Monday, August 14, 2006

Dragging and Flipping

Dropped of the big tire down at the Edge and did some dragging and flipping.

2 laps forward x 45#
2 laps backward x 45#
4 laps forward x 90#
4 laps backward x 90#

These laps were inside the gym around the equipment. I would guess that the laps might be 45-50 yards each.

Tire Flips w/ 275-300#(?) tire
4 x 8

After having played with that bigger one 2 weeks ago these felt very light.

Not a hard workout at all. Broke a sweat and got the blood flowing a little.

Shot the breeze with Big Dave, Mike Carroll and Al Z.

Talked with Company #2 today. They like me but wondered about my writing ability. Not bad but they just weren't certain if I had any so I dug up some samples and dropped them off. I would have taken more down but most of my work was on my lap top and it crashed like 2 days ago.

I need a job. I am glad God is gracious and has a plan for each of us. I hope I don't mess with His plan for me and mine...

God Bless!


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