Thursday 6/28/07
Hip Swings
Shoulder complex.
Stiff DL
10 x bar
5 x 135
5 x 225
6 x 2 x 315
CS row
5 x 135
4 x 160
2 x 5 x 135
Green + Mini band abs
4 x 12
EZ curls
8 x 90
8 x 100
This was it but I didn't know it at the time. I met a big dude named Sean. Apparently an MMA fighter. Nice guy been some places and done some things. Looks to be very strong. Soft spoken but very knowledgable about training, fighting, politics etc. Long story short I jabbered through the balance of my curls and cardio. Actually not through, instead of. Ah well it was a good conversation.
Bwt Thursday AM 252 Bwt Fri AM 249. Did a lot of running around @ work Thurs and also cut back on calorie intake.
Work was fun yesterday. Skip has a tendency to have ah, er well, erratic start times so we started a pool in this end of the office. No biggee, just a quarter buy in. Skip showed up @ 8:40 and Deb won with a pick of 9:08. I had 10:15. He's off today so the pool goes active again on Monday.
God's been wrestling with my insides lately. Nothing I want to post right now but there are things definately going on.
Dan loves her new job. Ward is ok and DJ and his seem fine.
Gotta ramble
God Bless!