Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Monday 6/18

Hip swings

Leg Press
10 x 270
10 x 450
10 x 540
2 x 10 x 630
Knees held together pretty well. Not sore Mon nite or Tue AM. RT hammy @ the glute tie in got a little sore but not a thing really.

Hammer Strength High Row?
8 x 160
8 x 200
8 x 240
2 x 8 x 270

Alt db curls
8 x 45's
2 x 8 x 50's
8 x 40's

25 min bike

Bwt Mon AM 255# (What the...?) Bwt Tues AM 251#

Feeling pretty good these days. Not sure what's up with the weight flux. I ate well @ Annystin's party and not so bad on Father's day. Gotten serious again (For the moment any way.)

I have a kink in my back in the lower middle of my Thorasic area. Around T-8 - T-12 or so. Just left of center. A little like a cramp and a lot like I need my back popped. It hasn't hampered strength but it does bother.

Things seem to have mellowed out some. Praise God! I know things are cyclical and some crud is always close by. Gotta live through God's power to get the joy of living through His will.

The world is so screwy right now. I am getting the strong feeling that the rports may be true the GW is busy selling us down the river to a North American Union with Canada and Mexico. I don't know of one person that wants that.

I believe Herb Peters may be right that we have entered Daniel's 70th week. That means things will escilate for a couple of years then by about June 2010, the crap will really hit the fan. Time for everyone to consider their relationship with God and get it right or eternity will be nasty for you. Not my word's or wishes but just the result of not accepting God's provision for us. A simple thing really.


Look it up.


God Bless!


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