Thurs Core 7/30/09
Rack pulls
10 x 245
10 x 325
3 x 10 x 375
Power Squat
10 x 540
10 x 630
3 x 10 x 720
45º Hyper
3 x 15 x bwt
Leg lifts on stability ball
4 x 15 x 30#
Standing ABS
3 x 20
Kroc Rows
Low pulley EZ curls
Seem to be getting stronger core wise. Moving up in weight and reps went ok on the leg lifts.
Grip is very suspect on the high rep rack pull work sets. In the future as I go up in weight I might wuss out and use the straps. I had to reset like 3-4 times on the last set. Very wussy. But since I will never pull in comp and this is core day.... And I do the kroc's.... Helloooo straps...
I love it when a plan comes together.
God Bless!