Thursday, December 20, 2007

Weds 12/19

I have a really bad case of the "don't give a craps" lately. I didn't train Tues because, well I was slow getting out of the office and well, I didn't give a crap.

Light Warmup
incline de bench
bar x ??
5 x 135
8 x 3 x 155

Close grip behind head military
5 x bar
4 x 5 x 135
I was trying to reproduce McGillas in the rack and though I didn't get it right I like the movement and will do it again. I tried to keep the bar back behind my head but the narrowness of the grip and the stiffness of my shoulders kept me from A. getting consistantly behind my head and B. low enough for it to really matter. I did get good work done on my tri's and delts. Still a keeper.

Seated bodymasters plate load chest supported low row.
I did a bunch and added some weight

2 different curl machines.
3 sets each

Push Downs
several sets of 10

This went fast. But, I didn't give a crap. Well I did because I wanted to get out of there quickly.

Running into some interesting like minded authors and perconalities online. One guy goes by Vyzygoth and another is an old friend I lost touch with Jill Cohen Walker. Both Bible believers and very concerned with what the power elite are doing in the world and more specifically the US.

All the brew haha over the upcoming presidential election is just smoke, mirrors and fluff. Remember last time? GW was the answer to AG? Well GW grew the government, grew our debt, did nothing about the borders and did good and bad in Iraq. He was better than AG but really without the global warming spin, was there a huge difference when it comes to the outlook of our future? Don't think so. Get ready to pay for goods and services with the almighty amero.

Gotta go to the endocrinologist. Happy trails


God Bless!


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