Sat ME Bench
Shoulder complex
Hip swings
Flat bench
1 x ?? x bar
1 x ?? x 135
1 x 5 x 275
1 x 2.75 x 315 Played with a set up idea and ended up looking like dog womp.
1 x 1 x 315 pulled my head out and this was faster than the 275.
Flat bench w/ band(s) stretched under the bench + 3 boards
1 x 8 x 225 + purple band
1 x 5 x 225 + green band
2 x 3 x 225 + green + purple bands holy schneikies, do I need top end work.
Push downs w/purple band wrapped around stack.
3 x 8 x 150 + P/Band
1 x 3 x 190 + P/band
Things aren't 100%, 100% of the time but something is learned every workout. Sending my AARP app in on Tuesday. That will be one thing I have on Roger.
Ding dong,
Saddam is gone...
Suni's haven't gone nuts after the execution so that's good news.
European Neighborhood policy kicks into tomorrow. I don't see anything big showing up at first but I'm certain things will start revving up as the months rolls on. Watch Solana and his group. Quietly gaining power and most westerners have no idea who he is.
God Bless!