We met @ Ripped Fitness in Draper today. Very nice facility. I was last guy there because I helped my daughter move her big furniture back to our house. Our basement looks like a poorly packed storage unit.
Moosie and Parker and Jeff were there along with Manny and his posse. I think he had 3 guys with him today.
We weren't aware that they closed @ 2:00 on Sat but Jody was very cool and stayed till we were done. I think we will be back 1-2 times a month. Very nice atmosphere for training. Much better tunes than Gold's.
Warm up
Incline bench
Bar x ???
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
245 x 3
255 x 3
275 x 1
295 x M
In following V Dizenzo's program I had chosen 275 as my last rep regardless of how I felt and I tried the 295 which I should have gotten. Got sloppy and loose. I should have stopped @ the 275. Haven't done inclines in a long time and didn't know where I was. Goal is inclining 315 by or before the end of the cycle. Doable. Shoulders felt ok from Wednesday.
4 board flat bench
5 x 315 very fast
5 x 335
5 x 355 grinder on the 5th. I think 5 reps might be a PR here. Feel good about pushing through past what my head used to think was my limit. I think my head is catching up to the potential of my HRT.
Lil Dave's quad tri death
2 x 15 x ??
CG NG seated rows
10 x 150
10 x 180
2 x 10 x 210
Rev Pec Deck
3 x 10 x ?
EZ bar curls
3 x 10 x 85 very tired. Didn't push on these.
Really nice atmosphere to train in. Much better music than Gold's and it was only the 9 of us in that area for most of the session. We will be back.
Feeling much better about my ability to grind out reps. For some reason I have had trouble digging deep until recently. Very happy with the progress. Looking forward to the work leading into the August APF meet.
Bringing Dick Scouler into some websites about prophecy etc. His eyes are being opened I think. I'm going to let him borrow 'An Inconvenient Book' by Glenn Beck. Very insightful.
I here the new Ben Stein movie is excellent. Getting bad reviews from the left. Doesn't surprise me. the left these days cannot hold a civilized discussion if their life depended on it. They do not allow any dissent against Darwin even though there are so many real problems with their theory. DNA, vision, the fact that at the moment of conception there are billions of codes at work in a fertilized egg. Billions. All this happened spontaniously in some special sauce combo of slime? And where did the slime come from? Think about the building you are in while you are reading this.
Millions of years ago the building you are in didn't exist. It was nothing but a muddy piece of land. One dark and stormy night some lumber trucks were driving through carrying all manner of building material in a caravan. One by one the trucks failed to make the turn and all tipped over and then suddenly they were all hit by lightening. Over the centuries, out of the ooze, a building started to form. In time the building was complete with walls, a water tight roof, working sewer line, phones electricity, cable, locks, the whole nine yards. A MIRACLE!
Horse bisquits. Somebody bought the land, got permits, hired an architect and a contractor and built the building BY DESIGN.
Look to your local mountains, woods, marshlands, whatever. One chipmunk's cardiovascular system is more complicated than the building you are in and that building was built by design.
If there is a design, there is a designer. Why do people get so fired up and stupid about this? Maybe because they think they are their own little gods and if there is a bigger God (designer) they might have to answer to him?
"Be not deceived, God is not mocked." We are all going to answer someday for our lives and our actions. God says that none of us are good enough on our own but based on Jesus' sacrifice and our acceptance, we can be made good enough. John 3:16-17, 1 John 1:9, Ephesions 2:8-10. Look it up. Not my words. Make informed choices. True religion is not religion with rules and chants and do's and don't's. What it is is a relationship with the Creator of the universe. The earth and inhabitants area amazing but not worthy of worship. Nothing that is created is worthy of worship including the fallen one, lucifer. Only the Creator is worthy of worship.
Consider it.
God Bless!