Thursday, February 28, 2008

Weds 2/27 Bench Support

Warm up

Flat DB bench
10 x 55's
3 x 10 x 80's

Standing overhead rack lockouts
Bar @ top of my head
5 x bar
5 x 135
5 x 185
3 x 225
3 x 255
3 x 265
3 x 275 This is a 20# PR. The 3rd rep was real ugly but I am going to count it.
My left shoulder feels great. I am glad that naggy little impingement is better.

Assisted pull ups
I am sooo horrible at pull ups
5 x -100
5 x -80
5 x -60
3.5 x-40
5 x -50

Laying down tri extensions straight bar
8 x 180
3 x 8 x 200

Push Downs 'A' bar
5 x 8 x 200

Good session. The shoulder work went very well. The supplementation seems to be kicking in. Funny how things work better when the chemistry is right.

This election crap is getting out of hand. I sent workout Buddy Jeff a lampoon of Obama and he wrote back and ripped me up. Wow. I know he likes the guy but it was all in fun. He said some way off base stuff. I was very surprised at his response. He has had a bunch of stuff going on so I hope that had something to do with the harsh tone.

Ah well we will see how he is on Saturday if he shows up.

Regardless of what anybody thinks, the powers behind the powers keep moving their globalist agenda.


God Bless!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Sat ME Bench

AF Gold's
Decent group. Ammon showed up from the south with a new guy from Denver Aaron.

Warm up

Floor press
?? x bar
?? x 135
5 x 225
Add KDD open back
3 x 315
3 x 365
3 x 405
1 x 415
1 x 425
m x 435 rt hand didn't lock out all the way
No rep came close to coming all the way down

3 board flat bench shirt on
5 x 315
5 x 365
3 x 405
3 x 415
3 x 425
Had more in the tank but Aaron noticed my incision from having my cyst removed had opened up again so I stopped. I think I could've gone over 450 with a triple easily.

Lil Dave's Quadrophonic Triceps of Death
3 circuits of 4 stations 15 reps per station

Widow Makers (DB snatch to a press then down)
2 x 8 ea hand x 55
I have gone as high as 3 x 8 x 75 on these but not today

Good session. Feeling very good in the shirt. Not certain about next week. I hope I heal better. I may need to take the week off from benching.

Moosie took it easy. He's going to lift raw @ the Nasa meet in Denver next Saturday. He worked up to his opener which is 455. I think it is a bit high but he handles it well. His strength is his mind and his lockout. if he can get a weight off of his chest and he is ticked enough he will lock it out.

The world is getting stranger by the second. Look up Lucis Trust, Progressive, Fabian Socialist and read the comments on Constance Cumbey's blog.

Lots going on.


God Bless!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Thursday Stuff

With everything that's been going on I'm trying to work back into regular training.

Warm up

Leg press
15 x empty
15 x 270
15 x 450
2 x 15 x 540

45 degree hyper done ghr style
3 x 12 x bwt

Flite front pulldown machine
4 x 10 x ??

CS row
3 x 8 x ??

preacher curls ez bar
3 x 8 x ??

20 minutes bike

So so session. I got some work done without killing myself. Looking forward to Saturday. I am starting to really enjoy shirt training. It helps to have equipment that fits.

Gotta go


God Bless!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Monday recovery

Did a light recovery day with mini bands.

I did a cicuit 4 x of:

chest presses
pull aparts
overhead behind the neck pull apart/down

This doesn't seem like much but the blood flow it achieves really helps me feel better.

I'm supposed to go to the gym tonight but the water bed sprung a leak last night and I need to get the new mattress back in and full tonight. We shall see.

Lunar eclipse tonight. The next one is Dec 20, 2010. Interesting thing:

Joel 2:31 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come.

Acts 2:20 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come:

Rev 6:12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sack-cloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;

There is a thought that the ENP is the treaty with many and it started 01/01/07.

Mid point would be in 2010. Many believe scripture tells us the rapture will take place around the time of the opening of the 6th seal.

I don't know if this is the real date but it sure causes one to think.


God Bless!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Catching Up

Last Monday I did some mini band stuff for recovery. That seems to work well in moving blood around and pushing mobility.

Didn't train during the rest of the week until Saturday. Big snow storm on Wednesday and I had a cyst removed from my back Thursday afternoon.

Sat ME Bench @ Weber State with lil Dave, Jason, Moosie, Hayden, Ward & Me. Ok Travis and Nick and Dennis and Nick's Dad and Ward's friend Casey were also there. Manny was a no show. He tweaked his back and hips pulling earlier in the week.

Warm up

Flat Bench
?? x bar
?? x 135
?? x 225
2 x 275
1 x 315
put on the newly back KK DD open back
1 x 365 x 3 board
1 x 405 x 3 board
1 x 405 x 2 board no touch
1 x 405 x 2 board
1 x 405 x 1 board no touch chest collapsed. It was a wild and woolly ride. Locked it out though.
1 x 405 x 1 board no touch but closer
1 x 405 x 1 board 1/4" from touching

Went up to the vibrating plates and Lil Dave worked us with different grips. Those plates kick your butt.

Good progress today. I still had gas in the tank on the shirt work. I was working hard on bringing the bar lower on my abdomen. The shirt was semi jacked so I had to go very low with 405. The last set my rt thumb and wrist felt a little fatigued. It sounds weird but having a false joint and fewr bones than normal I try to pay attention. I called it there because everything went so smoothly.

There was never any doubt on being able to finish the 405. I am looking forward to the progress in this shirt. I need to touch lighter weights and get my right thumb/wrist stronger. I think I will start using my 36" Inzer wraps more and cast wrap up the base of my thumb more. That should help stabalize things.

Somewhere during the session I popped the majority of the Dr's stitching on my back. Before you say anything, he gave me permission to train. I'm pretty certain he doesn't know how a competition bench press is performed but his ignorance shouldn't be my problem. Should it?
Ward thought it was funny as all get out because this was a time where I messed up and he was fine. He was very excited about ratting me out to his mom. She wasn't real pleased. I heard a couple of Stephen John's and some other not to complimentary terms. She did clean it out and threw a steari (?) strip on it to close the gap. So far so good.

Lot's of stuff setting up on the world stage. Pay attention. The EU treaty is starting to be ratified by more and more.

Work to do.


God bless!

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Sat 2/9/08

Interesting Day

I used Lil Dave's suggestions today. He's a western periodization guy.

Warm up

2 x ?? x bar

2 x ?? x 135

12 x 2 x 230 Approx 70% of 330. 330 was a very conservative guess @ where I am raw. Better to be safe and live to lift another day.

4 boards

3 x 315

3 x 330 was supposed to be 345 but I misloaded myself again. Forgot the dime and nickle on one side.

3 x 345 Got it right...

2 x 355

1 x 365

1 x 375

Lil Dave's Quadrophonic triceps of death

Not sure on the weights

We did 4 circuits. Tris are fried

Cable front raises

4 x 10 x ????

I feel beat. Good stuff. Big Sammie brought me a bunch of his Zenerex 3 mini shots. They are a decent little pick me up. Can't take them too late in the day or I'll be up all night.

Need to go check on thimgs.

Pay attention to current events. Be prepared for anything.


God Bless!

Friday, February 08, 2008

Weds & Thurs

Warm up

Flat Bench
2 x ?? x Bar
3 x 10 x 135
Just for blood flow and working the quick

Military Stump Presses: pins @ chin height
5 x bar
5 x bar + 50 = 95
5 x bar + 100 = 145
5 x bar + 120 = 165
2 x 5 x bar + 140 = 185 This set was ugly. Dumped the bar on the pins a few times but I got the reps.

Lateral Raises
3 x 8 x 35's

NG pull downs wide grip
10 x 120
10 x 160
3 x 10 x 180

Lying Straight Bar Cable Extensions
8 x 150
4 x 8 x 200

'A' Bar pushdowns
5 x 8 x 200
These pulleys are set up way light. No way that was 200#. It was written on the stack so I'll take it.

Nice session. I think the supplementation is helping. Normally military tweaks my left shoulder
but it is not as tender as usually is.


Power Squat
10 x 270
10 x 540
10 x 630
10 x 720

Rack Pulls
5 x 315
5 x 405
5 x 455
2 x 3 x 495

DB Rows
8 x 100
4 x 8 x 130 Coulda been 135 but it wasn't marked so you go with the lower #.

Seated hammer curls
4 x 8 x 40's

Good time. Legs feel pretty good. Back is sore this AM (Friday). Good sore. The rows went very well.

Happy with the way things are going in the gym. Looking forward to ME Bench tomorrow in American Fork. I love Saturday mornings. Ward may come with me. That would be awesome.

Haven't done much looking around on the world scene. Still heading down the slippery slope. This election has gone in the crapper. Gonna get ugly.

Gotta hit the road.


God Bless!

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Recovery Monday

Did a mini band circuit to get the blood flowing some.

Did 4 circuits of chest presses, flies, pushdowns and pull aparts.

They seemed to do some good as I'm not nearly as sore today as yesterday.

Dave Edmondson has agreed to put together a program to work with what Moosie and I are already doing. Some of it is ok but he knows how to adequately prepare for a meet.

Super Tuesday is today. I am so underwhelmed by the candidates that I could fall asleep while driving. The sad part is that one of these yo yo's is soon to be a big part in our future.


God Bless!

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Sat Me Bench Gold's on 7th East

Lot's of stuff going on this week. Work picked up and we finished moving Mom out of her apt. She's been here for 6 weeks or so but we hadn't dealt with her furniture and bigger items. It's all done now. Well I mean it's out of the apartment and in our house. Not 100% dealt with.

Needless to say I didn't train all week. Looking forward to getting a rhythm started next week.

The session:
Much smaller group this week. Lot's of stuff that the guys had to do. Jeffy showed up. He's fighting a back issue with some other things that have him down. It was really good to see him.

Today was the first day of the Lil Dave onslaught fo real. This is what I did per his direction:

Warm up

1. Flat Bench Mini Band Behind Back
6 sets x 15-18 reps 45 second rest between sets. 2-3 second eccentric phase, pause and fast concentric phase.

2 x 15 x 155
10 x 155
15 x 135
10 x 135
15 x 115

2. Close Grip Floor Press Mini Band Behind Back
8-12 sets x 3 reps 20 second rest between sets. Stay on floor till all sets are complete.

8 x 3 x 155

3. Light DB Circuit Mini Band Behind Back
Flat, Incline, Decline 3-4 circuits x 15-18 reps per station

3 x 15 ea x 30's

4. Lil Dave's Quadraphonic Triceps of Death
3-4 x 15 reps each of reverse grip overhead extension, forward G O E, rope O E. and push downs with a weight heavier than the first 3. Each set will be 60 reps.

15 ea x 90/120
2 x 15 ea x 90/130

Holy crap was that mean. The saving grace is that I didn't get pushed quite as hard as if Moosie, Sam or Lil Dave was there. I will pay a price tomorrow and Monday. It will be much worse next week if we go up to train @ Weber St with the northern boys.

I am very happy that we still have the feedoms that we still have in the US. I think that this all will change sooner than later. Read the news on the web. Check out prophecy sites and independant news sites. We may not be able to stop what's going on but we can be prepared.


God Bless!