Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Tuesday 12/04

7th St Gold's Coming back easy as I haven't done much work during the week for a while.

Warm up

CS row
5 x 45
5 x 90
3 x 5 x 135

Flite cross over pull down
2 x ?? x ??

Power squat
8 x 180
8 x 450
2 x 8 x 720

Preacher curls ez bar
4 x ?? x 75


My weight has been up for the last few weeks. The Bloomington trip helped get that # to rise. Not horrible, this AM I was 259. Funny how your bench goes up as your bwt goes up. I still want to drop down to the 242's. I won't get serious about that until after I see the endochronologist on the 20th.

Nothing new on the world scene other than the constant push toward a global government. Funny how our elected leaders who are supposed to serve us, the people, and they ignore what the majority want and just go skipping down the yellow brick road. They better be careful or those that remember the second ammendment may take exception and try to reinstate the constitution. It could get ugly. That could be why the US doesn't show up in end times prophecy. well other than the place where some believe that we might be the Babylon that falls in an hour.

Lots of nasty moving toward believers around the world. Lots of nasty happening right now. The persecution is strong and growing US christians don't get how blessed we have been. Pray for those in countries where persecution is strong.

Need to go be productive.

Bench support tonight.


God Bless!


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