Mon 10/19
Core De load
Light Strap Squats
Standing Abs
Alt DB Curls
Bench Support De load
Light bench something
Push downs
Sat ME Bench De load
Flat Bench: worked up to a single @ 345#
Light pull downs to chest
Push downs
Monday 10/26
No Train
Weds Bench assist
DE Bench
3 x 3x 135
6 x 3 x 135 + 2 minis under bench
5 x 135
5 x 185
5 x 205
3 x 225
3 sets
H Pulley WG rows to chest
4 sets
Push downs
3 sets
Sat ME Bench
Shirt Work
Warm up to 3 x 315
Shirt + 2 boards
1 x 365 nt
1 x 405 nt
1 x 435 nt
1 x 465
1 x 485 best rep. Pulled the plug here. Poebably could have gone 2 more sets over 500 but I'd rather go slow and let the old CNS get accustomed to the stress a bit at a time. Right wrist was a bit weak on the 465 but concentrated on squeezing the bar and wrapped it tighter for the 485. Went great. The Karin's DD might be old but it still has life. The extra canvas chest plate probably helps.
Close grip S press full ROM
12 x 135
2 x 12 x 185
CS Rows
4 sets
Bwt slowly dropping. 273# this AM. Making sure more protein is consumed so I don't turn into the weak little mess I was last time.
God Bless!