Saturday, September 29, 2007

Friday ME Bench

Yup Friday.Jeff and I went up to Weber St in Ogden to lift with Jason Gibson and crew. Dave edmondson and Nick Leinhart were squatting @ the same time. Good stuff. Jason brought a whole bunch of shirts for me to try. I ended up working in an open back single ply Karin's, a closed neck DD Karin's and a broken in single ply Katana.

Shoulder complex
Hip swings really needed these to get loose. The bench was 1/2" over regulation @ 18 inches even.

Flat Bench
Warm up up to 275 then I put on the open back single ply denim. I'm not certain of all of the sets and reps but after one light set of @ 315 w 3 boards everything else was done with 2 boards. Lots of play with jacking the shirt. I really like the open back denim. jacking it and belting it there was no problem getting 2 and 3 reps with 385 on 2 boards. I can really feel what I'm doing with it and even though the arms are too big I got carryover through lockout. I could really feel my lower lats get fatigued with this shirt. Totally changed my stroke as well. I have never been a J bencher but this shirt makes you go there.

I threw on the closed neck DD. It fit better but I got like nothing out of it. I only tried 2-3 sets. You just can't jack the shirt the same.

Then came the Katana. I like the shirt. Not as much as the open back but the Katana is legal in just about every Fed. Worked up to a double @ 385 on 1 board. It can be jacked easily.

Lil Dave took my 2 slightly used Furys and will try to sell them to defray the cost of a new Katana. That would be great if it went straight across with no need for more cash. I will need a 48.

1 set of 30 w 60# DB's on decline bench.

Though fatigued we went upstairs to the strength lab and messed around with benching on the vibration plates. Way fun. It really makes your eyes bounce. My adam's apple also felt real weird afterwards. We did straight weight up to 225# then knocked it down doing Stump presse hanging up to 150# for a total 0f 195#. We dropped it down and did some close grips at different speeds of vibration. The front of my dealts were so fatigued it was tough to sleep. The 24 oz rock star I drink earlier probably didn't help either.

Great evening. Really great people. I love this sport.

Went to an office party at one of the higher ups's house up in Fruit Heights. It was nice seeing the office people out of the work environment. We all have interesting personalities and we are a good group over all.

Utah won today. Whew would have been bad to lose to Utah State.

Danielle is @ the UT homecoming dance with Tyson. Nice kid but we don't know him well at all.

Gotta go.


God Bless!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Tues 9/25

Shoulder complex

Flat bench shoulder width grip This was a suggestion from Curt Fox. We shall see how this developes
??? x bar
5 x 135
5 x 185
4 x 5 x 225

Standing lockouts
4 x 135
3 x 185
2 x 225
3 x 205
3 x 225
3 x 230
I started doing the energy zipper thingy and that seemed to either work or raise my awareness and concentration or both.

ez bar skull crushers. used sleeves on these and that helped a bunch with some naggy elbow pain.
5 x 85
5 x 105
5 x 115
2 x 5 x 125

Suspended pushups feet on high bench and handles low
4 x 10 x bwt
I tried the "energy zipper" on my 4th set and it did go faster and easier than the 1st 3. Goofy.

ok workout. I think I may have been doing too much volume on shoulder stuff in the past. I am hoping that lowering the reps will help. I know that shoulder strength was a big asset for me in the past fat old days.

I think the narrower shoulder width grip may pay off as well . Shoulder width makes my stroke longer and pushes the tris more. I will give it a shot for a while and see what happens.

Through researching stuff on the web it looks like the changes that are accelerating on the planet are through a combined effort of the Baileyites, Theosophists, Illuminaty, Freemasons, Gaia/earth worshippers and other "old" religion "ancient mystery types.

going to be bad before it gets much much better...

...for some. For those that choose the Creator over the created. It's a simple thing really.

We all need to lose our arrogance and realize that the Creator isn't a mean task master but a lover of our souls. He proves it over and over. It is pride and disobedience that has the world in such an ugly mess.

Get right or get left.

Refuse the mark


God Bless!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Monday 9/24

Trying to get a training schedule that helps me feel better on Sat. This week some of us are going to go up to OGden to train with Dave Edmundson and Jason Gibson Friday night so I moved everything from Tues Weds to Mon Tues.

5 min bike

close grip neutral handle, bar in the corner rows
5 x 50
5 x 95
5 x 140
3 x 5 x 165

Flite plate loaded cross over pull downs
12 x 115
2 x 12 x 180

Band squat/extensions
4 x 10 x blues

Band ham curls
4 x 10 x purples

Band GM's
3 x 15

ez bar curls
4 x 8

alternate selecterized curl thingy
1 set light to failure

BWT Tues AM 253

Went home and watched the new fall Monday lineup for NBC. Chuck, Heroes and Journeyman. Good stuff.

Woke up in the middle of the night with Lisa not being able to stop sneezing and catch her breath. Scary. She eventually was able to settle down but it was spooky for a while.

I feel kinda beat up this morning. Pretty sluggish like I could sleep for another 4 hours.

Work is ok. Getting some projects handled.

Talking to more folks about the NWO coming around. Too much evidence to deny it. The US is sooooo unaware of what is just over the horizon. There is going to be a bad economic period along with possibly some military crap here and definately a redifining of borders and sovereignty. It will really rattle some cages I am certain. Life will change.

But over the horizon after that is God's victory.

Work to do


God Bless!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Interesting ME day

It was the best of times and the worst of times. I need to pay more attention to my volume. I love the lower work but I think the 25k =/- in one exercise is too much. Today showed it pretty well.

Hip swings
shoulder complex

flat bench
?? x bar
?? x 135
5 x 225
3 x 275
Close x 315. Took off ok but the right arm is having a tough time locking out
5 x 315 + 5 boards + Rage X
3 x 335 + 4 boards + "
3 x 335 + 3 boards +"
3 x 335 + 2 boards + "
1 x 335 + 1 board + "
1 x 335 Full ROM + " Rt qarm couldn't get the last 1/4" Weird it went fast but stopped. Touched too high.
M x 335 " " " Tried something to get it lower and got all screwy.
Well I got 335 to touch. Real disappointed in my lockout. Especially my rt side. 1st time in a shirt in months. I hope I improve.

Lockouts about 5" stroke - horrible
3 x 315
3 x 365
1 x 385
3 x 365

Close grip bench

overhead tri extensions

Weird day. Felt like no oomph. I am going to go back and see how my other Sat workouts were affected by the previous weeks volume. I could just be in lousy shape. Maybe I need to add a cardio/GPP day.

Derby tonight Should be fun.

Gotta go.


God bless!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Thurs @ the gym

Time got late so I stopped in @ the 13th st Gold's in Sandy instead of going over to 7th. Easy little workout since I missed the Tues session and now it's closer to Sat. I am playing with shaking up the week and doing legs/back on Thursday I want to do them on Tues with bench support on Weds. I think this will help in CNS recovery for Sat.

Hip Swings
Leg press with calf extensions
8 x 180
8 x 270
8 x 360
8 x 450
8 x 540
8 x 630
8 x 720

4 sets of a 2 handled selectorized low row thingy

5 sets on a selectorized curl machine.

Weight this AM was 252-3. Not certain how my scale is reading these days.

Had a great breakfast burito today for lunch from Betos. That place is off the hook for good quick mexican food. That's not saying a breakfast burrito is exactly mexican food but you get my drift. Good food, lots of it and it's cheap.

Got tix for tomorrow's roller derby. They are going to honor WB @ the break. They are holding seats for us so we don't have to scramble to get there. Way cool. Should be fun. It will be the Bomber Babes vs the Death Dealers. I am surprised because I thought it was going to be the Sisters of No Mercy vs the Death Dealers. The Death Dealers are good but the Bomber Babes have my fav jammer. Don't know her name but she skates like she's on rails. Good stuff Maynard.

Got to get home and clean my rain gutters. I guess we have storms coming tomorrow. Welcome to Utah.


God Bless!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Wed Bench Support & Stuff

Shoulder complex

Flat bench
2 x ?? x bar
5 x 135
8 x 3 x 165 varied grips

Standing military stump presses
5 x bar
5 x bar + 50# hanging = 95#
5 x bar + 100# hanging = 145#
5 x bar + 110# hanging = 155#
3 x 5 x bar + 120# hanging = 165#

Bent over lateral raises
8 x 25's
2 x 8 x 30's

8 x bar
8 x 95
8 x 115
8 x 135
8 x 145
6 x 155

1/2 Dips
5 x 8 x bwt

Good workout. Glad I went light on the bench. I got some things worked out set up wise. I need to start low on the bench with my hands off of the bar. I need to pull my shoulder blades together and then drive my body toward my head and roll up on my trap and THEN grasp the bar. I need to grip the bar on the heels of my palms. I need to squeeze the bar harder and pull apart more. I need to use my back more in taking the bar out. I need to tuck harder and bring the bar through my lats and then press toward my feet. That J move doesn't work for me.

I think I know why my lockout stinks. I think the ratio on my arm levers is squirrelly (?). I think my upper arm is shorter in relationship to my forearm than what is optimal for a good lockout. That could be why I am stronger off of the bottom than at the top. Or maybe I'm on crack. I'm going to try bringing in my grip some to see if it doesn't activate my tris earlier and maybe I can speed (relatively speaking) through the sticking point to lockout. When donkeys fly, right? It's probably not that bad but it gets old. There needs to be a change.

Lot's of stuff on the world scene. Israel bombed Syria. Iran threatening Israel and US. Al Qaeida threatening all infidels (you and me). Rumors that the US is going to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities. Iraq is going better than reported but the Dems still won't believe real reports from General Patreus. Funny those reports match what my son saw while he was over there. Why won't people take a real look at things. Why are they soooo lazy that they will believe hype and feelings over the truth? I guess the truth doesn't matter when you are pushing an agenda.

We are in for some serious bumpy roads pretty soon. If you are not right with God you need to be. He will be the only true hope for your future both here and eternity.


God Bless!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Saturday ME Bench

It became obvious that a couple of us had not recovered from last Sat yet. Moosie Spuddy aka RC, Parker and I were @ the AF Gold's.

Shoulder complex
Hip swings

DB bench
10 x 50's
5 x 95's
1 x 120's this was a sign that today would be subpar
2 x 120's
2 x 5 x 105's

4 board flat bench
2 x 315 ??? whattha???
3 x 3 x 315
1 x 335
2 x m x 360
unbelievibley wussy performance. Had no juice. Did better the week before with bands and 3 boards. I should have maybe had a lower rep day or something.

Lil Dave's triple tricep trauma / suspended pushups SS
15/10 x 100/bwt
15/10 x 105/bwt
15/10 x 110/bwt
That doesn't sound like much but the volume is big for the end of an upper body workout. Assume that 2/3's of my weight is pressed in a suspended push up. Call that 170#
30 x 170 = 2100#

15 x 100 = 1500 x 3 = 4500#
15 x 105 = 1575 x 3 = 4725#
15 x 110 = 1650 x 3 = 4950#

2100 + 4500 + 4725 + 4950 = 16,275# I guess it adds up.

Had a great weekend with the kids and all. I went to the Peach Days AAU meet and had a really good time. Good lifting and good judging. Moosie did a great job on the mike. I need to get back into a meet soon. I need to get stronger so I can get back into a meet soon...

Lots going on in the world. I will comment another time.


God Bless!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Wednesday 9/12


Squat rack lockouts Pins @ midchest
10 x 225
5 x 315
5 x 405
5 x 495
5 x 585
5 x 675
1 x 765
These didn't feel too bad. I'm keeping my stance narrowere than I used to because of the inner knee issues.

Band Squat extensions
2 x failure x blue bands

DB rows
5 x 8 x 100

Pull downs to chest
3 x 12 x ???

Standing high pulley crunches
a bunch

EZ bar curls
8 x 85
4 x 8 x 95

DB alt curls
3 x 10 x 35's

Decent enough session. I always feel better when I can move some bigger weight. Well, bigger for me anyway. Must be an endorphine release thing I guess.

I moved my workout to Weds this week because Lisa has a company picnic I am supposed to attend.

Had a blood test taken over the weekend and am supposed to get results back today. I think the news will be good. Still have to get a colonoscopy before the end of the year, sigh. Welcome to my 50's.

Things are humming along on the world front. It feels to me like some tension building before big moves are made. I understand Putin dismantled the Russian Gov't the other day. Lots goign on over there. They recently came out with the biggest conventional bomb of all time. They have also reestablished long range tests with their bombers. Weird to do if nothing is going on...

Things to see and people to do


God Bless!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Tues DE Bench

Shoulder complex

Flat Bench stump presses
?? x bar
??? x bar + 50# hanging = 95#
5 x bar + 100 hanging = 145#
1 x bar + 150# hanging = 195# My chest is still real sore from Sat and started cramping so I dropped the weight
6 x 3 x bar + 100# hanging = 145#

Suspended push ups feet on bench. I had the handles real low and my feet real high. It was sort of an inverted incline.
3 x 8 x bwt
Did I mention my chest was real sore?

Standing military
5 x bar
4 x 5 x 135
Was looking for controlled speed on these without a ton of strain

Lateral raises
3 x 12 x 30's

8 x 115
3 x 8 x 135

Strict pull downs
3 x 12 x ???

3 x 8 x bwt

Not a bad session. My chest was still sore from Sat and made me drop some of the weights but that ended up being ok. I think I will keep my support movements lighter with more speed for a while to see what happens.

Life seems a little less stressful. Good not worrying about WB being in Iraq. I miss Goldie but don't miss the barking.

Life is moving on.

The world front seems to be cruising toward November peace meetings with Israel and the Palastinians. That will be interesting indeed.

Been doing some research on Prince Charles of Wales. He does seem to meet some of the criteria for a major player in the end times. Actually more than a little. His press quotes and other public information are very interesting.

Lots to do.


God Bless!

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Sat ME Bench

Good crew @ the Redwood Gold's. Moosie, Parker, Lance, Spud,Michelle, Manny, Manny's friend Ed and his friend (who's name I never got. Sorry). Sean wasn't there which is too bad. Good guy and an asset to the group. I hope that this was was only work and or sleep related. Before I forget, Ray and Tom who show up @ the 7th st Gold's during the week have my blue mini bands that I loaned them and forgot to get back. They should have them next week. It was nice to see that they had bought some straps and were doing stump presses and suspended pushups.

Shoulder complex

Flat Bench
??? x bar
??? x 135
5 x 135 + dbl minis 170/215 full stroke add 35 on the bottom and 80# on the top
5 x 225 + dbl minis + 3 boards 305 @ top
2 x 275 + dbl minis + 3 boards 355 @ top
3 x 285 + dbl minis + 3 boards 365 @ top
2 x 295 + dbl minis + 3 boards 375 @ top
1 x 305 + dbl minis + 3 boards 385 @ top Moosie touched the bar
M x 305 + dbl minis + 3 boards 385 @ top. Bad miss

6" lockouts on mini bench. Not kidding. I'm short and if my head was on the bench part of my butt hung off. It was the only free bench available.
5 x 315
5 x 335
5 x 355
3 x 375 w/long hold

DB extensions and Tate presses SS
8 x 40/50
8 x 50/55
2 x 8 x 50/60

A bar push downs
8 x 160
8 x 200
2 x 8 x 250 Not all pulley equipment is the same...

Dips (Moosie made me)
2 x 8 x assisted
2 x 8 bwt.

Double protein scoop snickers shake @ the supplement outlet @ gym. I earned it.

I thought my tris were going to be hugely sore today but they are only sore a little bit. My bi's a very sore along with my back from Thurs. My pecs are REALLY sore from yesterday. I think this is showing me why I can pop real well off of my chest. Somehow my levers don't engage my tris as well as my chest. This would make sense as to why I am better raw than in a shirt. I need to work like Dave Tate and create enough speed/force/momentum off of the bottom to help assist my subpar lockout to the finish. I really need to keep on with Kyle (Moosie) and all the tri work he does.

I feel good about the band work but I don't think I was up on my traps on my set up and after my leg drive like I should have been. It does feel good to be getting back into some semi heavy weight (for me) again. I feel pretty healthy. Shoulders feel really good.

Spud is coming back with a vengence. This skinny 198er who just a few months back lost a ton of weight with bacterial menengitis, has gianed back the 50#'s he lost and has past me on the bench. Granted he is 23 but it I don't care...LOL He is doing great and it is fun to be there as he is coming into his own. I wish my knees were better then I could show this punk how to squat... LOL.

Ward got home Friday night. It is sooo great having him home I can't begin to describe it. He has been through tons and has been changed by it all but he has maintained his inner self. This is great because his inner self is a pretty decent person.

The sad news of the weekend was that we had to put our dog of 13 years, Goldie, to sleep yesterday. She had been growing somewhat agitated and nervous but it was workable. We could tell that her hips were bothing her some but yesterday they went out. She could only take a few steps without her going down. There was no way she could do the stairs. She had lost a ton of weight. I carried her down into the yard where she tried to walk but only stumbeled and couldn't walk a straight line. She looked so confused. We talked it over and agreed that by what we as a family were seeing, that it was time to take her down to the humane society.

The people down there were great. On the lighter side an employee was trying to take too many dogs for a walk and somehow lost control and there was a mass doggy jail break. 5 medium sized dogs were full speed toward the dogs in the outside pens and they were followed by a chihuaua trying his best to keep up. Great visual. Though it seems awfully quiet today, it was the right decision.

More world and endtimes stuff next week.


God Bless!

Friday, September 07, 2007

Thursday Stuff

Finally got back in for a quick one.


Power squat
?? x empty
12 x 270
12 x 45o
2 x 12 x 540

CS row 45 degree handles
8 x 90
3 x 8 x 135

Narrow ez curls: not certain if the bar was 25# or 35# so I will split the weights accordingly
8 x 75/85
8 x 85/95
3 x 8 x 95/105

weighted situps
2 x 8 x 25 behind the head
1 x 2 x 25 " " " back cramped up so I called it

Standing calf machine
1 x failure x ????

The work out felt good. Sore today. BWT back down to 253 this AM. I had gone up to about 259 while visiting Ward. It was fun to eat but I felt/feel sluggish. It's getting better today.

Picking Ward up at the airport tonight. He lands @11:30 tonight. It will be good to see him and have him home for good. We're going to put a bunch of stuff in his truck and take it to his house and then pick him up.

More and more weird stuff turns up as you surf the web. Prince Charles is popping up a lot in my research. Dicey stuff.

Time is short. Make certain you and God are alright.


God Bless!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Weds 9/05/07 Nope haven't died yet

Been very busy and haven't been in the gym. Last week was helping Danno get her new car etc and then Friday Lisa and I flew up to Ft Lewis WA to see Ward. It was a great weekend and he seems really good. He has been cleared to come home but needs to just get all of his signatures, stamps and other things to get his paperwork in order and he can come home. That will be good.

DJ and Mandi etc are good. DJ has found a tranny for his rodeo @ a pick your part place. He feels good about dong the work. Nice to see him excited and confident.

Danielle is doing ok. Loves the new car and is settling into work with her eye to the future. I don't think she is happy with her current plans or lack there of. I'm not certain what she is thinking about long term. I know she is planning to go to school in the spring but beyond that I'm not certain. She's a good kid and she is growing.

Lisa is tired and sore still. This weekend was a drain on her. She is 3 weeks out on her surgery and I think she will be gaining energy soon.

Work is going well. No trauma so far this week, just steady stuff.

I don't think I will hit the gym today. I still need to get the swamp cooler fixed up and get the gutters cleaned out.

I miss the gym.

Before 2010 I think we will be well on our way to a North American Union. They are doing it through traties that don't and won't come up for a vote. I think this is just one piece of the pie that will be a regionalized world under one Gov't instead of individual sovreign nations.

We have been told that it would get weird before it is all over.

Check out Lucis Trust and follow the links and associations attached and influenced by the trust. Eye opening stuff.

Gotta go.


God Bless!