ME Bench @ Gold's on 7th
Warm up
Flat bench full ROM
?? x bar
?? x 135
?? x 225
3 x 315
3 x 2 x 340 PR
Wanted 3 x 3 but not in the cards today. Might have had 3 reps on the first 2 sets but Jeff helped a bit so it's only 2 legit reps per set. Still a PR but not what I had hoped for.
4 Boards
3 x 385
1 x 415
m x 435 No joy. I should know better than to go this heavy on a rep day. High % volume just too much.
Straight bar push downs
Seated low pulley rows wg ng
Wanted to do a couple of more movements but Hefe was hungry and was buying breakfast. Nice omelette. We went to Britton's just the other side of 9400 S on 7th E.
Came up with a better twist on my ME day cycle. Currently I'm doing 4 weeks of different main exercises then a 3 x 3 rep day followed by a 3 x 6 rep day. I'm going to change to the 3 x 3 day followed by 2 weeks different movements then 3 x 6 followed by 2 other movements. Still a 6 week cycle but split differently breaking up the rep weeks.
Also when I don't hit the full 3 x 3 or 3 x 6 (which is where I am today) I will drop back 15-20# the next rotation and work back up. Sort of a working deload.
Though I didn't get my #'s I am ok with today. The session took forever. Paraphrasing Ron White I was working @ a pace that was "half the speed of smell".
Weight has been a steady 290#. Weird. I must be losing fat and putting on lean mass because my strength is going up and clothes are loser in the right places and tighter in the right places. Funny being 52 and stronger than I have ever been. Not complaining. You couldn't pay me enough to be 20 again.
Alliance of Civilizations. Interesting organization. Most probably have never heard of it. It is the religious side of the UN. They are attached at the hip to Lucis Trust. Google both Lucis Trust and the AoC. I will write more later on these. Both will be factors in the end times. Alice Bailey is a name that will pop up. Once you get a handle on Lucis trust and it's original name, look for associated organization in it's family tree. Very surprising information.
Lots of intertwining of seemingly unrelated organizations going on. The sense of the deal comes with the Biblical view that what is playing out is really spiritual warfare. The day to day details that we experience are mere bits in a broader scheme. Globalization is being thrust upon us in some very subtle and some not so subtle ways.
I guess this explains that even though money was budget and a contract was let why we don't have a fence on our southern border.
Amazing how much stuff doesn't get mentioned by the media. BTW check out how many owners are involved in the mainstream media and who they are. One would be surprised at how few there really are and what their political persuaisions are.
Through all of the crap, the God of creation is still in charge. Keep the Faith.
God Bless!
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