Saturday, January 31, 2009

ME Bench @ Gold's on 7th

Just Hefe and me
Warm up
Flat bench full ROM
?? x bar
?? x 135
?? x 225
3 x 315
3 x 2 x 340 PR
Wanted 3 x 3 but not in the cards today. Might have had 3 reps on the first 2 sets but Jeff helped a bit so it's only 2 legit reps per set. Still a PR but not what I had hoped for.

4 Boards
3 x 385
1 x 415
m x 435 No joy. I should know better than to go this heavy on a rep day. High % volume just too much.

Straight bar push downs

Seated low pulley rows wg ng

Wanted to do a couple of more movements but Hefe was hungry and was buying breakfast. Nice omelette. We went to Britton's just the other side of 9400 S on 7th E.

Came up with a better twist on my ME day cycle. Currently I'm doing 4 weeks of different main exercises then a 3 x 3 rep day followed by a 3 x 6 rep day. I'm going to change to the 3 x 3 day followed by 2 weeks different movements then 3 x 6 followed by 2 other movements. Still a 6 week cycle but split differently breaking up the rep weeks.

Also when I don't hit the full 3 x 3 or 3 x 6 (which is where I am today) I will drop back 15-20# the next rotation and work back up. Sort of a working deload.

Though I didn't get my #'s I am ok with today. The session took forever. Paraphrasing Ron White I was working @ a pace that was "half the speed of smell".

Weight has been a steady 290#. Weird. I must be losing fat and putting on lean mass because my strength is going up and clothes are loser in the right places and tighter in the right places. Funny being 52 and stronger than I have ever been. Not complaining. You couldn't pay me enough to be 20 again.

Alliance of Civilizations. Interesting organization. Most probably have never heard of it. It is the religious side of the UN. They are attached at the hip to Lucis Trust. Google both Lucis Trust and the AoC. I will write more later on these. Both will be factors in the end times. Alice Bailey is a name that will pop up. Once you get a handle on Lucis trust and it's original name, look for associated organization in it's family tree. Very surprising information.

Lots of intertwining of seemingly unrelated organizations going on. The sense of the deal comes with the Biblical view that what is playing out is really spiritual warfare. The day to day details that we experience are mere bits in a broader scheme. Globalization is being thrust upon us in some very subtle and some not so subtle ways.

I guess this explains that even though money was budget and a contract was let why we don't have a fence on our southern border.

Amazing how much stuff doesn't get mentioned by the media. BTW check out how many owners are involved in the mainstream media and who they are. One would be surprised at how few there really are and what their political persuaisions are.

Through all of the crap, the God of creation is still in charge. Keep the Faith.


God Bless!

Friday, January 30, 2009


DJ needed to use my truck then Stevie Ray Britton came over and shot the breeze then WB came by to fill out and fax VA stuff. Mom needed some help and the dog ate my homework so I didn't get to the gym for core day. Don't feel bad. Knees are acting up some. Wondering if it's weather change (darn you Al Gore) bike riding at the gym or just age and arthritis.

The new Pres is taking on Rush Limbaugh? Mistake. Not because of the one on one match up (well that too) but because it lowers the status of the Presidency. Besides Limbaugh is not talking about the President himself but his policies and proposals. It is not a personal attack but B. Hussein is stooping to the personal. A critique of policy is not an indictment of the man. I suppose it could be in the larger scope but it is not at this time.

Dude is trying to remake America and it's wrong. Rush is pointing that out. The "stimulus" package is crap. So much extra in there that has nothing to do with creating jobs. Pelosi had a bunch of "choice" stuff in there claiming that if there were fewer people then there would be more for everyone else.. Very skewed logic. There seems to be a bunch of that floating around with our new leadership.

The way things are moving it is making more sense as to why the US is not seen in end times prophecy. We might well be an impotent has been on the world stage when it all hits the fan.


God Bless!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Cardio stimulus package

40 min bike on Random

Vote on stimulus is today what a waste. Tax cuts will provide 2 x the jobs for half the money. Been proven. this new deal revisited didn't work for FDR and won't work now. Point is not the economy but to grow government and power.

Go figure. Smoke and mirrors. Keeping us all fat and happy and we will just all go along. Wrong.

Listen to Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh etc and do not accept at face value. Do your research and they will be proven accurate. Think for yourselves. Beck has a free newsletter that can be seen @ Worth your while.

If you don't have confidence in the God of creation you'll be pooping puppies soon. It will get spookier and very scary. Understanding God's plan and accepting gives peace beyond comprehension.


God Bless!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Bench acc

Warm up

Flat bench varied grips
??? x bar
3 x 3 x 135
3 x 3 x 185
3 x 3 x 195

over head close grip off of pins
8 x 135
8 x 185
5 x 225
5 x 245
3 x 255 PR I think

CS rows
8 x 115
8 x 180
2 x 5 x 225

1 hand rope push downs

Face pulls

1 hand rope curls

Feel pretty good physically. Strength is coming along.Wrist feel a bit arthritic the last couple of days but nothing to write home about. I think the combo if the HRT getting up to speed and finally getting a program that has the right volume. As I look back I got a lot of work in but it was counter productive to recovery and real strength gains.

Crazy times. Very frustrated with the lack of work. Not sure where to look. Major prayer topic here. Also frustrated with helping care for mom in law who has Alzheimer's. I wasn't built with a lot of compassion but I think I might be developing some. She is lots of work some days.

Ok somebody needs to start a pool to see how long the new press secretary lasts. Boy is waaay out of his league. B Hussein holds his first press conference of his term with... Arab agency. I really don't know what to think of that. I am daily getting reconfirmed that Dude is very naive and in no way prepared to lead. May God have mercy on our souls. People keep asking for people to cut him slack. Bull shit. He wanted to be president. He is president. Ready or not go lead son. He said he was ready but we need to be patient? give him the same scrutiny every other president received. Those that say he needs time, are they saying a president of color is not initially up to the task? Affirmitive action for the leader of the free world? My Aunt Fanny.

But if this is just a precursor (?) of things to come and has to happen before things get bad before things get good.... Bring it. I would like a job in the middle of all this though. I wonder if I can sneak by Reich's rules and get one of the new jobs without anybody noticing I'm a white guy. Last I checked I was still an American.

But in the short run some things are going ok. Did I mention that training is progressing nicely?

Get right with God or get left.


God Bless!


Went in and rode the bike for 30 minutes. Not hard. HR only hit 122. Easing back into this cardio stuff.

Still flabergasted (shouldn't have been) about the seemingly purposeless (might be wrong word here) flurry of activity from DC. Every move seems to be followed by an explanation that now precedant has been set and a committe will be convened to figure out how to do what we said we were going to do but didn't know how to do it when we got here to do it. Those guys are running the country and I can't get a job. We are in such deep doodie. Arrogance is not intelligence and what they don't get is that we the people aren't going to be the only one's hurting from their calls. Thier decisions will come back to haunt them as well.

I feel like Slim Pickens riding the bomb down.


God Bless!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

ME Bench @ Gold's on 7th

Moosie came w/ Parker. Good to see those guys again. Nice to have someone that knows me give crtique on what I do. He adjusted a form issue early and things were better from there.

Warm Up

Flat Bench Dragon Tails (newly renamed Stump presses. Like "Ride the dragon tail"...)

2 x ?? x bar

?? x bar + 90# swinging = 135

5 x bar + 180# swinging = 225

3 x bar + 230# swinging = 275

1 x bar + 260# swinging = 305

1 x bar + 270# swinging = 315 PR

1 x bar + 280# swinging = 325# PR Tighter. Better rep. These are good for keeping the back tight. Touchy left pec was not an issue at all on these. Felt it more on the first warm up than the 3 work sets.

Rack Lockouts

5 x 365

3 x 405

3 x 435

2 x 465 (PR I think)

Seated wg low rows

1 arm pushdowns

Standing ez curl low pulley curls

Rev pec deck

Better session than expected. Tempo was slow but the strength was good. Was pleased with how I was able to keep tight with the Dragon Tails. LOL Kinda had to or I would have lost the bar then my head...

New admin is interesting. Seems that they were not prepared to lead when they got into office. The new press guy has zero answers when asked. Dude is either dumb or is sent out as the whipping boy. Either way bad move in my mind. Does not breed confidence at all.

All is a moot point. This current global passion play was predicted and will play out. If one is in doubt re their place in eternity, better get right or get left. See John 3 for starters.


God Bless!


Carbon copy of Tuesday this week. Got a level of screw it going on again.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Stuff added up on the schedule and I didn't get to the gym. I have found lately that the odd day off for me works out well and doesn't seem to hinder progress.

New guy is in place. I hope he changes his mind on tons of issues to the betterment of the country. Dude has lofty goals and seems to want to ignore history and go with applications that don't work in real life. This doesn't make sense unless of course he has a different agenda than the one advertised.


God Bless!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Sat @ Gold's on Van Winkle

Hefe is volunteering @ Sundance and needed to go early and close to his place.

Warm up
Floor Press
?? x 135
5 x 225
3 x 275
1 x 315
1 x 335
1 x 355 PR *
* Hefe touched the bar. I J hooked and I don't normally do that so he touched the bar. Back got loose but I did all of the vertical work. Had the bar undercontrol on the horizontal as well. He's turning into a little old lady.

Push downs

WG pulldowns to the chest

Finito. We spent a great deal of time BSing and catching up. Happy with the 355. Body weight is still higher than I'd like it to be (290#) +/- ) but my strength is still increasing. Would like to be down into the high 270's and keep the strength. Doable.

Inauguration is this week. Let's get it over with and see if the new guy can do what he says. I don't thnk he can but will make excuses and still act like he's a leader. Dude is good at running FOR positions but I haven't seen a track record that says much about his leadership skills.

His cabinet is a joke. I guess good moral character is hard to find these days. We're screwed. Watch out, double standards are everywhere.


God Bless!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Core Thurs

Warm up

Weird lever leg machine for a bunch
Standing leg curls
Leg Extensions
Weighted ab machine
Standing calf shrugs

Quick and semi uninspired.

Very amzaed at the lack of quality of the people being pushed for the new cabinet. Aren't their any qualified people with moral character available? It is simply amazing at what people are willing to overlook. This might be a very sad 4 years.


God Bless!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Bench acc stuff
Warm Up
Falt bench
2 x ?? x bar
3 x 3 x 135
3 x 3 x 165
3 x 3 x 185

Overhead lockouts
3 x 135
3 x 225
3 x 275
1 x 315
1 x 335 PR
1 x 345 PR grinder

High pulley tri extensions

Wide grip seated rows

Rev pec deck

Things seem to be coming together. Hopefully I can get a way to Idaho Falls in April. Would be fun.


God Bless!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

ME Bench

Warm up
Flat Bench
3 x ?? x bar
?? x 135
5 x 225
4 x 315
Add 2 board
3 x 365 quick
1 x 385 "
1 x 405 PR Felt solid
M x 405 got greedy. Bar was too high, back too loose and the bar came back toward my head. Shoulda woulda coulda; just do it

5 Board
4 x 405
3 x 425
1 x 435 Probably the best rep all day

EZ pushdowns
Highpulley WG to chest
Seated rope face pulls
EZ low pulley curls

Things seem to be coming together. Would like to lift in the AAPF Nationals in Idaho Falls in April but not sure how I can swing the $$. Lord willing I'll get there.


God Bless!

Friday, January 09, 2009

Core Thurs

Warm Up
Power Squat
10 x 270
10 x 540
3 x 10 x 720

Shrugs on lunge machine

Pull thrus low pulley using straps

Kneeling Abs

FL beat OK for the BCS championship. Such as it is. Not a bad game. Much more D than expected. Utah ended up #2 in the AP poll and I believe #4 in the BCS Poll. Lots of broohaha about the BCS not being a true championship. Every other NCAA sport has a real playoff or championship. When things seem confusing or not right, follow the money. Stuff gets clear pretty quickly.

Crap is escalating in Israel/Gaza. Going to get weird or worse or both prior to improvement. There will be temporary improvement then literaly all hell will break loose. Get your house in order. Times they are a changing.


God Bless!

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Bench Acc

Warm up
Flat Bench
3 x ?? x bar
3 x 3 x 135
3 x 3 x 165
3 x 3 x 185
Feels like I'm getting better pop off of the bottom.

Military Pin Stump Presses in the rack @ chin high
?? x bar
3 x bar + 90# swinging = 135
3 x bar + 140# swinging = 185
3 x bar + 170# swinging = 215
3 x bar + 190# swinging = 235 PR I think. Admitting that the reps did not all come down to chin height. Pleased none the less. Shoulders are staying healthy and bench is going up. Probably wouldn't win a legit military contest but I will sleep well any way.

Lil Dave's Tri Quad Death with red straps

CS Rows

Rev Pec Deck

Straight bar low pulley curls

Felt pretty solid today.

Going to be interesting to see what happens in Israel in the next few months. It will be interesting for sure.


God Bless!

Saturday, January 03, 2009

ME Bench @ Ripped

Finally my bi's stopped being sore from the zercher's on Wed's. I forgot about that when I chose to do them.

Warm up
?? x 2 x bar
?? x 135
5 x 185
5 x 225
3 x 275
2 x 1 x 305 Went much better and cleaner than I had anticipated. Per VD I left it here because 305 was a PR and the # I picked to hit. Better to leave some in the tank. Finally I am learning something.

Flat 4 boards
6 x 315
5 x 365
3 x 395
2 x 415
2 x 425

Seated Hammer Strength dips

Rope push downs

CG NG High Pulley rows to chest

Standing rope face pulls

Low pulley rope double hammer curls

Speed felt pretty good today. Concentrating on set up a lot. Should work on bigger breath next week. Larger breath = tighter torso = more weight lifted. At least on paper...

I'm not certain but doing core work on Wed's may have helped with today being a better session. I'll have to pay attention next Saturday after doing core work on Thursday.

Utah handled Alabama last night in the Sugar Bowl. 31-17 and it wasn't that close. Awesome game. I need a copy.


God Bless!