Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Monday and Tuesday

On the road for work in Long View, Texas. Hampton Inn has an excercise room.

10 min eliptical
30 min bike

40 min stair stepper

It's different working out now. I loved the pl work but that is secondary to being healthy. It's going to be a journey for sure. Hopefully I can retain enough strength to compete @ lighter weights.

AAU will be joined in '08 by the USPF when they add a raw division.

Lot's going on in my head. It's hard to explain. I think it may have to do with turning 50. I don't feel older. In fact I feel better since I changed my diet and started the cardio. It's like wandering thoughts. Actually wandering scenarios. Not of shoulda woulda coulda. More like future thoughts. Some are positive and others somewhat sad. Sometimes they seem so real that it sort of leaves me numb for the here and now. It's odd. It's a level of feeling that I'm not used to nor am I comfortable with. The overwhelming undercurrent leaves me with a sticky melancholy that is tough to shake completely.

I know I wish that the homelife wasn't so crowded but even though the crowding irritates me it is a contributing side issue and not the cause of the feelings.

I have a longing for being respected for who I am. Not a false respect but enough for what may be due. I also want to feel like I belong and to be wanted. I want to be respected and feel like I belong in my home. I'm pretty sure no one there has a clue. They know something is up but even if I could/would try to explain it I don't believe it would make sense to them.

It's goofy but I feel like I need some kind of emotional brain flossing. The emotional fuzz on the inside of my head is tiresome and needs to be scraped away. Emotionally I feel like I'm running on 5 out of 8 cylinders. A level of trust is missing. Emotional trust. It's odd. I'd like it to stop. I can't help where others are in their lives. I like feeling more solid with me. Feeling particularly vulnerable right now. Vulnerable is not a word I have ever used to describe myself. It's a little scary.

Jesus could come today. I feel for those who have not expressed a belief in Him as their saviour, because their eternity will be awful. For me I would be delighted to be going home and my head would be clear and the bs would be over. The completion of belonging.


God Bless!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Sat Bench Crew

Gold's WJ

shoulder complex

Flat db bench
10 x 75's
4 x 10 x 90's

Flat bench
8 x 135
5 x 225
3 x 275
5 x 315 x 3 boards
2 x 5 x 325 x 3 boards

Push downs
5 x 8 x stack

Lean back pulldowns to chest med wide grip
8 x 180
3 x 8 x 210

20 min eliptical
20 min tread mill @ 3.5
20 min recumbant bike

Felt better than last week. Dialing back seems to be a good idea. The cardio and portion control working so far 283# this AM

Read something from a friend yesterday, World News Daily I think. Says Bush has been meeting with Canada and Mexico to create a North American Union and pretty much trashing our sovereignty (?). NAFTA was the start. Their is a proposal for a "NAFTA" Highway from Mexico to Canada. If the new union is true we wood all share a common currency called an "Amero". Sounds like a bad movie but it may be true. Wierder and wierder.

Going to get interesting soon.


God Bless

Friday, January 26, 2007

Thurs Gold's on 7th in Sandy

Situps, Hipswings, Shoulder Complex

Seated Military
10 x bar
8 x 95
8 x 135
3 x 8 x 145

Seated DB swings to snatch
15 x 20's
2 x 15 x 25's

Preacher curls
4 x 8

Outside of the odd hammer curl set I haven't done any bi work in years. I couldn't believe how weak I was on these. I may post weights later when I do more than a dead guy.

20 min eliptical (10 back 10 forward)
20 min bike

Program seems to be working so far, 284# this am.

Casa is still on the full side. Kids ahould be leaving soon. Good for everyone. Really need to get after painting the inside of the house. Lots of crap to toss as well.




God Bless

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Wed Cardio

Treadmill 25 min
Bike 25 min

bwt this am 285

Journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step.


God Bless!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Tues Readjustment

They had a health fair @ work and they got my BP @ 158/110. that was weird because last Nov my Doc had it @ 120/78. The bride is in Ark on biz with the Nat Guard and she freaks. Later after the gym Daughter in law takes the bp again and had me @ 142/86. Better but not great. With this info and my rt arm strength being a question lately, I won't do the April meet and will focus on being in better shape and maybe do the AAU raw meet in Sept.

Tues 1/23 - 5'9" x 287# I've been as high as 295. I didn't care because I was going to be a older powerlifting phenom like Roger with "Hard Fat". @ 295. I was the most stable guy in the gym in high winds.

Situps, shoulder complex, hipswings

Flat bench
2 x ? x bar
10 x 135
4 x 10 x 205

CS rows
4 x 8 x 115

4 x 8

15 min eliptical
20 min recumbant bike
15 min treadmill walk

Quit any alcohol consumption. Not against moderation for anyone. I think that for me and my system it's not a good thing. Wasted calories and the metabolism slow down has been detrimental. Bummer to quit now with my son and family still in my basement. A guy's got to do what a guy's got to do.

Lots of bobbing and weaving on the international front. Too much to mention in one post. Please see:

fulfilledprophecy.com &


Good stuff


God Bless!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Saturday's crash of the Hindenberg

Saturday's workout was one I'd like to forget.

Hip swings
Shoulder complex

Flat bench
2 x ?? x bar
5 x 135
5 x 225
5 x 275
2 x 315
1 x 340 A grinder. Should not have been that tough.
1 x 380 x 52 ragex nt
1 x 415 x " " " much tougher than it should have been. Mike might have nudged the rt side at the top.
m x 415 x " " " left arm locked out just fine. Rt arm seemed to fire @ 50%. No pain, just no go.
m x 415 x " " " Came close to touching on this one. I'd like to thank gravity for the assist. I'd like to blame the shirt riding up as my problem, but it's not. Rt arm didn't seem to fire at all. Very weird.

4 board
1 x 2 x 365 Wanted 3 but rt arm just quit.

Single arm rope pushdown/extension thingies.
Hammer curls.

20 min treamill walk
10 min eliptical
15 min bike

Feel absoulutely beat up today. Don't know if it's more mental or physical at this point. Rt arm was acting weaker on Thursday. I thiought it was farther along than it is. I'm thinking of skipping the April meet and just work raw doing more single arm movements to bring things up more even. There is an AAU meet in September that I can lift raw in.

Cold weather is making the knees sore. Dropping weight isn't a bad idea. Just feel pissy and whiney. Played some Foghat @ 24 on the way home. Old guy brain floss. That helped a bit.

Concerned that the build up in the Persian Gulf means we will get involved in Iran as well. That is a different ball game. They may be nutbags but they are well trained, dedicated nutbags and they hate us with a passion. Our press just doesn't get it.

I read an article about changes the 60's brought on. A negative one is that the idea of team has been pushed aside and is replaced by the idea of the big 3: me, myself and I. It's all about personal satisfaction. Many times to the detriment of others. Look @ the NBA. Very few teams use old school plays and systems, teamwork. It does work but the game and the team have become secondary to the superstar. And we buy the jerseys and go to the games and thereby supporting this nonsense.

Maybe that's why I enjoy college sports more than the pro's. There are still the superstars but there are still teams that working as a unit within a system can overcome much more than a superstar with a supporting cast.

A group working together in unison toward a common goal is greater than the some of it's parts.

Things are going to get very weird here in the next little while.

If you don't know God, It's time... John 3:16-17, John 14:6


God Bless !

Friday, January 19, 2007

Thursday @ The Edge

Had to eat some ice cream to warm up. I wish those guys would pay their bills.

Shoulder complex
Hip swings
Sit ups

Grappler 1 arm presses
1 x 5 x bar
1 x 5 x bar + 25
1 x 5 x bar + 50
3 x 5 x bar + 75

1 arm db snatch for stretch
2 x 8 x 50's

DB french curl
1 x 8 x 50
1 x 8 x 60
1 x 8 x 70
1 x 8 x 80

1 arm push downs
1 x 8 x 80
1 x 8 x 100
2 x 8 x 120

Nice & quick. Got blood flowing and got my shoulders loosened up and stretched. Realized on the 1 arm push downs how much weaker my rt side still is from my left. Could be causing 2 things: missed lockout and the overworked feeling in my left shoulder. I thought that my strength was about equal in both arms now, 1.5 years from my wrist rebuild. Maybe I should have been thinking in metric years for the real healing time...

fulfilled prophecy.com


2 sites that will give you a different perspective.

Ladies and gentlemen, fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy ride...


God Bless!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Tuesday @ the Edge

Single digits outside and seemingly barely better inside.

Shoulder complex
Hip swings

DE bench tall Forza
1 x tons x bar
1 x 5 x bar + dbl minis
1 x 5 x 135 + dbl minis
9 x 3 x 185 + dbl minis

CS Rrows
4 x 6 x 160


1 x Pull downs x 8 x 180
2 x Pulldowns x 8 x 220
3 x Suspended pushups x 10

I guess the plus side of the gym being so cold is that it didn't seem so bad going outside.

Found a new site that is a little different from the mainstream: http://www.warchick.com/

Gotta go.


God Bless!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

ME Bench

Gold's American Fork. Mike, both Jeff's, Moosie and Parker. Michelle and Lance somewhere.
Hip swings
Shoulder complex

Flat bench
?? x bar
?? x 135
5 x 225
5 x 275
3 x 315
1 x 335
3 x 365 + 3board don't remember tripling this before
1 x 385 + 3board tied pr
2 x m + 3board 1st one missed @ top, 2nd was too high. 1st one was fairly fast but just died. I'm not certain this problem is just a strngth issue. I need to learn more about top end technique.

Pushdowns + Standing handle grabbing posterior shoulderblade retraction thingies on a machine not designed for it. Seemed to work out.
4 x 10 I think not certain where the pins were.

Blue Band behind the knee standing extensions
3 x 10
Standing calves (weird)
3 x 10?

so so workout. I suppose I should be good with the benching. Head wasn't 100% in it. I had the oddest morning that pegged the bizzaro meter.

Wife woke me up @ 6 am yelling from the hall. "Stephen, help me get Dave out of the closet". I woke up very groggily and asked her to repeat what she had said. She pointed at the hall closet who's door was open. Typical hall closet. Vaccum, vaccum parts, light bulbs coats etc. Along with the previous list was my 25 yr old son, naked, in the fetal position asleep with his head hidden behind the coats against the back wall.

Took a while trying to figure this all out. Dave was not real coherant. Go figure. He wasn't making much sense. Again go figure. He wouldn't wake up or comeout. I found his robe in the kitchen and Dave finally took it and came out.

Behind the scene is an on going discussion between my wife and myself about her new $145 contacts being missing. (Long story short, I did something stupid, somewhere somehow and confused the cases and doubled up our contacts in one case and now we can't find her left one. My bad.) Dave, semi coherant and now in his robe (God is good), was trying to help us find the lens and calm his mom down.

Through the loud discussion, Dave has sat on the end of my bed, asked me to kneel so he could compare range of motion of my one good wrist and his bad wrist. He tried to give his mom some little green pills so she would go to sleep. "And don't worry mom, your contacts have to be somewhere..."

For what seemed like an eternity, we were trying to get him to go down and go to bed. He did leave and came back with a glass with some brownish liquid in it that after being questioned he said it was "bolnde liquor." We finally figuered out that this was an old diluted whiskey somwething. Not real flammable at this point.

He finally left to go down stairs to go to bed but he was still confused because his wife woke up with Dave at the foot of the bed thinking he was in the bathroom. Thankfully she got him correctly oriented before any damage was done. Best part, Today is her birthday.

He remembers nothing. He used to sleep walk as a kid but he never did anything to this degree. In the top 5 of weird mornings for my lifetime. I think I can forgive myself for not being focused at the gym.

Haven't checked much on the eschatology front this week. I quickly read some stuff on Herb Peter's fulfilledprophecy.com. Look for some Surprising mid east peace stuff come out in the news. We don't get crap for real news here in the US.

Gotta go son in Iraq is IMing me.


God Bless!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Thurs @ the Edge Icebox

Holy crap was it cold in there tonight. Tough to get going.

Shoulder complex
Hip swings

Seated DB Military
8 x 50's
8 x 60's
8 x 70's

2 hand front swings to eye level.
Used a 2"OD PVC pipe and load 35's. Hands just to the outside of the plates.
1 x 5 x 70
3 x 5 x 105
I like these. Gets my whole body working. I miss being able to squat.

High Pulley Overhead rope extensions
Purple band doubled over a bar pushdowns

Sat around and shot the breeze about politics and world events.

Mideast peace on the horizon? Temporary at best.

German Chancelor calling for an American/European free trade zone? Interesting.

We need to close our borders and get a clue. There is a lot of turmoil in the world and somewhere, sometime, we in the good old US of A could get a rude awakening.

Stuff is escalating for sure.



God Bless

Saturday, January 06, 2007

1/6/07 ME bench

West Jordan Gold's
Good crew. Mike C, Lance, Michelle, Moosie showed up with son Parker and Russ Bennet showed up though he wasn't benching. After spending the week with "civilians" at work and at home it is nice to hang with twisted, like minded people. Regular people don't get lifters.

Shoulder complex

Flat bench
1 x ? x bar
1 x ? x 135
1 x 5 x 225
1 x 3 x 275
1 x 3 x 315
1 x 2 x 365 + 52 fury Chest kinda loose. Play in the arms. Decent off week shirt to help in lockout I think.
1 x 1 x 405
1 x m x 405 Rt side got loose. Couldn't finish at lockout that side.

4 Board Raw
1 x 3 x 365
1 x 3 x 375
1 x 2 x 375

High pulley row to chest
Hammer curls
Short dips

The WABDL meet got put off till April 14. I believe I will call Ginny Phelps (?) and have her alter the 54 fury I have. Shorten the sleeves and take them in to a 48 and take the shoulders and chest plate into a 5o. Should be interesting.

Had a good time on our video conference with Ward on Wednesday. He seems to be in good spirits in spite of some of his frustrations. He doesn't understand the apathy of the Iraqi locals at all. I guess I don't either. You'd think they would stand up for their new freedom now that Saddam is gone. Different strokes I suppose.

Gotta fly.


God Bless.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Tues DE Bench

@ the Edge.
Shoulder complex
Hip swings

Flat bench/varied grips on an overly tall Forza. Top of bench is over 18 1/2"
2 x ?? x bar
1 x 5 x 135
3 x 3 x 205
3 x 3 x 215
3 x 3 x 225

Floor press lockouts
1 x 5 x 365
1 x 5 x 405
2 x 5 x 425

CS rows
1 x 5 x 135
3 x 5 x 180

Pulldowns and suspended push ups x 3 sets

Very excited. We have a video conference with my son in Iraq this afternoon @ HIll AFB in Ogden. It will be good to see him.


God Bless!