Friday, July 21, 2006

Interview Company #2

Skipped shoulders and tri's today because of the interview and #1 son is out of town so I helped my daughter in law with the grandkids.

The interview(s) yesterday went very well in my mind. The position is for a tech manager that will interface with several parts of the firm, dealers and outside customers and handle various other tech related issues. The writing and communication aspect seem like a good fit. Because of all of the people the position will interact with, they had all the candidates go through interviews with 5 sets of people. I sarted out at 10:00 am and left at 2:45 pm. Voice is very scratchy today.

Got some pretty good feedback from some of the principles. I should hear back by Tuesday/Wednesday to see if I made the final 2. If I did, I then meet with the CEO. A decision should be made by Fri. I hope the good feeling I have isn't just gas.

Looks like Israel is going into southern Lebanon with ground troops. When they do, pay attention to Iran and Russia. China may posture a bit as well but Russia and Iran will do more than that. They are the ones backing the Hezbollah.

Interesting times for sure.

God Bless!


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