Sat Me Bench
Hip Swings
Shoulder complex
Flat bench Stump presses comp grip
?? x bar
5 x bar + 100# hanging = 145#
3 x 135 + 100# hanging =235#
3 x 155 + 100# hanging = 255#
3 x 185 + 100# hanging = 285#
1 x 205 + 100# hanging = 305#
Med grip bench w/3 boards and chains. (chains = 19# per side when fully loaded)
5 x135 + chains
5 x 225 + chains + 3 boards
5 x 245 + chains + 3 boards
3 x 275 + chains + 3 boards
2 x 295 + chains + 3 boards
1 x 315 + chains + 3 boards
Straight bar push downs
5 x 210
3 x 5 x 250
Cable straight bar cable raises
5 x 100
5 x 110
5 x 120
5 x 130
40 minutes on bike on random setting
Weight? Weird this week. Up and down all week. Had a big breakfast today then weighed in @ home after the gym and was 255#. Hopefully things will gewt back to normal this week.
Lisa was able to talk to Ward online last night. He wasn't full of information but he failed his initial walking and Maze tests. He retested and passed his walking test but has not had a retest on the maze.
He also said he had a piece of metal in his head but he wasn't real informative about what that was. He has to meet with a board to see if he is fit to fly and if he should be sent home or not.
Finally a nice weekend out there. Mid 70's on the way home from the gym. Have to mow the backyard and get the swamp cooler going.
Good times.
God Bless