Thursday, September 30, 2010

Core 9/30/2010

Warm Up
DB Swings
10 x 25 ea side
10 x 35 ea side

Stump Squats
2 x 10 x 145
10 x 195

GM’s (SS w ABs)
3 x 10 x 105
Used an 8'squat bar for the squats and GM's makes a difference. Maybe using this I can finally loosen up my shoulders and be flexible? Or maybe not...

Stand Abs
3 x 20

So far liking this quick compound movement sets of 10 or so training. Maybe I just missed the endorphines. Either way I hear the sled on the leg press goes for about 45#.


God Bless!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Bench Assist 9/27/2010

Warm Up
? x bar
3 x 10 x 115

3 x 10 x 115

Bent Rows
3 x 10 x 165

Rev Pec Deck
3 x 10

Elbow continues to do well. Pleased with the throttled back approach. Will continue to cruise up slwoly to see if stremgth can come back without pain/injury. Ain't no spring chicken in Kansas any more. Or whatever Dorothy said...


God Bless!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

ME Bench 9/25

Warm up
Stump Press
3 x ? x bar
8 x 95
8 x 135
8 x 185
8 x 225 + slingshot (Mark Bell new fangled goodie: fun)
8 x 225
2 x 3 x 275

3 Boards Inside Grip
8 x 135
8 x 225
2 x 5 x 275

CS Rows
5 x 10 x 3 plates

Face Pulls
5 x 20

Elbow seems good. Slow and safe is working so far. Likw what about Bob: Baby Steps


God Bless!

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Sat 9/18
Went camping

Tuesday 9/21
Bench Support
2 x ? x Bar
3 x 10 x 110

3 x 10 x 110

Bent Rows
3 x 10 x 160

Still taking it easy and the elbow seems ok.

Thursday 9/24
Core (taking it easy here as well...)
DB Swings
2 x 10 x 30 ea side

½ Squats
3 x 10 x 135

Rack Pulls
3 x 10 x 135

Stand Band Abs
5 x 10

Quick, easy, down and dirty. Coming back slooooowly.

Did not get the Sherwin Williams job in SoCal. Woulda been a nice gig. Ah well, God knows better. We shall see what pops up next.


God Bless

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

And still more bench support

Slow and easy does it

Warm up
2 x ?? x bar
3 x 10 x 105

3 x 10 x 105

Bent Rows
3 x 10 x 145

20 min recumbent bike.

Nothing fell off and things feel ok.


God Bless!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Slowly back in the saddle

Tuesday bench support

Warm up
2 x ?? x bar
3 x 10 x 95

3 x 10 x 95

Bent Rows
3 x 10 x 135

No pain. Very nice. Time, rest and drugs can work.

Thursday Core

Sat ME Bench (old habits die hard)
?? x bar
2 x 10 x 95
5 x 135
10 x 135
2 x 5 x 185
2 x 5 x 225
A couple of sets had a glimmer of being sketchy but it was probably just scar tissue breaking loose.

CG 3 board
3 x 8 225

Push Downs
4 x 10 light

CS Rows
6 x 8 x 2 plates

Face Pulls
3 x 20

Nice easy pace. Elbow feels ok today. A slight bit achey but not the intense pain with every movement from before. Hope to have a gentle rhythm getting back into the groove.

God willing I will have movement on a job offer this week. Seems like I post this alot. I hope I get smarter and learn the lesson I am supposed to learn soon...


God Bless!

Sunday, September 05, 2010


The fun just never stops!

Sat I met up w/Moosie & Parker and while they trained like real people I spottesd, lifted off, did some light flies, pull downs and very light push downs (all with no pain so the anti inflammatory and lay off must be working). Pecs are a bit sore from the flies this morning but tri's are alright. Great news.

So this week and for a few following I will slowly work back in while watching diet etc. Been hovering around 272#. Goal is to over the next year drop 30-35# in a controled manner. I can do it quicker but I want this to be gradual so that its a life change and not the start of a yo yo loss gain loss gain etc.

Once I get down I will start playing with gear again. Things can change over a year but I'm thinking a custom Katana with a much bigger back for the single ply and a Ginny Philips DD for the multi. That is the plan of the moment and in another moment that could be subject to change.

The elbow is better
And that's quite a boon
I better be smart
And not lift heavy too soon

(I can do them all Snootch...)