Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Monday Afternoon

It was nice to get in to the gym early because of the holiday.

Shoulder complex
Hip swings

Band assisted pull ups
5 x green band
5 x 5 x purple band

Leg press 45 degree sled
10 x 180#
10 x 360
8 x 540
5 x 720
5 x 810

Standing band abs
12 x greeen band
3 x 12 x green + mini

Easybar curls standing
8 x 90#
5 x 100#
3 x 8 x 100#

Bike 45 minutes on random
Bwt post workout 250

Nice workout. Left knee is a bit grumpy this (Tues ) AM. Got real sore last night but the ibuprofen helped. bwt 252# this am. Had a bit too much of the Memorial Day bbque. Ah well a guy needs to live ocasionally (?) right? I'm not losing # but I am still leaning out which is a positive. Pant size is down to a 38". That's down aprox 6". Feels good. I don't think I even want to try on any of my bench shirts. They will all fit like pajama tops I'm certain.

I heard 8 soldiers got killed yesterday. Sobering stuff. I don't know how many get the broader scope of this whole deal. When counting the Iraqi deaths, civilian vs military what does the insurgent uniform look like? What does the al Qaeda uniform look like? Can you tell the difference between an Iranian insurgent and an Iraqi farmer?

There was a poll done in Iraq of Iraqi's that say that the Iraqi locals believe that 70% + of all Iraqi deaths can be attributed to Sunni vs Shia or insurgents. Of the remaining deaths, how many were insurgents and how many were true civilians? This brings the # way down folks. Don't forget your ability to discern when you hear someone spouting facts they don't really know or understand.

Don't get me started on the WMD's. They are there, they were there. Ask my kid who is over there. He has been involved in findinf Scuds with chemical warheads on launch pads. Why doesn't the press report this? What do they have to lose? Perhaps they were wrong in calling the President a liar in this regard.

Ah well enough raising of the blood pressure this early in the week.

More later ya'll


God Bless!


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