Saturday, August 28, 2010

Elbow update

Doc says its an over use issue in the tricep tendon. Nothing but time and anti inflamitories (?). there is a spur but its @ the end of the tendon and not part of the problem. Cortisone isn't an otption because they this tendon has a tendancy to rupture when injected. so its a lay off for a bit. Have not been in the gym @ all but will probably drop in somewhere today and begin some cardio. Already started watching the diet so hopefully I can use this time off to work on some other goals.

Work is terminal. Have about 3 other options that seem viable. All in related fields. One would mean relocation and that one seems the hottest right now. Fun, fun, fun.

The old man ponders
What should he write in his log
The sled counts fortyfive


God Bless!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Off for a bit

It's not dark nor is it going to be raining
Yet my time in the gym has been gloomy & draining
So to the Doctor I'll truck
'cause my elbow sure sucks
And 'til then I'll take some time off from training


God Bless!

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Bench Support

Warm up

Speed bench
? x bar
5 x 135
3 x 3 x 155
3 x 3 x 175
3 x 3 x 195
1 x 225
1 x 275
1 x315

Stump Mil
3 x 135
3 x 165
3 x 185

Lateral Raises
2 x 20 x 25’s

Push Downs
5 x 10

Seated MG Rows
5 x 10

Face Pulls
4 sets

Not feeling strong at all. Right elbow must have a spur or something else is happening. I wake up in pain if the elbow is at the wrong angle. Forget about doing extensions. I'm a whiney little baby right now. Not certain if I am capable of doing anything in Sept. Going to talk with some lifting friends and get their advice before I pull out of the meet. I don't feel "together" physically and lack focus. I am certain that the chaos behind the scenes is not helping in the gym.

On a much more serious note, One of Ward's Friend's that he did 2 tours with killed himself last week. Very, very sad deal. Left a wife and a daughter and one on the way. Please be praying for those that loved him that he left behind. Bull was a good guy. For those in UT Kort's obit is in the Salt Lake Tribune and there is an article on him front page today.


God Bless!

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

ME Bench lost notes

Lost my notebook but here is what I kinda remember. Long chaotic session.(seemed that way as i was without glasses or contacts...)
Warm up

Bench Straight weight grip inside rings
Worked up to 335
Went to comp grip dropped to 225 and worked up to 315

Close Neutral Grip weird bar (swiss?)

CG weird bar

Green Band Push Down


1 hand palm down Rows

Weighted sit ups

Standing abs

Starting to get a glimmer in the "drift back" bench lock out technique. Really not sure how the meet will go. I think I will go very conservative on attempts and see what happens.

Need a new job(this is getting old). Anybody have one?


God Bless!

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Me Bench, Bench Support, Core

ME Bench
Warm up
? x Bar
? x bar + doubled monster mini
? x bar + mm + chains
5 x 95 + mm + c
2 x 135 “ “
2 + 185 “ “2brd + manpon
1 x 225 “ “ “ “
2 x 225 “ “ 3 brd “
1 x 245 “ “ “ “
I was told the monster mini + chains = about 200# @ the top

DB Bench mm under bench
20 x 35’s
20 x 50’s
15 x 60’s

20 x 30’s

CG Inclines
10 x 95
10 x 135
10 x 185

Starting to get "the drift" figured out. Metal Militia teaches a drift back toward your head with the flaring of your elbows. Starting to get the hang of it.

Bench support
Warm up
Speed bench
? x bar
3 x bar + 44# chains
3 x 3 x bar + 80# chains
2 x 3 x bar + 150# “

CG Mil pins @ top of my head
5 x 135
3 x 5 x 185

Lateral Raises
2 x 20 x 25’s

CG 2 Boards
8 x 135
8 x 185
8 225

Bent Rows
8 x 135
8 x 185
2 x 8 x 225

A Bar Push Downs
5 x 10

WG hi pulley to chest
4 x 12

Warm up
DB Swings
12 x 30
12 x 40
12 x 50
12 x 60

Power Squat
12 x 360
12 x 540
2 x 12 x 720

CS Rows
12 x 2 plates

Stand Abs
5 x 20

Alt DB Curls
8 ea x 35’s
3 x 8 x 40’s

Ok training week. Feeling a bit quicker and leg drive is better. Looking forward to seeing what I can do with straight weight with my comp grip and new drift. Could be glorious or it could be Hindenberg II.


God Bless!