Saturday, July 01, 2006

ME Bench Day

It was just Mikey and me today at the West Jordan Gold's

Warm up:
5 min bike
3 x 10 x bwt sit ups
shoulder complex w 10's

Flat db bench
1 x 5 x 75's
4 x 5 x 115's PR

Incline Stump Presses
1 x 5 x 135 + 50 hanging = 185 total wt
1 x 3 x 135 + 100 hanging = 235 total wt
2 x 4 x 135 + 100 hanging = 235 total wt

Push downs
6 x ?? x ?? stack for most of em. Not all stacked machines are created equal.

Very excited about the db PR. Going to go for 120's in 2 weeks. Wasn't real easy but was very solid. Hand and wrist did fine. My head is finally sarting to wrap around numbers that my body is capable of lifting. Fun thing being able to get stronger as we get older. 50 in December.

Stump Presses (named by Moosie 'cause I thought of them.) came about after I watched Manny bench with a cambered squat bar. If you didn't stay tight with the cambered bar, tiny weights would crush you. Since I A. can't afford a bar right now and B. hauling a bar around on a whim is a hassle, I C. came up with another idea. Using tie down straps we create a loop that we place through a plate(s) then hook the ends together and hang it off of the end of the bar. This forces you to stay tight and maintain your groove. If not, you may be buying new This really moves the bar around alot and works your little stabalizers. Helps later in a straight bench when you missgroove you can pull it back in without hassle. The more weight you hang the stronger the swing. My all time PR is 325 raw total weight: 225 + 100 hanging. The most I ever hung was 95# a side for 190# hanging. I only worked up to 265# with that. Very tough. Those straps come in very handy. Not only do we do a variety of Stump Presses we add handles and do suspended push ups, suspended lockouts and some very spooky Stump Squats. Back when I was allowed to squat, I hung 2 45's off of each side and had 225 on the bar. This was a total weight of 405#. The squats (sets of 5) weren't a big deal but the walk out and back in was kinda scary. Got a lot of strange looks on that one. I also use a strap to hang plates around my waist for dips.

Found a new prophecy page that looks enteresting: Worthy of a look. Even one that isn't into the Bible would find interesting things on the prophecy pages I've listed. Another is Koinenia House by Chuck Missler. I hope that is how it is spelled. Interesting thing lots of prophetic things look like they are pointing toward mid 2010. The Mayan calendar (?) stops @ 2012. Not certain of the connection if there is one but both dates fit in with the young earth position that the earth is about 6,000 yrs old per Biblical records.

Our annual 4th of July party is just about here. Sounds like we will have a good size group. Probably do some yard stuff today to get things ready. It's been warm it mostly dry. I hope people play it smart and not get careless with fireworks. Here in UT the fireworks are pretty low key. 80 miles up the road in Evanston WY you can buy what ever your heart desires fireworks wise. I'm worried about dumbies that get their hands on some of the rockets and mortors and send them over brush. I pray for the best.

Very happy about today's workout.

God Bless!


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