Monday, December 31, 2007

Mon Bench Support

Met up with Moosie and parker @ Gold's on Redwood in WJ. Nothing huge today.

Flat bench
?? x bar
3 x ?? 135

Light DB Pull Overs
4 x ?? x 65 (I think)
Just got a nice stretch going.

Close grip behind head military
5 x bar
5 x 95
5 x 135
5 x 155
5 x 165

Seated low row.
5 x 100
5 x 150
5 x 170
5 x 200
5 x 220
2 x 5 x 250

rope push downs drop sets
2 x 8 dropping 20# from 180# down to 40# (8 sets of 8 x 2).

DB extensions from the chest
2 x ?? x 50's

Then we went to Pat's bbq. Good stuff. Shuree and the rest of Kyle's kids went as well. They bought. Happy birthday to me! Oh yeah I turned 51 today. Onward and upward.

Need to go. Bowl games to watch.


God Bless!

Sat & Sunday 12/29 12/30

Sat Gold's AF
Moosie, Parker, Manny, Pablo, Sam and Dennis were there. Jeff must've had his kids.

Warm up

Floor press
?? x Bar
??? x 135
5 x 225
5 x 245
5 x 255
4 x 265
3 x 275
M x 315 should've had it. Moosie helped some. Parker says I got loose on the bottom. Kid is getting smart.

3 Board Stump presses flat bench
5 x 135 + 50 hanging = 185
5 x 135 + 150 = 285
3 x 165 + 150 = 315
3 x 185 + 150 = 335
1? x 205 + 150 = 355 Moosie touched the bar but didn't really assist, I think....

8 x 110
2 x 8 x 120
8 x 130

1/2 Dips
4 x ??

Plate loaded shrug machine
10 x 270
10 x 550
2 x 10 x 630

30 min recumbant bike

Good day of training.


30 min r bike
30 min treadmill

First time in the cardio theatre. They were Playing Bourne Ultimatum. I stayed to finish the movie after i was done with my cardio. Good stuff.

Took this very easy. Just wanted to get the blood moving. Was beat up somewhat from Sat's work.

Gotta go. Stuff to accomplish today.


God Bless!

Friday, December 28, 2007


Went in and did 2 quick sets on some machines. Bench, military, low row and shrugs.

40 minutes recumbent (?) bike on random.

Meant to get to the gym earlier and on Wed's but hey, I am on vacation...

ME bench in AF tomorrow.

I am excited, I got fortunate and got an appt Monday with a new Dr that my wife knows to check on my blood work. The endo I saw is younger and wants tons of extra work done that we feel is not necessary for what we are trying to do.

Lots of people running around here. Need to fly.


God Bless!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Sunday & Monday

20 min upright bike
30 min treadmill
10 min (5 + 5) eliptical

DB rows
7 x 80's
7 x 95's
3 x 7 x 110's

High Pulley pulls to chest
10 x 150
2 x 10 x 170

Rack Pulls Mid knee cap.
5 x 225
5 x 315
5 x 365
3 x 5 x 405

Preacher curls ez bar
4 x 8 x 70

20 min recumbant bike random
bwt before breakfast 257 - 258

Went ok. Love the Spud lifting straps. They aren't broken in all the way yet but they are going to work out great.

Things to do.

Merry Christmas!


God Bless!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

ME Bench

Good day. Moosie and Parker and Jeff were there and a friend of Moosie came from down south with his brothers. Sam is one of the biggest people I have ever seen. His tris look like 2 pigs crawled into his arms. No lie Sam must have a seperate food bill for his arms. Sam brought his brothers Robert and Dennis. Great guys. Very very strong.

Warm up
Flat bench
?? x bar
?? x 135
5 x 225
1 x 275
1 x 315

add 2 board
3 x 325
1 x 340 This was supposed to be 345 but I didn't take the 5 off of the left side. Great.
1 x 355 Jeff touched it but I had it.
m x 355 Jeff had to help alot

5 board
2 x 365
1 x 385
1 x 405 rt arm was tough to lock out.

lil Dave's cable triple tricep death 3 angles of 15 reps each for 45 reps per set
3 x 110

Bwt Dips
4 sets

BB shrugs
5 x 225
5 x 275
5 x 315
2 x 5 x 365
Got to use my new Spud straps from Elite. Good stuff. They are very wide and very stout. I think they will be around for a while

20 min bike

Saw the endocrinologist on Thurs. I need to make some changes before I get supplemented. HR needs to come down. She wants to see me with less body fat. She also thinks I have apnea again so I have to go to a sleep study next Friday. Swell. Second one I have done. I wasn't real crazy about my first one. Going to pay more attention to the food intake. I've gained about 10 lbs recently mainly because i haven't paid much attention to what I eat.

This time around I will make certain I have more protein intake while i lower my over all calories. I don't want to lose strength like last time. Bwt this AM before breakfast was 258 0r 259. My scale is messed up so it's hard to tell. Need to get a new one.

Gotta go.


God Bless

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Weds 12/19

I have a really bad case of the "don't give a craps" lately. I didn't train Tues because, well I was slow getting out of the office and well, I didn't give a crap.

Light Warmup
incline de bench
bar x ??
5 x 135
8 x 3 x 155

Close grip behind head military
5 x bar
4 x 5 x 135
I was trying to reproduce McGillas in the rack and though I didn't get it right I like the movement and will do it again. I tried to keep the bar back behind my head but the narrowness of the grip and the stiffness of my shoulders kept me from A. getting consistantly behind my head and B. low enough for it to really matter. I did get good work done on my tri's and delts. Still a keeper.

Seated bodymasters plate load chest supported low row.
I did a bunch and added some weight

2 different curl machines.
3 sets each

Push Downs
several sets of 10

This went fast. But, I didn't give a crap. Well I did because I wanted to get out of there quickly.

Running into some interesting like minded authors and perconalities online. One guy goes by Vyzygoth and another is an old friend I lost touch with Jill Cohen Walker. Both Bible believers and very concerned with what the power elite are doing in the world and more specifically the US.

All the brew haha over the upcoming presidential election is just smoke, mirrors and fluff. Remember last time? GW was the answer to AG? Well GW grew the government, grew our debt, did nothing about the borders and did good and bad in Iraq. He was better than AG but really without the global warming spin, was there a huge difference when it comes to the outlook of our future? Don't think so. Get ready to pay for goods and services with the almighty amero.

Gotta go to the endocrinologist. Happy trails


God Bless!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Sat 12/15 ME Bench

We were @ American Fork on Sat. Moosie, Parker, Manny and Pablo were there with me. Wed's prior I had a colonoscopy which came out well but I went without solid food for about 40 hours and didn't train at all. I wasn't certain how the day was going to fly.

Warm up
Flat bench
2 x ?? x bar
?? x 135
5 x 225
1 x 275
1 x 315 right hand really lagged on this no leg drive either

decline db's
?? 75's
3 x ?? x 95's These were odd. The angle wasn't too extreme but when I was on the bench I felt like I was totally inverted. Didn't feel all that stable on these.

Flat bench 3 boards
2 x 315
2 x 1 x 335
2 x 1 x 345

?? x 120
3 x ??? x 140

Tri's are somewhat sore today (Monday.). Those McGillas do a number on you. I didn't feel real enthused during this session. Good time with the guys but I didn't have the pop I normally do. The colonoscopy/prep probably had something to do with it.

Danielle moved out. She is with a girlfriend. So far so good. I pray she keeps her eyes on God regardless of where she goes.

Lisa's Mom moved in on Sat. It was for the best. Audrey has Alzheimer's and get rather befuddled a lot. It seems to be worst when the sun goes down. There's a name for that but I can't remember it. I can tell she is confused and that the confusion bothers her.

UW Whitewater beat Mt Union for the D3 National Championship on Sat. They did a great job of holding the Purple raiders to only 21 pts. They had averaged something like 52 for the season. The final was 31 - 21 Whitwater. Good stuff. 3rd time these 2 teams faced off in 3 years. First win for UWW.

World keeps moving forward. Christians are being martyred all over the world. The western church needs to pay attention because the new age beast is coming here soon. Gonna get nasty.

God loves His Bride though. Stay right or get left.


God Bless!

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Sat ME Bench 7th St

Moosie and Parker had a family gig so they weren't there. Sean wasn't there. I should call him. Jeff couldn't come because there was some kind of accident in front of his place and he couldn't get out. The heavy snow was a contributor I'm sure. Manny and Pablo showed. First time for Pablo. I'd met him at some meets but never trained with him. Good guy. I hope he comes back.

Warm up
Flat bench
?? x bar
?? x 135
5 x 225
1 x 275
1 x 320 rt hand really lagged bad

Flat Stump Presses
3 x bar + 50 hanging = 95
3 x bar + 100 hanging = 145
3 x bar + 150 hanging = 195
3 x bar + 190 hanging = 235
3 x bar + 240 hanging + 3 boards = 285
3 x bar + 260 hanging + 3 boards = 305
1 x bar + 275 hanging + 3 boards = 320 Best rep
m x bar + 290 hanging + 3 boards = 335 not close
?m? x bar + 290 hanging + 3 boards = 335. Not sure. Manny jumped in and grabbed the bar early. I thought I had a shot. Maybe not. Ah well another day.

This is the most I've ever swung before. Tough but fun. Really makes you stay tight. I've done a 265 + 100 hanging 3 board before for 365 but that is a lot more stable than swinging all of the weight. This was a lot tougher today.

Med grip 5 boards
5 x 315
4 x 335
2 x 345

rope push downs
10 x 110
4 x 10 x 150

cg ng low cable rows
5 x 200
4 x 5 x 220

I was feeling a little beat up from the Wed's session. I had pushed pretty hard on the overhead lockouts. I think today could have been better but I'm not disappointed.

Fun workout. Manny and Pablo are good to train with. Pablo is a fairly new 148'r in his 40's I'd guess. Nice guy. Works hard. And Manny, well is Manny. Manny can't be described, he has to be experienced.

Tim Tebow won the Heisman. Great athlete and a real nice Christian kid. He represents well. First sophomore to ever win it. He is the real deal.

Work is kind of stressful. My immediate boss and I are very different people. I really don't have a clue about how he communicates or how he processes. That does not bode well for me. Praying hard about it and what it all means. I did find out that at almost 51 I am a protected class and I have to really mess up bad to get the axe. I hope it doesn't come to that. I haven't screwed up bad but I didn't exactly shine in a project that was outside of what i was hired to do. They shouldn't ask a broken ex jock to go do physical labor. It doesn't seem to go quickly. It also helps to know that it was somewhat of a set up because some of the details were left out to "test" me. I don't get the game playing. The sad part is that my boss isn't the only mgmt member that is less than sytraight forward in his approach. It is a very odd environment where perception trumps facts. Tought to get ahead when the truth doesn't matter. No way to defend yourself at all. Fortunately I have to use a bunch of vacation and personal days before the end of the year so I will be getting a break. That will be good.

Gotta go.


God Bless!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Wed's 12/05

Warm up

Flat Bench
?? x bar
?? x 135
5 x 225
4 x 5 x 255

Military Rack Lockouts 5" stroke or so
5 x bar
5 x 135
5 x 225
5 x 245
1 x 260
2 x 3 x 260 The first set here was ugly. The second much better.

8 x bar
8 x 135
2 x 8 x 145

Gone like the wind.

Danielle moved out last night. She was in such a hurry. She was mad because I wanted to wait to move her dresser, bed etc. on Sat so she took all of the stuff that would fit in her car and her friend's car and left. I love her very much and hope that the lessons she will learn won't be too harsh on her. She is the last of the kids to leave home. In about a week we will have Lisa's Mom in with us as her Alzheimer's is advancing. Interesting times for sure.

The world is a crazy place. So many on so many different levels have agendas that will influemce our lives whether we like it or not and whether they are good or not. All we can count on are God's promises. In Jeremiah it tells us that God has plans for us and those plans start with His son Jesus Christ. God wants us to be secure and unafraid in Him. He knows the beginning from the end. Makes sense to go with the one that knows and controls the end of things.


God Bless!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Tuesday 12/04

7th St Gold's Coming back easy as I haven't done much work during the week for a while.

Warm up

CS row
5 x 45
5 x 90
3 x 5 x 135

Flite cross over pull down
2 x ?? x ??

Power squat
8 x 180
8 x 450
2 x 8 x 720

Preacher curls ez bar
4 x ?? x 75


My weight has been up for the last few weeks. The Bloomington trip helped get that # to rise. Not horrible, this AM I was 259. Funny how your bench goes up as your bwt goes up. I still want to drop down to the 242's. I won't get serious about that until after I see the endochronologist on the 20th.

Nothing new on the world scene other than the constant push toward a global government. Funny how our elected leaders who are supposed to serve us, the people, and they ignore what the majority want and just go skipping down the yellow brick road. They better be careful or those that remember the second ammendment may take exception and try to reinstate the constitution. It could get ugly. That could be why the US doesn't show up in end times prophecy. well other than the place where some believe that we might be the Babylon that falls in an hour.

Lots of nasty moving toward believers around the world. Lots of nasty happening right now. The persecution is strong and growing US christians don't get how blessed we have been. Pray for those in countries where persecution is strong.

Need to go be productive.

Bench support tonight.


God Bless!

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Sat ME Bench 12/1

I hadn't trained all week because of a physical week at work. Long story. I just want to put it behind me.

We were @ the 7th East Gold's. Moosie, Parker, Jeff and Manny were there.


Flat bench
2 x ?? x bar
?? x 135
5 x 225
1 x 275
1 x 315
1 x 325
2 x close x 335 Jeff nudged the bar both times

Put on Jason's single ply open back Karin's denim
1 x 365 + 2 board
1 x 385 "
1 x 405 "
1 x 435 " This was a misload on me. It was supposed to be 430 and I added a 5 to one side. Weird.
m x 445 This just got squirrelly (?). The 435 was a ten# shirt PR for 2 boards. I think I am just about to go through some strength gains.

Lil Dave's triple tricep death on high cable. 3 angles per set. 15 reps per angle. 45 total reps per set.
1 x 110
2 x 120

Pretty good day. Actually better than I anticipated. Looking forward to seeing the endocronologist on the 20th. I have some internal chemistry issues that when corrected could help in the training in strength gains and recovery.

It will also be interesting to see what happens when I get the denim refitted to me and made into a double. I will have to do an AAPF meet this year. The open back is just too much fun.

Moosie tried his new 54 Katana today. He hit a 585 4 board that was very easy. He is going to be insane when he figures the shirt out. I need to get my core stronger to help lift him off.

Had pics taken for the new Church directory today. First time in a long time that we had a pic taken together.

Need to get Mom in law over here. Her Alzheimer's is progressing and she shouldn't be alone.

My Alma Mater, Bethel University won their 3rd playoff game today against Central of Iowa. Sounds like they played through a nasty ice storm. The down side to the win is they get to play powerful Mount Union next week @ their place. Could be rough.

Lots going on but no time to discuss right now.


God Bless!