Wednesday 9/12
Squat rack lockouts Pins @ midchest
10 x 225
5 x 315
5 x 405
5 x 495
5 x 585
5 x 675
1 x 765
These didn't feel too bad. I'm keeping my stance narrowere than I used to because of the inner knee issues.
Band Squat extensions
2 x failure x blue bands
DB rows
5 x 8 x 100
Pull downs to chest
3 x 12 x ???
Standing high pulley crunches
a bunch
EZ bar curls
8 x 85
4 x 8 x 95
DB alt curls
3 x 10 x 35's
Decent enough session. I always feel better when I can move some bigger weight. Well, bigger for me anyway. Must be an endorphine release thing I guess.
I moved my workout to Weds this week because Lisa has a company picnic I am supposed to attend.
Had a blood test taken over the weekend and am supposed to get results back today. I think the news will be good. Still have to get a colonoscopy before the end of the year, sigh. Welcome to my 50's.
Things are humming along on the world front. It feels to me like some tension building before big moves are made. I understand Putin dismantled the Russian Gov't the other day. Lots goign on over there. They recently came out with the biggest conventional bomb of all time. They have also reestablished long range tests with their bombers. Weird to do if nothing is going on...
Things to see and people to do
God Bless!
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