stay tight vertically as well as using my lats in an upright position has been interesting. Getting a little angry helped a lot also.

1 arm DB snatches
1 x 8 x 70 ea arm
1 x 8 x 75 ea arm
1 x 6 x 80 ea arm
These are bad but not as bad as if you add a press to each snatch. Those are what we call the 'Widow Makers'. I did these for shoulders but the full body action works just about everything. Easy on the knees which is good.

Skull Crushers with bar with neutral (palms facing grip)
4 x 6 x 125

Back supported 'A' bar push downs (heavy stack)
4 x 5 x 120

Nice workout. I feel like I'm developing better support for my bench.Went a little long for what I did. But, it's a marathon not a sprint right?

Iran leaking they have the nuke? And they back Hezbollah? We haven't seen anything yet in the mideast. Check out Ezekial 38 and 39 again and research who has backed Iran to date. The next big events may or may not be the ones written there but wow, things are heating up.

If current events unsettle you and you want more assurance for your future, feel free to drop me a line at If you have a Bible, reading the book of John is a great place to start.

God Bless

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Bench stuff & back

Bike 10 minutes
Shoulder complex x 2
bwt situps 3 x 10

Flat bench
2 x ??? x bar
1 x 5 x 135
1 x 3 x 225
4 x 10 x 245

3" rack lockouts midgrip
1 x 3 x 315
1 x 3 x 365
1 x 3 x 405
1 x 3 x 415
1 x 3 x 425

Band assisted pull ups
4 x 10

CS rows
4 x 5 x 160

Suspended push ups, feet on bench
4 x 5 x bwt + green band behind back

Steady improvement. Feels good to be getting some stuff figured out.

Still feeling pretty good about this morning's phone call.

Not certain what to think about the world front. Feels like things are starting to tense up not too far from the surface. Be praying.

God Bless!

2nd interview

Very pleased today. I received a call before 8 this am asking me to go bqack to Sport Court for a second interview next Tuesday. To say I am jacked is an understatement.

Bench acc work later today.

God Bless

Monday, August 21, 2006

Monday draggin and flippin

Went behind the local highschool and worked up a sweat

tire drags with modified passenger truck tire + 20# med ball in it
4 x 80 yds forward
4 x 80 yds backward

Tractor tire flip 250#??
5 x 10 flips

Under hand med ball toss over head 10 x

Not a huge sweat but a quick workout. I'm hoping that the lighter more endurance style of lower body alternate work will help maintain explosiveness without compromising my meniscus.

Wondering what Iran has in store for 8/22. Supposed to be a "special" day for them. They have predicted something big. We shall see. I am glad God is in charge.

God Bless!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

ME Bench

Shoulder complex x 2
situps 3 x 10 x bwt

Flat bench
2 x ?? x bar
1 x 5 x 135
1 x 5 x 225
1 x 3 x 315
1 x 1 x 335
1 x 2 x 355 x 2 board
1 x 1 x 375 x 2 board PR
1 x m x 385 x 2 board
Threw on a very loose 54 Fury here. Chest plate is close to being right but arms are easily an inch too big and 2 inches too long.
1 x m x 395 x 3 board LOL was that a fire drill.... New loose shirt follies. Can't even explain it.
1 x 1 x 3 board. Yanked the neck down and belted up. Had forgotten how the Furies ride up. Not a great rep.
1 x 1 x 405 x 3 board. Best rep of the day. Torqued the sleeves waaay over so I got something out of them. Got what little arch I have going and got my back tighter. Felt like going for more because the rep was cleaner and faster than my warm up with 225. Rt thumb started feeling fatigued so I stopped on a high note. Like what about Bob... Baby steps....

The 335 full ROM raw felt real easy. I'm planning to open raw @ 150 kg (330) at the AAU meet in Sept so I'm glad this felt like it did. I think I will continue on with my training for raw as I have been and keep on using shirt work mainly to get used to handling heavier weights until my hand gets stronger.

Kneeling cable rope french presses
1 x 8 x 120
1 x 8 x 135
2 x 8 x 140

Pull downs
1 x 5 x 170
3 x 5 x 230

Suspended push ups feet on bench
1 x 10 x bwt
1 x 10 x mini behind back
2 x 10 x purple band behind back. These felt good.

Good work out Kyle Moosmann aka Moosie and Jeff Kuhni aka Great and Mighty Kahng, were there and Jeff Alferi (?) showed up to check things out. We probably set a record for the slowest work out we've ever had.

Bought a medal for son Ward. It looks like a smaller dog tag and has the Army Seal with "With God's help I served in harms way". Family all chipped in for it. He just got orders that he may have to redeploy to Iraq again very shortly. He might be able to get out of it because technically this is too soon. I hope he doesn't have to go. If he does, he will be doing a different job that should keep him safer.

Got an e mail from company #2, Sport Court yesterday. Apparently I have their attention and will get a second interview this week! Praise God! I also contacted LMS Intellibound Thursday for a site coordinator position for their new office in SLC.

Having a good time with Lisa's ex Mother and Sister in law. Seriously we all think of each other as family. Different I know but great. They are here to see Devynn, son Dave's 5 month old Baby. She is quite the charmer.

Need to hit the store.

God Bless

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Thurs Shoulders Tris

situps 3 x 10 x bwt
shoulder complex x 2

Standing Military Stump Press
3 x 5 x bar
1 x 5 x bar + 70# hanging = 115# total weight
4 x 10 x 75# + 70# hanging = 145# total weight

I'm pleased with this as this was an absolute misload. I was wanting 135# for 4 x 10 but couldn't seem to count...

Cable lateral raises
1 x 8 x 30 ea stack
1 x 8 x 35 ea stack
3 x 8 x 40 ea stack

Straight bar back supported pushdowns, heavy stack
1 x 8 x 85
1 x 8 x 110
2 x 8 x 120

Plate loaded french curl machine
1 x 8 x 25
1 x 8 x 50
2 x 8 x 60

Nice quick workout. Needed it. Almost blew it off but I'm glad I dragged my butt down there.

Need something good to happen. The marketing co I interviewed for yesterday is a door to door coupon book sales force... Not sure about that one. They loved me though...

Sent resumes to 2 other companies this am. Both could be good. One is a contracting/engineering firm. The other is a third party support company for freight handling/ stocking etc. They need a site coordinator. Reall similar to stuff I've done in the past. Sounds like a good company.

Lisa ex mother and sister in law comes into town today for their forst meeting with the Baby. They will love Devynn. Unless she's tired then she's a beast, lol.

Bad news is son Ward who got back from Iraq last Dec, got a call last night that he has to report to Ft. Lewis, WA by next week for deployment soon. Lisa Doesn't know about this yet. Ward should be telling her this evening. Won't go well. He shouldn't be going so soon. He is supposed to have 12 -18 months before shipping out again. If he goes, the clippers will come out again. Lisa will hate that as well.

Tough times.

What's going on with the US backing the cease fire? I thought we were going to back Israel in ending this once and for all? And Jimmy Carter? He is so far out to lunch. Needs to stop eating his tainted peanuts. Hard to understand how such a nice guy could be so wrong in his very public opinion.

Lot's to ponder. Ah well, training is going ok.

God Bless!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Bench accessory and back

Bike 5 min
shoulder complex x 2
situps 3 x 10 x bwt

Flat bench
2 x ?? x bar
1 x 5 x 135
1 x 5 x 225
3 x 5 x 295
1 x 4 x 295 close. Thought I had it but not this week.

Beau presses 3+ count pauses
close grip
2 x 5 x 225
comp grip
2 x 5 x 225

Band assisted pull ups
4 x 8 x ???
Felt better this week. Maybe there is hope.

Wide grip pull downs to chest close to bench groove
1 x 5 x 120
1 x 5 x 170
3 x 5 x 200

Suspended push ups feet on bench
4 x 12

Felt ok today. Weird though. warming up the 225 felt heavier than the 295. Go figure. Also my rt hand (surgery hand)still feels the affects of Saturday's overload doing shirt work. It's not injured, it's just sort of tired.

Peach days is about 4 weeks away. I don't plan on setting the world on fire but I should break 340 raw and possibly 350.

Saturday reinforced my opinion that I should be working raw for a while and bring the heavy shirt work up slowly so my hand can acclimate. Things are going so well I don't want to get greedy and screw things up.

I did enjoy working in Mikey's Rage X Sat. It was fitting about the way a shirt should. I wasn't totally satisfied with where we got the shoulders seated but
that should improve in time. The load in the Rage X seems to sit more on the shoulder seam than the Fury does.

The 54 Fury I got in the swap from Gords is big for me but Dave Edmundson (Titan Rep) has an idea about sending the shirt to Ginny Phillips and have the chest plate and the arms taken in and the arms shortened. I liked my 50 but it was too short for me. I'm glad Gord's can put it to use. I think I will have the arms and chest plate on the 54 pulled into a 50. May not be cheaper than a new shirt but surely faster than waiting for a custom from Titan. And it will be nice to have a looser back.

Gotta fly. Kids and grandkids showed up.

God bless!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Dragging and Flipping

Dropped of the big tire down at the Edge and did some dragging and flipping.

2 laps forward x 45#
2 laps backward x 45#
4 laps forward x 90#
4 laps backward x 90#

These laps were inside the gym around the equipment. I would guess that the laps might be 45-50 yards each.

Tire Flips w/ 275-300#(?) tire
4 x 8

After having played with that bigger one 2 weeks ago these felt very light.

Not a hard workout at all. Broke a sweat and got the blood flowing a little.

Shot the breeze with Big Dave, Mike Carroll and Al Z.

Talked with Company #2 today. They like me but wondered about my writing ability. Not bad but they just weren't certain if I had any so I dug up some samples and dropped them off. I would have taken more down but most of my work was on my lap top and it crashed like 2 days ago.

I need a job. I am glad God is gracious and has a plan for each of us. I hope I don't mess with His plan for me and mine...

God Bless!

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Me Bench

Good group today. Moosie, Mikey, Manny were there. Gord's came down and Ricky and Austin were up from Vegas squatting.

Bike 10 min
situps 3 x 10 x bwt
shoulder complex x 2

Flat DB bench
1 x 10 x 80's
2 x Brainfart x 115's
Weird. Set up was all funky and I ended up dumping the 1st 2 sets before I got 1 rep.
2 x 10 x 115
1 x 8 x 115
1 x 6 x 115

Flat Bench
1 x 1 x 315
1 x ?? x 315 Add Mikey's 52 Rage X ROM was about 3 inches, maybe.
1 x 1 x 365 Not close to touching but went really fast
1 x 1 x 405 2 board. Missed touching by 1/4". Went up fast & strong. They told me that in trying to touch I collapsed my chest.
2 x m x 455 The guys wanted to see what would happen if I didn't know what was on the bar so they loaded it after I got on the bench. Not close. 1st one I set up waaaay too far under and in trying to get the bar out I just dumped it. and was barely a little better. Not certain the wrist is ready for that yet. Maybe it's my head....

Moosie looked good. 20# PR on 4 boards. Gords made good progress in his set up and staying tight. He'll make big strides as he gets more comfy. Got him into a 50 Fury and that helped some. He should be in a 48 or even a 46. Good session. Positive work. I think I may like that Rage X.

Gotta do Sat stuff.

God Bless!

Friday, August 11, 2006

Back in the Saddle: Thurs Shoulders and Tris

I posted yesterday but it got lost some where in site maintanance, cyber space, black hole land.
Here's trying again:

Bike 10 min
situps 3 x 10 x bwt
shoulder complex x 2

Standing Military Stump Presses
2 x 5 x bar
1 x 5 x bar + 70# hanging = 115# total weight
1 x 3 x 105 + 70# hanging = 175# total weight
3 x 5 x 95 + 70# hanging = 165# total weight

Cheat Lateral Raises
1 x 8 x 55's
3 x 8 x 60's

Skull Crushers
4 x 5 x 125

Rope Push Downs + Mini's
4 x 5 x 100 + 2 minis around my neck

Had some editorial comments on the lost post. Ah well, I'll see what I can piece together and add either later today or after tomorrow's workout.

God Bless!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

0 - 2

Was on my way to do an alternate work out Monday when circumstances and apathy set in. The tire I got last week is great but weighing about 400#, it is more of a low rep tool for someone of my ability. I was looking to getting a lighter tire that could be repped for better conditioning. My tire connection told me he had what I was looking for and to come over. I was late getting there and D was out on a call. The other guys didn't know what he had talked to me about AND a thunder storm blew in like a bad boy. Sooooo I thought this was a sign and I didn't do anything Monday.

Feeling guilty about Monday I planned on FOR SURE doing my bench work out or at the very least do my drags and flips that I was going to do Monday. I guess I was wrong. I ended up communicating all day with my daughter, wife and son re a used car my daughter wanted to buy, plus my tire wasn't located until late afternoon. Basicly I developed a huge case of the screw-it's. No work outs at all Monday or Tuesday but my daughter bought her car and seems happy. Nothing fancy but good transportation at a decent price.

Not going to worry about the lost workouts. Start the cycle again with shoulders and tris tomorrow.

World situation? As my old college FB coach Chub Reynolds used to say: "MS, PHD. More of the same, piled higher and deeper."

God Bless!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

ME Bench Sat 8/05/06

Bike 10 min
Shoulder complex x 2

Flat Bench comp grip raw
1 x ?? x bar
1 x 5 x 135
1 x 5 x 225
1 x 3 x 315 PR
Add 3 boards
1 x 3 x 345
1 x 2 x 365 Had 3 but Mikey said I let my back get loose and had nothing to push from.
1 x m x 385 Mike said he gave me a couple of pounds of help but close doesn't count.
1 x 1 x 385 A grinder. Moosie's workout seems to be providing some endurance. I believe this is either an all time PR or ties an old one from before surgeries.

Incline Stump Presses
1 x 4 x 135 + 100 hanging = 235
2 x 5 x 135 + 100 hanging = 235
1st set I didn't get tight at all. Couldn't find a groove. Figuered it out for the last 2 sets. Was able to use my back much better. Set up is crucial to good lifting.

Push Downs w/A bar
1 x 8 x 210
1 x 8 x 240
2 x 8 x 250
Not sure what to think about the differences in stack resistance. Ah well need to forget about the #'s and worry about the resistence to work against.

Felt good about set up over all. Didn't always get it but was able to recover and get it right eventually. Decent workout. Am making progress and that feels good.

Feeling pretty good about the meet in Sept. Still planning on lifting raw and opening with 150kg. I understand it is the same day as the Utah, Utah State game. I hope it is true that it is a 6 pm kick off. Mikey is a USU alum. I will try not to hold that against him.

The world is calling for a mid east cease fire. Did they learn nothing from the fall of the USSR? As soon as the communist umbrella failled all of the little factions that head been kept quiet, woke up and started fighting each other again. Hezbollah may temporarily stop shooting but they want Israel to be blown off of the map. For the record others of that ilk also want the US gone as well. We need to wake up and smell the coffee.

Moosie was out with his son on an overnite scout hike last night. Too funny thinking about him trying to get a good night sleep in a sleeping bag on the ground. The last time I checked Moosie was 6'4" and weighed 310#. Hope he's ok.

Things to see, people to do.

God Bless

Friday, August 04, 2006

Thurs 8/3/06 Shoulders and Tris

Bike 10 min
Bwt situps 3 x 10
Shoulder complex x 2

Standing Military Stump Presses
2 x ?? x bar
1 x 10 x bar + 70# hanging = 115# total weight
1 x 10 x 55# + 70# hanging = 125# total weight
3 x 10 x 65# + 70# hanging = 135# total weight
These were set up in the squat rack. Safety bars were set at about just below chin height so if the swinging weights got out of control it would be safe to just dump it. Learned a trick today. I had read an article about setting up the right way for doing chin ups. The author said to set up like you do for your comp bench: grip width, shoulders set and shoulder blades retracted. This allows your body to maintain as close as a single groove as possible. I attempted to do all of the above for these military sets and found that stability was greatly increased with pulling my shoulder blades back and tucking my elbows. Allowed me to use my lats for lowering the bar and they provided a stronger base from which to press. Learn something everyday. Another tip, wear a belt doing these. You really get a torque going on your lumbar region.

Seated DB Cleans
1 x 12 x 30's
3 x 8 x 40's

Skull Crushers on the Floor
4 x 6 x 115

Rope Push downs on the nasty hard stack (the easy stack would let me use the whole stack easily)
1 x 5 x 75
1 x 5 x85 2 x 5 x95

Good workout. Very happy with the unstable Military Presses. This should have been a quick workout even though I went at a busy time in the gym. Eric Milburn was slumming and was working out at our lowly Gold's and we chatted quite a bit. The workout ended up about 2.5 hours.

For those that don't know, Eric is a rising powerliftingbenching presence. He's 20 and a 181 - 198er. I believe he has benched over 520 in competition. Great kid. Humble attitude. I don't think he appreciates fully the gifts he has. I believe he holds some records on the national level with WABDL and perhaps the AAPF and USPF as well. Eric leaves in 2 weeks on his LDS mission to San Antonio Texas. Though we differ theologically, I wish Eric a safe journey and looking forward to his return to the platform.

So much crud is escalting on the world scene. Craziness. I have no clue what most of the western politicians jabber about most of the time. It's like they don't understand the severity and the depth of what the Islamafascists are saying and doing. Our politicians make no sense in their denial. The keep reciting the Rodney King rhetoric of "can't we all just get along". Well per the Islamafascists I guess the answer is no. That can be seen now. We don't need to wait until they are beheading your neighbor next door. These people are not persuaded with words. They have shown they are willing to hide behind their own women and children then blame others for their deaths. We need to take a different approach to this situation. More serious and longer term.

It looks like the Hezbollah set up Israel by firing missles from buildings that had women and children in the basement. Israel fired back hitting the buildings then gets blamed for targeting civilians.

Another thing, we know what an Israeli uniform looks like. What does a Hezbollah uniform look like? How can we trust the civilian casualty reports? We can't.

Another thought, why is our media so eager to report all the negative about us and ours but very little positive and no negative re the opposition. Take Abu Grab. hhmmm Underwear on people's heads vs beheadings. Wow tough call. Our media and left are really, really messed up when it comes to rational thought.

Think bigger picture folks.

Another interesting site :

God Bless!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Tues Bench Acc and Back

10 min bike
3 x 10 x bwt situps
2 x shoulder complex

Flat bench
2 x ?? x bar
1 x 5 x 135
1 x 5 x 225
3 x 5 x 295
1 x 3 x 295 Fell 2 reps short of the goal. Having a little trouble staying real tight today. I'll get this in 2 weeks.

Flat close grip paused bench, thumb from smooth.
3 count pause
2 x 5 x 245

5 count pause
2 x 5 x 225

Band assisted pullups
1 x 5
3 x 8 I stink at these. I should do them more I guess.

Chest Supported Rows
4 x 8 x 125

Suspended Push ups, feet on bench
2 x 10 x bwt Ready to do more but the strap kept rubbing on a rash I have on my left elbow so I called it after 2 sets.

Better work out than expected. Still somewhat beat up from playing with the new tire yesterday. Wish I could have been able to hit the last 2 reps @ 295.

Everybody on the planet is posturing about the mideast situation. It is hugely important but howcome nobody talks about all of the killing done in Africa by the Muslims in power there? Just for an example do some web surfing re the Sudan. Bad nasty been going on for a while but we never hear about it nor do we do anything.

Funny how that little strip of a country like Israel, is the focal point of the world. Perhaps it is not what we think it is, but that the current conflict is much bigger in scope. If you haven't done so yet, consider Herb Peters thoughts on Thought provoking stuff.

God Bless!