Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Tues 7/31

Shoulder complex

Flat Bench
???? x bar

DB Bench
10 x 55
10 x 80
4 x 5 x 95
These felt much lighter and faster than the 90's 5 weeks ago.

Seated reverse grip shoulder presses
5 x 35
5 x 40
5 x 45
5 x 50
5 x 55

Seated DB Snatches
20 x 20's
2 x 20 x 25's

Band quad squat extensions
3 x 12 x blue bands

Band leg curls
3 x 12 x purple bands

?? x bar
4 x 8 x 135

Doc's triple tricep extension with cable
3 tri sets x 15 x 35
These are a set of palm reversed overhead extensions, palm forward and rope neutral grips. No break within a set other than switching grips or bar/rope. You wouldn't think that 35# on a cable would feel as heavy as it did toward the end.

Standing calf raises
2 x 20 x ???

I was going to do some suspended push ups but time was short.

Bwt Tuesday 253, Wed's 252. I haven't lost much weight but the switch in focus more to the training than cardio has dropped fat and added lean which is good. I wish I could drop more weight with the positive gains. I would like to lower the stress on my knees as well as being a comfy 242.

I am sore today. It takes alot to get my tri's sore. I am enjoying the extra work. Once I hit the weight room the WO took about 70 minutes. Not bad.

Lisa's Gall Stones are acting up. I hope she can last the 2 weeks until her appointment. Poor kid is in pain.

Finding more places to research current world events and how they got to the point where they are. is awesome for almost daily reports and commentary. provides pertinent news stories from many sources.

Read. Keep yourself informed. Get into the Bible and be aware that what is going on was predicted abd that though things may get grim for a short time, God is the Creator, the Victor is and will remain Lord of the universe.

Take Hope.


God Bless!


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