ME Bench
Hip swings
Raw, Flat, 3 Board Stump Presses. (whew)
3 x ?? x bar
1 x 5 x 135
1 x 5 x 225
1 x 5 x 225 + 50# hanging = 275
1 x 5 x 225 + 100# hanging = 325 + 3 Boards
1 x 3 x 255 + 100# hanging = 355 + 3 Boards
1 x 1 x 275 + 100# hanging = 375 + 3 Boards
1 x 1 x 290 + 100# hanging = 390 + 3 Boards
Very, very happy with this. This was surprisingly solid and fast. I had more in the tank but wanted to leave it on a high note. This beats my 3 board reg bench pr by 5#. Every thing felt good and tight. Not sure but finally starting a job this week may have made for a more positive body chemistry. In any regard, whatever the cause for improvement, I hope it continues.
Push downs
Things had been loose and fun but most of us lost inspiration so we decided to call it here.
New job seems like a good fit. My focus is going to change from time to time at my boss' discretion. This is ok as he is a very bright guy and there is lots to do in many directions. First week went very well. God indeed is good.
God Bless!