Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Had the start of some crud. Felt like crud so I bagged it. It was cold last night. I think it got down to 12F at our house. Funny how it feels much worse in the cold when you already feel like crap.

My house is too full. I'm glad I can help the kids but I won't feel bad when they get their own place.

Lot's going on in the world. Talking to Ward, he feels that a large problem over in Iraq is that the locals don't stand up for themselves against the insurgents who are causing the problems. We need to get out but no one thought that locals would just lay down and not take care of business. We are between a rock and a hard place.

The AoC is busy. lots moving forward toward one world monetary system and a one world religion. We don'y here of any of it in the west. We are fat and lazy. Check out . Scary stuff.


God Bless!


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