Sat Bench
No Situps, abs too sore from Thursday.
Hip swings
Shoulder complex
Flat bench
2 x ?? x bar
8 x 35
5 x 225
4 x 5 x 255
Though not explosive, these were solid with no doubt.
3 board reverse grip
5 x 135
5 x 185
5 x 225
3 x 275
2 x 275
These felt better than expected. I need to get a better feel for the groove when the weight gets above 225. Lance had me bringing it higher and I'm not certain that it should be there. I'm thinking upper ab. Tough to tell on 3 boards. I will try 2 boards next week. Lance had some good lift offs today.
Tate press/ rolling lockout ss.
4 x 8 x 55's/45's
Lateral raises
4 x 8 x 35's
Low row underhand grip
8 x 150
8 x 170
2 x 8 x 190
Not a bad work out. I am still intrigued with the underhand grip. It is becoming more comfortable and if for nothing else, it is givng me a better range of motion in my wrists. It is different work for my tris for sure. If things keep clicking and I am able to compete in Sept. I may just give reverse grip a try. Something different for sure.
Bwt this AM 251. I'm really liking not doing cardio. I am still able to maintain my weight and strength is coming back. I can concentrate more on the training session and not worry about getting enough time for cardio. I do wish that I could get down closer to 242. I know I can do the water loss method but I would rather come in with no worries and no hassle.
Please pay attention to the world news from MANY sources. World Net Daily is an alternate source that provides news from agencies around the world. Many have a very different view than what we are given in the west. After awhile one gets the impression that our media doesn't like us very much. They seem to develop shadow causes and gripes that aren't real and facts presented, if accurate are ignored. The agenda of the moment is more important that the facts at hand.
Things are changing quicker than we want to admit in the world and not for the better. If you aren't convinced and haven't accepted Jesus' gift of salvation, you will see strange thngs and be very worried. Do yourself a favor, when asked to take a mark in order to buy or sell or make any money transactions refuse it. Accepting it is permanently binding you to the prince of the world and a very unpeasant eternity. There will be no coming back from the mark. The prophecies are coming true just as the earlier ones have. With about 95% of the Bibles predictions coming true and about 5% left, don't bet against the future that is spelled out in the Bible. God will reign with or without you. He would much rather you join Him. Read John 3.
God Bless