Friday, June 29, 2007

Thursday 6/28/07

I really was going to train Tuesday. I got a call as I was in the parking lot @ Gold's. Fortunately I parked in the shade. This was a customer that had some tech questions and some personal employment questions and I believe he was getting ready to wave goodbye to the #6 can of a six pack. Conversation went looonnnnggg. Then I got another biz call. At the end of that it was time to call it a night. It worked out as Lisa was just heading out to grab sushi. Very nice.

Hip Swings
Shoulder complex.

Stiff DL
10 x bar

5 x 135
5 x 225
6 x 2 x 315

CS row
5 x 135
4 x 160
2 x 5 x 135

Green + Mini band abs
4 x 12

EZ curls
8 x 90
8 x 100

This was it but I didn't know it at the time. I met a big dude named Sean. Apparently an MMA fighter. Nice guy been some places and done some things. Looks to be very strong. Soft spoken but very knowledgable about training, fighting, politics etc. Long story short I jabbered through the balance of my curls and cardio. Actually not through, instead of. Ah well it was a good conversation.

Bwt Thursday AM 252 Bwt Fri AM 249. Did a lot of running around @ work Thurs and also cut back on calorie intake.

Work was fun yesterday. Skip has a tendency to have ah, er well, erratic start times so we started a pool in this end of the office. No biggee, just a quarter buy in. Skip showed up @ 8:40 and Deb won with a pick of 9:08. I had 10:15. He's off today so the pool goes active again on Monday.

God's been wrestling with my insides lately. Nothing I want to post right now but there are things definately going on.

Dan loves her new job. Ward is ok and DJ and his seem fine.

Gotta ramble


God Bless!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Monday 06/25/07

I’m not happy with the way things are progressing training wise. I am changing things up a bit to lower some volume and speed up the sessions. I am also going back to dragging and tire flipping etc. I’m hoping time will prove me smarter than the tire.

Behind Hillcrest HS.

Tire drag (passenger car tire with a platform built into the center.)
2 x 60 yards front
2 x 60 yards back
2 x 60 yards front + 50# weight
2 x 60 yards back + 50# weight
2 x 60 yards front
2 x 60 yards back

Med Light Tractor Tire Flip
4 x 10

This felt good to be back outside. People sure look at you strange. I’m going to try to keep things on the lighter side and look more for speed and pop rather than for brute strength. So far so good.

Bwt Sunday AM 249. Bwt Monday AM 251. Bwt Tuesday AM 250.

Going in tonight with a lighter, speedier mentality.

Work is pretty slow. Really surprising for me. This is the busy season. I bet it's due to the fact that our inventory is way back logged and we are behind on filling orders. Not as much need if not as much stuff is being delivered.

Talked with Ward today. He is passing time till he's done. Still shooting for 30 Aug. for him to leave Iraq. Can't wait for him to come home.

God is good and always provides.


God Bless!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Sat 6/23

Bob and Terri Pitsenberger's 27th anniversary? Long time for sure. Nice job guys!

Van Winkle Gold's
Situps (ow abs are killing me from Thurs weighted leg raises)
Hip swings
Shoulder complex

Flat bench
2 x ?? x bar
?? x 135
5 x 225
4 x 3 x 275
I was all over the place with the bar. It felt heavier than it should have. Set up wasn't bad I was just weak.

3 Board
2 x 295
3 x 3 x 295
Back in the fat old days my PR for a single on 3 boards was like 375. Definately a new era.

Push downs very painful to the abs did I mention it hurt?
8 x 80
2 x 8 x 100

Tate Presses
8 x 45's
3 x 8 x 50's

Rolling Extensions
8 x 30's
3 x 8 x 40's

Strict lateral raises
3 x 12 x 20's

40 min bike

Bwt this AM 253. Stopped losing weight and as weak as a puppy. Goofy. College football season is edging closer and there is roller derby tonight with the guys from work. Should be fun.

Need to do some more homework on the Global warming drama. Too many are buying into the hysteria after checking their brains @ the door. Need to be objective and clear in my position. Free speach and opposing thought is starting to be looked down on. Bad times for the country.

Gotta go. Need to mow the lawn.


God Bless

PS did I mention there's Roller Derby tonight?

Friday, June 22, 2007

Thursday 6/21 Summer Solstice

At least I think that's how it's spelled.

Hip swings
Shoulder complex

Mini band pull aparts
5 x 15

2 x 10 x bar
5 x 135
2 x 225
2 x 275
2 x 315
2 x 335 lousy reps. Not deep at all. Bar just felt wrong
3 x 2 x 315

ez bar curls
8 x 90
3 x 8 x 100

Stab ball weighted leg raises
4 x 5 x 25

Cardio = talking to a guy about highland games. Never made it down to the bike or anything.

Bwt this AM 251. Bwt Fri AM 253. Definately cycling up and down

Work is going ok. Still transition going on for the company. No worries, God is in charge.

Danielle is jacked about how well her interview went @ Barnes and Noble. She is also getting cranked up about moving out with girlfriend Chelsea. Not certain she's ready for it but at 18 what can I do? Pray for sure.

Gotta run. Things to see and people to do.


God Bless!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Tuesday Stuff

HIp swings
Sit ups
shoulder complex

Flat bench
2 x ?? x bar
2 x 3 x 135
6 x 3 x 185
1st rep 6 count pause. 2nd 3 count pause. 3rd reg speed no pause.

Military Stump presses
5 x bar
5 x bar + hanging 50# = 95#
5 x bar + hanging 100# = 145#
5 x 55 + H. 100# = 155#
2 x 3 x 65 + H. 100#
These felt pretty good. I thought they would be harder.

Overhead cable tri extensions
8 x 75
3 x 8 x 95#

Suspended pushups feet on bench
4 x 12 x bwt

bike on random 25 minutes

Bwt Wed AM 250#

Talking to Ward right now.

Need to fly.


God Bless!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Monday 6/18

Hip swings

Leg Press
10 x 270
10 x 450
10 x 540
2 x 10 x 630
Knees held together pretty well. Not sore Mon nite or Tue AM. RT hammy @ the glute tie in got a little sore but not a thing really.

Hammer Strength High Row?
8 x 160
8 x 200
8 x 240
2 x 8 x 270

Alt db curls
8 x 45's
2 x 8 x 50's
8 x 40's

25 min bike

Bwt Mon AM 255# (What the...?) Bwt Tues AM 251#

Feeling pretty good these days. Not sure what's up with the weight flux. I ate well @ Annystin's party and not so bad on Father's day. Gotten serious again (For the moment any way.)

I have a kink in my back in the lower middle of my Thorasic area. Around T-8 - T-12 or so. Just left of center. A little like a cramp and a lot like I need my back popped. It hasn't hampered strength but it does bother.

Things seem to have mellowed out some. Praise God! I know things are cyclical and some crud is always close by. Gotta live through God's power to get the joy of living through His will.

The world is so screwy right now. I am getting the strong feeling that the rports may be true the GW is busy selling us down the river to a North American Union with Canada and Mexico. I don't know of one person that wants that.

I believe Herb Peters may be right that we have entered Daniel's 70th week. That means things will escilate for a couple of years then by about June 2010, the crap will really hit the fan. Time for everyone to consider their relationship with God and get it right or eternity will be nasty for you. Not my word's or wishes but just the result of not accepting God's provision for us. A simple thing really.

Look it up.


God Bless!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Sat ME Bench

Shoulder Complex
Hip Swings

Flat Bench
2 x ??? x bar
5 x bar + dbl minis
5 x 135 + " "
5 x 185 + " "
3 x 225 + " "
1 x 245 + " "
2 x m x 265 + dbl minis
2 x 225 + dbl minis
5 x 185 + " "

Recently read on that dbl minis are about 30# on the bottom and 80# @ the top.

Flat bench 5 boards
8 x 295
5 x 325
3 x 345
1 x 365

1 arm rope pushdowns
8 x 80 ea
3 x 8 x 90 ea

bent over cheat flies
8 x 40's
3 x 8 x 45's

50 minutes bike

Bwt this AM 251. Bwt post workout 249.

Good crew today. Jeff A. Lance, Manny, Sean and me. Manny is doing well since his shoulder surgery and Sean is going to be good. Kid has an extra gear when he gets mad @ the bar. He's never held 315 and he tripled it on 6 boards. Sounds high but his arms are so long he still had a 4"- 6" stroke off of that. Good day all the way around.

Gotta go see what I can do around the house before we go to Annystin's b-day party. She is 10 as of yesterday.

Sad news. Herb Peters of Fulfilled Prophecy passed away this week. His daughter Holly has picked up the torch.

Lots of crazy things at work in the world some real ugly times are right around the corner. If you aren't right with God or don't have a relationship with him, it is time to get that done. Check out Get in your Bible and read John 3. Jesus died for you and was raised from the dead and He wants a relationship with you.


God Bless

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Wed Cardio

40 min eliptical. 20 back 20 forward

Bwt Wed AM 249. Bwt Thurs AM 251

Not certain what the deal is with the weight yo yo. Didn't eat much yesterday. Ah well it's life.

Looking forward to June 23. Looks like a group from the office is going to check out the Salt City Derby Girls @ the olympic oval. They play the Treasure Valley all Star team. Should be fun.

Got GM's tonight. Always a good time.

Back at it.


God Bless!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Tuesday 6/13

Hip swings
Shoulder complex
Rope stretch
Sit ups

flat bench varied grips
2 x bar x ???
?? x 135
4 x 3 x 165
4 x 3 x 165

Standing military
5 x bar
5 x 135
5 x 155
2 x 5 x 165

Skull crushers on floor w/ez bar
8 x 95
2 x 8 x 105
8 x 115

Suspended pushups feet on bench
4 x 10 x bwt + mini behind back

20 min bike on random.

Bwt this AM 249.

Got word Ward is less than 80 days to go on his current deployment. Very good news.

Things going pretty well @ home. Kinda nice. Very nice to have all of the pre graduation tenseness behind us.

Got news today that Pat's bbque is on the schedule for Friday for lunch. Very cool. Pat's is on the web if anybody cares to check out the best bbque in Utah.

Cardio tonight. Gotta keep the ball rolling.

God is good.


God Bless!

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Sat 6/09

Hip Swing
Shoulder Complex

Flat Bench Illegal wides
2 x ?? x bar
5 x 135
5 x 225
5 x 245
5 x 255
3 x 265
3 x 275

Shirted 3 boards
3 x 315 x 52 Fury Shirt was zip, zero nada. Too big for use
5 x 315 x 52 Rage X
3 x 345 x " " "
3 x 365 x " " "
2 x 375 x " " "
1 x 385 x " " " Jeff touched the bar but I got it.
The Rage X was too big but offered some support. When I hit my final weight I will send my 54 & 52 Fury out with the Rage x to be altered to see how I do then. Maybe I will have a clue about shirts then. I don't have one now for sure.

Variety of push downs ended with 1 armed ropes

CG NG low rows
5 x 180
5 x 210
5 x 230
5 x 250

1 armed cable curls
a bunch x some

45 min bike on random HR up to 130

Bwt in AM 249. Bwt post workout was 248. I'd love it if this was a trend.

Pretty happy with the illegal wides. I would love to get down to 220 by the Sept meet but that may be asking too much. Either way as I get within a month I will tighten up the protein and see if I can't break 330 raw. That's 15# less than my PR @ like 295. It would be nice to get that close. Ultimate medium goal is to break 350 @ 220.

Jeff is going to go down to the UT summer games in 2 weeks and compete in the discus, shot put, hammer throw and 100M.he has never done the hammer and hasn't sprinted since Jr High. He just wants to go down and have fun. He's 42. He's got big hairy huevos for sure.

Back is sore from Thursday still. Ah well. It's a good sore? looking forward to church tomorrow. We haven't gotten involved as quickly here as in the past but it feels very much like home. Good people that love God and don't put on airs. Very real.

Had a great time on myspace today. Had 2 IM's going at the same time with Ward and his roomies. Ward was on one laptop and they were on another. Pretty fun. We were all laughing.
Good guys. I pray they all come home safe.

Take care.


God Bless!

Friday, June 08, 2007

Thursday 6/07

shoulder complex
hip swings

Rack pulls knee high start
10 x bar
2 x 5 x 135
5 x 225
5 x 315
5 x 365
5 x 405
2 x 3 x 455

Assited pull ups purple band
8 x bwt + band
3 x 7 x bwt + band

Standing band abs
4 x 12 x green + mini

ez bar curls
5 x 100
3 x 8 x 90

30 min bike

Bwt Thursday 251 Friday AM 250

Took it easy on the bike because my left knee was still a little tender. Knee did great in the rack pulls. I had more in the tank for the pulls but discretion is the better part of valor so I stopped where I did. Grip on the right (puney) hand was much better than I anticipated.

Back really feels worked Fri AM. Good kind of sore.

Work is sorta dead for me. Real slow on the tech callls. There are still some rumblings that there are more changes coming that are for now under the radar. Time will tell what will shake out.

Talking to Ward online now. He seems to be doing well. Things are calmer than before he says. That's good. He shouldn't get his bell rung anymore. Not getting shot or blown are pluses as well.

Looking forward to tomorrow's workout. We will be @ the Gold's off of Van Winkle. It's a big one. I'm still not quite used to the rhythm of the change in the crew but life goes on. I will adjust.

End times stuff cranking away. Things will get very interesting in some sometimes very bad ways before too long. The Bible is full of prophecies that have come true with just future stuff remaining. I'm not betting against the trend. I suggest that you don't either. Read the book of John, especially chapter 3. Could be very important to your future.

God Bless!

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Thursday & Saturday


Shoulder complex

2 x 10 x bar
5 x 135
3 x 225
4 x 3 x 275

Low Pulley Row
5 x 140
5 x 180
3 x 5 x 210

DB curls
8 x 40's
3 x 8 x 45's

Bike 40 min

Bwt Thurs Am 251

Saturday Me Bench

Hip swings
Shoulder Complex

Floor Press
5 x bar
5 x 135
4 x 5 x 225
3 x 235
3 x 245

4 boards reg bench
5 x 275
2 x 3 x 315
3 x 325
3 x 335

Overhead cable extension
5 x 5 x ??

bent over lateral raises
8 x 35's
3 x 8 x 40's

Some hex head db grips
Started with 20's but the right hand is still wimpy so had to go down to 15's.

Bike 45 mins

BWT 250

Haven't heard from Ward in a few days. His mom is a little worried and trying like crazy to not show it.

Danielle's senior dinner dance is tonight. Graduation is Tuesday. Wednesday morning is the start of a new era in our household.

My brother and sister come in today and will stay over till Wed am. Should be a good visit.

Gotta go. Don't have any goats so I must mow the lawns.


God Bless!