Friday ME Bench
Shoulder complex
Hip swings really needed these to get loose. The bench was 1/2" over regulation @ 18 inches even.
Flat Bench
Warm up up to 275 then I put on the open back single ply denim. I'm not certain of all of the sets and reps but after one light set of @ 315 w 3 boards everything else was done with 2 boards. Lots of play with jacking the shirt. I really like the open back denim. jacking it and belting it there was no problem getting 2 and 3 reps with 385 on 2 boards. I can really feel what I'm doing with it and even though the arms are too big I got carryover through lockout. I could really feel my lower lats get fatigued with this shirt. Totally changed my stroke as well. I have never been a J bencher but this shirt makes you go there.
I threw on the closed neck DD. It fit better but I got like nothing out of it. I only tried 2-3 sets. You just can't jack the shirt the same.
Then came the Katana. I like the shirt. Not as much as the open back but the Katana is legal in just about every Fed. Worked up to a double @ 385 on 1 board. It can be jacked easily.
Lil Dave took my 2 slightly used Furys and will try to sell them to defray the cost of a new Katana. That would be great if it went straight across with no need for more cash. I will need a 48.
1 set of 30 w 60# DB's on decline bench.
Though fatigued we went upstairs to the strength lab and messed around with benching on the vibration plates. Way fun. It really makes your eyes bounce. My adam's apple also felt real weird afterwards. We did straight weight up to 225# then knocked it down doing Stump presse hanging up to 150# for a total 0f 195#. We dropped it down and did some close grips at different speeds of vibration. The front of my dealts were so fatigued it was tough to sleep. The 24 oz rock star I drink earlier probably didn't help either.
Great evening. Really great people. I love this sport.
Went to an office party at one of the higher ups's house up in Fruit Heights. It was nice seeing the office people out of the work environment. We all have interesting personalities and we are a good group over all.
Utah won today. Whew would have been bad to lose to Utah State.
Danielle is @ the UT homecoming dance with Tyson. Nice kid but we don't know him well at all.
Gotta go.
God Bless!