Moosie and Parker had a family gig so they weren't there. Sean wasn't there. I should call him. Jeff couldn't come because there was some kind of accident in front of his place and he couldn't get out. The heavy snow was a contributor I'm sure. Manny and Pablo showed. First time for Pablo. I'd met him at some meets but never trained with him. Good guy. I hope he comes back.
Warm up
Flat bench
?? x bar
?? x 135
5 x 225
1 x 275
1 x 320 rt hand really lagged bad
Flat Stump Presses
3 x bar + 50 hanging = 95
3 x bar + 100 hanging = 145
3 x bar + 150 hanging = 195
3 x bar + 190 hanging = 235
3 x bar + 240 hanging + 3 boards = 285
3 x bar + 260 hanging + 3 boards = 305
1 x bar + 275 hanging + 3 boards = 320 Best rep
m x bar + 290 hanging + 3 boards = 335 not close
?m? x bar + 290 hanging + 3 boards = 335. Not sure. Manny jumped in and grabbed the bar early. I thought I had a shot. Maybe not. Ah well another day.
This is the most I've ever swung before. Tough but fun. Really makes you stay tight. I've done a 265 + 100 hanging 3 board before for 365 but that is a lot more stable than swinging all of the weight. This was a lot tougher today.
Med grip 5 boards
5 x 315
4 x 335
2 x 345
rope push downs
10 x 110
4 x 10 x 150
ng low cable rows
5 x 200
4 x 5 x 220
I was feeling a little beat up from the Wed's session. I had pushed pretty hard on the overhead lockouts. I think today could have been better but I'm not disappointed.
Fun workout. Manny and Pablo are good to train with. Pablo is a fairly new 148'r in his 40's I'd guess. Nice guy. Works hard. And Manny, well is Manny. Manny can't be described, he has to be experienced.
Tim Tebow won the Heisman. Great athlete and a real nice Christian kid. He represents well. First sophomore to ever win it. He is the real deal.
Work is kind of stressful. My immediate boss and I are very different people. I really don't have a clue about how he communicates or how he processes. That does not bode well for me. Praying hard about it and what it all means. I did find out that at almost 51 I am a protected class and I have to really mess up bad to get the axe. I hope it doesn't come to that. I haven't screwed up bad but I didn't exactly shine in a project that was outside of what i was hired to do. They shouldn't ask a broken ex jock to go do physical labor. It doesn't seem to go quickly. It also helps to know that it was somewhat of a set up because some of the details were left out to "test" me. I don't get the game playing. The sad part is that my boss isn't the only mgmt member that is less than sytraight forward in his approach. It is a very odd environment where perception trumps facts. Tought to get ahead when the truth doesn't matter. No way to defend yourself at all. Fortunately I have to use a bunch of vacation and personal days before the end of the year so I will be getting a break. That will be good.
Gotta go.
God Bless!