Thursday, July 12, 2007

Tuesday and Wednesday

Busy week and the schedule got bumped some.

Shoulder Complex

Flat Bench db's
10 x 45's
4 x 10 x 65's

Military Lockouts: pins set just above top of head.
5 x bar
5 x 135
5 x 185
5 x 205
5 x 225

JM's Thanks to Sean sending me a video I think I go them right for once.
8 x bar
8 x 95
8 x 105
8 x 115
8 x 125
8 x 135

No Cardio. Had to run and meet Lisa and Danielle for dinner. Nice quick session. Shortened the time between set. Got the heart going. Felt pretty good.

Shoulder complex

Seated GM's
2 x 10 x bar
10 x 95
8 x 135
5 x 185
2 x 5 x 225
5 x 245
5 x 255

Blue band behind knee extension/squats
3 x 12

CS rows 45 grip
8 x 90
4 x 8 x 115

EZ bar curls
4 x 8 x 90

Stab ball weighted leg raises
3 x 8 x 20#

No cardio

Bwt 254 Tuesday AM, 253 Weds AM, 252 Thurs AM. Dropping due to changes + Psyllium? Hmmm?

I am trying something new to shake up things. I am decreasing my time between sets and varying sets and reps a bit. Trying to be a little more agressive in the reps. Also dropping some of the weight in accessory stuff. Dropping some cardio to see what happens. My weight loss seems to have been more about quantity/quality of food/beverage intake than about time doing cardio.

This experiment is about seeing if I can get the heart benefits I need by having a better training pace and see if strength is better without the fatigue of cardio. Time will tell

Worked out Weds because there is a BBQ @ Lisa's boss's place tonight.

Knees are kinda sketchy. Those military lockouts felt good upper body wise but I think the angle of compression wasn't great for the knees. I probably will have to do those off of a bench next time. These lockouts also get a good stretch on the lumbar area. Hopefully good for more flexibility in my arch when I bench.

Between the knee pain and the plateaued weight loss I am contemplated changing up training for like 6 months +/-. My intial weight loss did not take a real stringent program. If things don't kick up again I'm thinking about swapping into a more BB/fitness type of program for a bit and when goals are reached, switch back to a Westside influenced PL program. I hope things improve without going that direction. I hate the boredom of fitness "workouts". PL training is more mentally engaging.

Lot's to toss around. God is good. I shouldn't stress on the small stuff.

Lisa looks like she may be having some Gall Badder issues. She is seeing the Doc this afternoon. I hope this is something that can be treated with meds. She has her trip with her Mom to FL next week.

Started taking Psyllium Husks this week. Wow that stuff is interesting. If you don't get enough fiber in your diet, give this stuff a try. All I can say is wow.

Nohing much else is changed. Dan, Ward, Dave et al seem good. Dave etc have passed a bug around but they will be ok. I am enjoying the boredom. I shouldn't relax too much. Life tends to come in waves. God tells us to always be prepared and to trust in Him regardless of circumstances, good or bad.

Gotta fly. Things to see & people to do.


God Bless



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