Saturday, February 28, 2009

ME Bench, Finally

Finally got into the gym. Went to Van Winkle and surprisingly they have a competition bench and a couple of ok bars.


Flat Bench
2 x ?? x bar
?? x 135
?? x 225
5 x 275
2 x 315
1 x 335
Kept it low key just coming back. The 335 was the best rep. Weird because I J hooked it a bit.

CG Add dbl mini's
2 x 5 x 185 + mini's
3 x 225 + mini's

Suspended push ups ft on bench
3 x 10

Seated low rows

1 arm push downs

Nice session. Better than expected.

More later


God Bless!

Friday, February 27, 2009


Still not healthy. Haven't been to the gym this week. Hoping to be in tomorrow AM. Throat isn't sore but still a little swollen. Can breath but have a little sinus congestion. Wow I'm glad I'm usually healthy. This has been a long 16 days. Was able to drop some #'s so that's good. Hit 281 yesterday so I'm down 14#'s to date. I wish I felt better so I would be able to feel better with the loss if that makes sense.

Re the stim package and budget proposal, short and sweet: Where does the money come from? The gov't does not create anything. Would be better to open up and free the market to create and develop new jobs for/with real goods/services. This would be a real recovery instead of a nasty loan against our kid's future.

Look for a charamatic individual to step up and appear to settle all of the economic and political strife. Stay away from that guy.


God Bless!

Saturday, February 21, 2009


No training this week. Finally this morning I felt something close to human. enough so that I crawled out, shaved, showered and got dressed. Put the contacts in as well. Almost human. Congestion seems to be gone and the throat is just a dull roar compared to the inferno it had been for over a week.

I missed out on an invite for Thursday to go see the Jazz play. They beat Boston which is huge. Got another invite I think I can make to watch the Jazz play NO. Should be an emotional evening. Jazz owner Larry Miller died yesterday so I am certain there will be a tribute ot two.

The link posted here is more support for some of my current changes in training thought. I like my current template but my nutritional in take has a huge level of screw-it involved. I had gotten down to 250 in 07 and then neglected to care about what I ate and drank. In the in between I started my HRT in January 08. My weight came back up with more muscle mass and strength than before but a lot of the wrong weight came back. Stronger than I'd ever been but apnea came back and snoring got real bad. Energy dwindled.

I hit 295 and felt ok but was not, am not ok. a couple of weeks ago I started paying attention again and making small changes I have dropped 11#. 284 this AM. I am looking forward to seeing how this weight loss journey goes. I have different training templates (Vinnie Dizenzo, Jim W's 5/3/1 and the one mentioned in the link above.), HRT and a different perspective. I still want to compete but we will see how that goes.

Lots of stuff going on several Obama protest rallies happening but the national press hasn't picked up any.

Obama supporters argue to give him more time but Dude has already done things that can be judged against his promises. Dude seems to have an agenda that doesn't include straight up honesty. I'll include specifics later.

Gotta go.


God Bless!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Haven't been to the gym since Thursday. Have some sort of cold/infection/crud in my head. Not a good time. Get feeling "almost" there but naggy cough and sore throat kicks in. Hate it. Makes me appreciate being healthy.

A link I forgot to post before is:

Interesting guy, Ted.

Need to go find my rock.


God Bless!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Core Stuff

Had stuff going on Tuesday (truck broke down)(better now) and felt like doodie yesterday but made it in for a quick one today.

Warm up
Sit ups
Leg press
10 x 540
10 x 720
8 x 900
8 x 1080

Pull thrus on a tight cross over machine
5 sets I think

Shrugs on standing calf machine

Session went longer than expected. Saw a guy I hadn't seen in a while. Mike, the Real Estate, Mortgage, softball dude. 54 years old and is a hired gun. Slow pitch pitcher for hire. Has great stories about being paid to travel all over to pitch in tournaments. Good stuff.

Got the start of a cold. Bought some Zicam and hoping it helps kick this thing.

United rentals filled their opening for a strategic account manager. Too bad I got into the mix late. Iwoulda been great there. I coulda been a contender. STELLA!!!!

The nominee for Commerce Secretary backed out. Sweet. A man that stood up for his convictions. Nice to see somebody grow a set. In that regard I hope Spector and the 2 senators from Maine come to their senses and reverse their position on the stimulus package.

It's not about Republicans and Democrats. It's about what's right for the country. It is that simple forget the personalities and the glitz. Look at the plan and the history. I think a lot of people would be surprised at where they land position wise if they eliminated party allegiances. I'm just saying...

Gotta fly.


God Bless!

Monday, February 09, 2009

We're all Socialists Now

Was rewriting my resume and job searching so never got into the gym for cardio.

If you don't think our country is changing check out today's Newsweek cover:

Oh yeah, last Friday afternoon the Pres moved the national census from the Commerce Dept to the desk of the Pres' Chief of Staff, Rohm Emanuel. This is the guy that sent dead fish to his Chicago political opponents. Very, very partisan guy. Why is a neutral fact gathering device for the demographics of the country going into the hands of a very one way leaning guy?

Arlan Spector looks like he's going into the tank and siding with the bailout so that "something" could be done. He admits that Reagan's plan worked but won't push for it now. Wonder wh$t made him ch$nge his mind? Looks like the 2 R senators from Maine will jump in BO's pool as well.

Here's a very odd fact: The Dems have enough votes right now to pass this pig but they aren't pushing for a vote and blaming republicans. Why? Could they know it's a bad bill and they don't want all of the blame as it goes down faster than the Titanic?

Question everything. Watch your back.


God Bless!

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Things you didn't see on network TV

Know your leaders.
The following are links to gaffes and absurd view points that got little or no play in the primary media. Prior to viewing, one should remember the following:

· There are 50 states in the US
· Coolidge and Hoover were the presidents in ’29 and TV hadn’t been mass produced yet
· There are about 330 million people total in the US
· Paying taxes is mandatory
· It has been proven that the earth has cooled over the last decade
· Not everyone from a political family should speak in public

Remember how GW got crucified?

Remember to pay attention. Do your homework. Don’t accept information as true on face value. Refuse the Koolaid.


God Bless!

ME Bench

Just Hefe and me. Moosie and Parker had a late game Friday and the kitchen redo isn't done and Kyle's car got hit in the parking lot where his car pool picked him up and the dog ate his homework.

Incline bench
2 x ?? x bar
?? x 135
5 x 225
3 x 275
1 x 315 PR back too loose
1 x 325 PR better rep

Lock outs
5 x 315
5 x 365
2 x 3 x 405

1 arm pushdowns
Seated cg ng low rows
Rope face pulls
Rope low pulley curls

Very happy with the inclines. Dizenzo's program keeps producing. I'd like to actually meet him sometime. Thanks to Matt Rhodes for posting the template.

Gotta go now but will post some interesting links later.


God Bless!

Friday, February 06, 2009


Light 1 legged stuff on:
PowerSquat, Hack Squat & Leg Press

Shrugs worked up to 455

Weighted leg lifts on Stability Ball

Nice change of pace session

Google sound bites of Nancy Pelosi talking about how many jobs will be lost if this "stim" bill isn't passed. At different times she was recorded as saying that if the bill isn't passed right now that 500 million jobs will be lost each month until it passes. Weird.There are only 330 million people in the US. Can you imagine what would happen if McCain, Palin or another conservative type said this? So why the gross overstatement?

A lot of fear mongering going on. Do some searches and check out what is really in the bill. Forget party lines. This bill is not about stimulus. It's a government spending/growth bill that is being pushed at a time when we as a country need to be prudent with our money. So the question is: Why are these people in charge of our welfare pushing something that when examined closely is very contrary to our country's welfare? Worth asking those who suposedly represent us in DC. Feel free to call and write to them to ask the questions.


God Bless!

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

more cardio

10 min hand crank bike
15 min arc trainer
20 min recumbant bike

Hate this crap but I need it.

Heard that Nancy Pelosi said something about how now that the dems have most of the power that they were going to "reshape America..." Duh. And they didn't waste a ton of time doing it. Glad to see that the voice of the people is being heard to a degree and the "stimulus package" is running into trouble.

I hope our local reps do a good job for us. If not, who knows how things will progress?


God Bless!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

DE Bench

Too much talking on my part today. Still a good session. Brian came by and trained at the same time.

Warm up
Flat bench
bar x ??
3 x 3 x 135
3 x 3 x 185
3 x 3 x 205

1 arm standing DB military
8 x 30
8 x 60
5 x 80
5 x 90

Moosie DB tri superset (Rolling extensions + Tate presses)
3 x 8 x 50/65

High pulley row wg to chest

V low pulley curls

Rev pec deck

Feeling pretty good strength wise. Program is going well. HRT seems good too.

Brian is big said he is 318 now. @ 6'8" he still has some room to fill out.

Vinnie Goulart called me from the World of Concrete in Vegas. Apparently there are 3 guys there with UV cured epoxies and motorized machines. He liked their resins too. Too bad Vin's system didn't get the in house support it needed 6 years ago. Life sure would be different in my house.

Tom Daschle took his name out of consideration for a cabinet post. Tommy owed over $120K in back taxes. Seems to be a trend going on. I will ask again Don't the Dems have anybody of good moral character that is above board in persoanl dealings? It's a joke. And they have the control for the next 2-4 years. We get what we deserve I guess.

Great link (I might have posted it before but it is worth reposting) :


God Bless!

Monday Cardio

I did finally get in and did some light cardio.

10 min on the hand crank bike

30 min on the recumbant bike

I think I need to do that hand crank more often. Really worked out the soreness left over from Sat's session.

For some interesting reading, Google: NAU, AMERO.

Be aware of the season Believers.


God Bless!

Monday, February 02, 2009

Cardio Today?

Haven't gone yet. Will go after lunch sometime and see how the knees deal with it.

Just wanted to share another link that has some interesting articles:


God Bless!