Bike 10 min
Bwt situps 3 x 10
Shoulder complex x 2
Standing Military Stump Presses
2 x ?? x bar
1 x 10 x bar + 70# hanging = 115# total weight
1 x 10 x 55# + 70# hanging = 125# total weight
3 x 10 x 65# + 70# hanging = 135# total weight
These were set up in the squat rack. Safety bars were set at about just below chin height so if the swinging weights got out of control it would be safe to just dump it. Learned a trick today. I had read an article about setting up the right way for doing chin ups. The author said to set up like you do for your comp bench: grip width, shoulders set and shoulder blades retracted. This allows your body to maintain as close as a single groove as possible. I attempted to do all of the above for these military sets and found that stability was greatly increased with pulling my shoulder blades back and tucking my elbows. Allowed me to use my lats for lowering the bar and they provided a stronger base from which to press. Learn something everyday. Another tip, wear a belt doing these. You really get a torque going on your lumbar region.
Seated DB Cleans
1 x 12 x 30's
3 x 8 x 40's
Skull Crushers on the Floor
4 x 6 x 115
Rope Push downs on the nasty hard stack (the easy stack would let me use the whole stack easily)
1 x 5 x 75
1 x 5 x85 2 x 5 x95
Good workout. Very happy with the unstable Military Presses. This should have been a quick workout even though I went at a busy time in the gym. Eric Milburn was slumming and was working out at our lowly Gold's and we chatted quite a bit. The workout ended up about 2.5 hours.
For those that don't know, Eric is a rising powerliftingbenching presence. He's 20 and a 181 - 198er. I believe he has benched over 520 in competition. Great kid. Humble attitude. I don't think he appreciates fully the gifts he has. I believe he holds some records on the national level with WABDL and perhaps the AAPF and USPF as well. Eric leaves in 2 weeks on his LDS mission to San Antonio Texas. Though we differ theologically, I wish Eric a safe journey and looking forward to his return to the platform.
So much crud is escalting on the world scene. Craziness. I have no clue what most of the western politicians jabber about most of the time. It's like they don't understand the severity and the depth of what the Islamafascists are saying and doing. Our politicians make no sense in their denial. The keep reciting the Rodney King rhetoric of "can't we all just get along". Well per the Islamafascists I guess the answer is no. That can be seen now. We don't need to wait until they are beheading your neighbor next door. These people are not persuaded with words. They have shown they are willing to hide behind their own women and children then blame others for their deaths. We need to take a different approach to this situation. More serious and longer term.
It looks like the Hezbollah set up Israel by firing missles from buildings that had women and children in the basement. Israel fired back hitting the buildings then gets blamed for targeting civilians.
Another thing, we know what an Israeli uniform looks like. What does a Hezbollah uniform look like? How can we trust the civilian casualty reports? We can't.
Another thought, why is our media so eager to report all the negative about us and ours but very little positive and no negative re the opposition. Take Abu Grab. hhmmm Underwear on people's heads vs beheadings. Wow tough call. Our media and left are really, really messed up when it comes to rational thought.
Think bigger picture folks.
Another interesting site :
God Bless!