Friday, July 20, 2007

Thursday 7/1


45 degree hyper pads high and mimick a GHR (kinda)
10 x bwt
10 x bwt + mini
2 x 10 x bwt + 2 minis

Blue band quad squats
4 x 12 x blue bands
SS with Standing Abs
4 x 12 x green + mini

Lean back pull downs to upper chest
4 x 8 x 200

Alt db curls
4 x 8 x 40's

The band exercises don't look like much when you're doing them oh crap do they work you. I let a couple of people try the band quad squats with light bands and they both cramped up in less than a full set. Good stuff.

Feeling pretty good. I am liking not doing the cardio. Don't get me wrong, cardio has it's place but I am built for comfort not for speed.

BWT 250 Friday AM. Eating more salads with chicken fish or lean beef at night. Seems to be helping.

Gotta get back to the grind.

The world keeps moving forward. Lot's of talk about the "quartet" getting a mideast peace going. Solana behind it all. Interesting stuff for sure.


God Bless!


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