Sunday, January 27, 2008

Sat ME Bench Party

15-16 guys showed up. What a great time. The highlight was having Jason Gibson and Lil Dave come down from the Roy area to hang with us. Nick leinhart joined them. It was excellent having them meet Big Sam and his bro Robert. Neither has any idea how strong they really are.

Jason was down to 265 but looked real strong. Dave is injured so he just abused us. Well mainly Moosie, Sam and Robert. Not sure why I was off the hook.

We tried to get a couple of shirts on Sam but he needs a custom made from LOTS of material. His arms relaxed are 23". I am glad he's a nice guy

Warm up

Flat bench
?? x bar
?? x 135
5 x 225
1 x 315
single Karin's open on
1 x 385 foam pad
1 x 405 " "
1 x 425 " "
1 x 445 " " nt
1 x 455 " " nt
we really jacked the shirt so I wasn't certain where I was by feel. Locked it out quick and fast. Felt real strong. Wrist only bugged me on one set.

Put on 52 Rage X. Really could use a 50 or a 48.
6 x 365 4 board
1 x 405 foam pad
m x 425 " " Thought I had it going but lil Dave grabbed it. He was the boss Sat.

That is all I did. Somewhat beat up. Moosie, Sam and Rob were worse. They're going to be sore for most of this week. Look out world when Rob and Sam learn how to strain. Lance was there and saw Sam for the first time. He was wondering if Sam might someday break Big Dave's (Marchant) records. I believe he got a yes from everyone. The impression I got is that he went right over to Ripped fitness to let Big Dave know there was a new guy in town. Funny stuff. Life goes on. Records get broken. Records are cool but they don't speak at all to who you are as a person.

Big Sam is a rep for a supplement company and gave me 2 6 packs of these energy shot thingies. Took one yesterday. So far so good. Free is awesome.

I'm sore in my back today. Fatigued in the chest and shoulders but sore in my back. I was working hard at getting my head up and working what little arch I have. Woo Hoo!

Had an article I wrote posted on I'm journaling my test supplementation journey for them. Some of the guys had read it. So far the feed back is good.

Rob trained in my old barely used 52 fury. He liked it and bought it from me for $70.00 Seriously good deal. I maybe had 15 reps on it. I thought I was going to parley that into having my 54 fury re fitted to me by Ginny Phillips. I called Ginny and to take #" off the sleeves and take in the arms and chest plate 2" each she wanted $80.00. New is $100. For $50.00 Karin Klein will take in my open single denim and turn it into a double AND ship it. I guess I'm going to lift AAPF and AAU this year... Karin was also very friendly and chatty as was her husband Doug. I am hoping Ginny was just having a bad day. I do want a katana or a 48 or 50 fury if Scott Hookstra has one for cheap slightly used. I will call begging tomorrow.

I will also call and see if Karin can adjust my Fury. Who knows maybe she can do a 2fer.

Gotta go. Need to be measured for the denim. Sweet.

Keep praying to and trusting in the Creator. Worshipping the creation just doesn't make sense.


God Bless!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Bench assist

Warm up:
Shoulder complex
Hip swings
Falt bench ?? x bar, 2 x 10 x 135


5 x bar
5 x 135
5 x 165
5 x 185
3 x 205

CG pull downs
8 x 150
8 x 210
2 x 8 x 195

mini band pull aparts
3 x 15

lying cable overhead extensions V bar
10 x 130
10 x 180
3 x 10 x 200

push downs straight bar
10 x 150
2 x 10 x 200

30 minutes bike

I was going into the gym tonight but I hear it's snowing and that means the idiots will be driving home and it will take forever to get to the gym. I'll do some light band crap for legs at home and watch TV. I need a home gym bad.

BWT yesterday in the AM 265, 264 today.

The world is moving quicker and quicker towards craziness. I mean more so.

I think I will write in Norman Schwarzkopf for Pres and John Kruc for VP.


God Bless!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Monday Recovery

Supersetted DB presses of a stability ball and DB pull overs

3 x ?? x 50's / 50

20 minutes bike.

Bwt Tues AM 265. Simply bizarre. Water weight? Still fitting fine in the newer size 38 pants. Not over eating. Being careful on the content of beverages injested yet the lbs creep up. So is my strength. I suppose that's all good but the movement of the #'s seems to be accelerated. Going in for a blood draw today to see what the current supplementation is doing internally. Truth be told, I'm hoping that I'm a bit low still and we can up the dosage. That would be killer in my book.

Stock markets are dipping all over the planet. We could be at the beginning of a bumpy ride that the man that was prophecied about will miraculously smooth out and help all the kids around the world to play nice with each other. What a wonderful caring guy. Don't believe it. He is in it for the power and we are just a means to an end for him. Though the world will go through some very nasty times, God is in charge and does prevail to end the ordeal. Strap on your faith because the intermediate time will be rough.

Gotta fly,


God Bless!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Sat 1/19/08 ME Bench

Good crew. I think we had 11 or so there @ the Sandy 7th St Gold's.

Warm up

Flat bench
?? x bar
?? x 135
5 x 225
3 x 275
1 x 315
Single Ply Open Back Karin's + 2 boards
2 x 365
1 x 385
1 x 405*
1 x 425*
1 x 445*
*Did not touch. Was within 1/4" - 1/2". All reps felt strong and fast. The 445 was close enough that I'm counting it. I believe this might be an all time shirt PR for 2 boards. I really enjoy this shirt. It allows my bottom speed to carry me through past my sticking point. Good stuff.

Flat bench + Doubled Purple bands
5 x 135 + bands 4 boards
4 x 165 + bands 3 boards
3 x 165 + bands + 3 boards

Little Dave's Triple Triceps of Death 3 angles x 15 reps = 45 reps per set
1 set x 100
1 set x 110
1 set x 120
We used the rotating EZ attachment which worked out better than anything else we have tried.

Suspended pushups feet on bench
16 x bwt
12 x bwt
10 x bwt

Underhand bent rows w/easy bar.
8 x 115
8 x 165
3 x 8 x 185

20 minutes bike.

Best session in a long time. The shirt work went great. I had a lot more in the tank but called it good on the 445. Everything felt strong and fast on the bottom. No trouble locking out anything. Right hand came up even.I love it when a plan comes together. Next week 1 boards. I need to get a better feel for what weights work with what position of the shirt. I should gain a lot of confidence in the next couple of weeks.

I probably will do the Snake River meet in April and then send the shirt in to be refitted and have the 2nd ply put on.

Every day with Mom in the house is a new adventure. I can't tell sometimes if the Alzheimer's is working or she is just getting very lazy mentally. Probably both.

Got the new Washer and Dryer installed over the weekend. That dryer is amazing. I guess you can't go wrong with Kenmore eh?

Things are speeding up on the world front. Watch the EU, the movement toward the NAU, Israel and the rest of the world Unions as they come closer to one large body. I bet we see a date between 2010 and 2015 for this coming together. I don't think we can stop the momentum that has already been built.

Watch Bush and Solana and how slick they are as they bring this whole thing together. Plan for the future. Get supplies in hand. Batteries, generator, propane, fire starting tools. dried and canned fruit, water perifying tools, etc.

Watch the US economy. Our leaders have been spending us into oblivion. We are so upside down there may be no climbing out. What we are living on now is a house of cards that we in the general population have no control of. Makes you wonder why we went off of the Gold Standard.

As one takes a good look at the direction that the world/US is heading in and compare to past decisions and actions of our leaders, you either have to think they were pretty stupid and or playing a part in knocking down established powers in able for the phoenix of their chosing to come rising above the fire.

Tought stuff to comprehend.

Pray and prepare.


God Bless!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Thursday Lower

Truck took a dump on me Wed's so I spent the day hanging out at home catching up on things. It turned out that it was a wheel bearing issue that got repaired in time so that I could make it to the gym 3 pm ish.

Hip Swings

Precor Power Squat
8 x 360
8 x 640
8 x 810

Leg press
8 x 450
8 x 720
8 x 810

Rack Pulls from the top of the knee
5 x 315
5 x 405
2 x 455 I had the strength to do a full set but not the grip strength. Should have grabbed the straps.

30 minutes bike on random

Nice workout. Got a lot of work done quickly. Knees worked out ok this way. I miss doing real squats and deads but one only gets one set of knees in their lifetime.

Looking forward to throwing on the Karin's single denim tomorrow. I think I might do the snake river meet in April in Idaho falls.

BWT Friday AM 262#. Surprised @ this. I thought it would be up because Lisa made tacos and I ate my share. She does great things in the picture.

I saw on that Bush signed a deal with the EU to create a common market with Europe by '15. Bastard is giving away our sovreignty and nobody blinks. We are way screwed folks. The supreme court and ACLU are ramming revisionist history and new views of our "living" constitution that's crap and nobody seems to care. If they do they are too impotent to do anything substantial to stem the tide of craziness that has overcome the world.

If you haven't begun to do so, pray.


God Bless!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Sat and Monday

I had a busy week so I only go into the gym on Sat. We were in American Fork.

Warm Up.

Flat bench
?? x bar
?? x 135
5 x 225
3 x 275
Add 4 boards
5 x 315
3 x 335
3 x 355
3 x 365
2 x 385 my all time 1 rep PR here is 395. Thanks to the guys for yelling at me on this one. #2 was a grinder.

Manny presses (hung 2 53# kettlebells with light/purple bands.
5 x 135 + bells = 241#
4 x 155 + bells = 261#
3 x 165 + bells = 271#
These were way odd. Like Stump presses but there was some vertical bounce to go with the swinging. Moosie loved these. Manny was sooo proud. We know that somebody else thought of these but we decided to give Manny some props.

Superset DB JM's and Tate's
8 x 45's/70's
2 x 8 x 60's/70's

DB rows
8 x 95
3 x 8 x 125

50 minutes bike in cardio cinema. Bourne Supremecy was on. good stuff to pedal to...

Monday Restoration day
hip swings
shoulder complex

DB bench
3 x ?? x 50's

Pull overs
3 x ?? x 65

21 minutes bike.

Nice easy stretch and get the blood flowing. I'm going to do restorative type workouts like this to see if recovery will improve. Today is Tuesday and my pecs are sore but they aren't as tight as yesterday.

Calls and E mails are a little slow at work right now. Things should break loose real soon. We should have a big year coming up.

The world situation is moving full speed ahead. It is kind of dizzying figuring out that what we as Americans perceived as reality was just a store front being used as a mechanism for some power elites to use on their way toward a much bigger picture. Our "elected" officials for the general rule don't give a flying rodent's behind about what is best for the people. Lots of big sinsister, very real crap just on the horizon. It was all predicted and it is on it's way.

Fasten your seatbelt. It's going to be a bumpy ride...

Better yet, we should get on our knees and allow God to see us through.


God Bless!

Monday, January 07, 2008

Friday Night

I had to work Sat so I dropped in the gym for a quick one Friday night.

Warm up
Flat bench
2 x ??? x bar
?? x 135
5 x 225
5 x 275
1 x 315

5 x 315
5 x 365
5 x 395
2 x whattha? x 415 Felt spastic and had no punch. Felt like Oprah was sitting on the bar.
2 x 3 x 405 Seemed easy. Go figure.

Overhead cable extensions
5 or 6 sets of 8 don't remember the weights.

20 minutes bike.

It's Monday now. Feeling beat up from the work this weekend in the field. Didn't feel like I did all that much but I sure feel it. My head doesn't feel old but the old body is feeling way worn out.

It's been interesting having Lisa's Mom living with us. That Alzheimer's is a mean son of a gun. It's really unsettling watching somebody's mind slip away a little bit everyday.

Good time last night. All of the kids came by. Lisa made enchiladas. None were left and we had to break out the left over spaghetti. Lots of laughing except for Devy almost choking on a life savor and Mom bonking her head in the bathroom.

We watched a couple of the new episodes of American Gladiator. Good times. The boys remembered watching the original with me when they were little guys. Ward is stressing a bit. He's quitting chew and he's a bit tense... Pray for him.

Haven't been checking much on the world scene lately. Funny how whether or not I pay attention, it rolls along fine without me. Really glad I am trusting in the Creator of all. So much will seem out of control. Only He can bring true order out of chaos.


God Bless

Friday, January 04, 2008

Weds Stuff

This week has been waaaay turned around.

Warm up
Bent over rows. Underhand grip, ez bar
8 x 115
6 x 165
3 x 5 x 205

CS rows high step
5 x 135
5 x 160
3 x 5 x 180

Power Squat
8 x 270
8 x 540
2 x 8 x 720

Preacher curls ez bar
5 x 70
3 x 5 x 80

20 minutes bike

Work stuff, gotta go


God Bless!