Monday and Tuesday
Bike 50 minutes HR up to 135
Bike 5 min
Flat bench
2 x ?? x bar
9x 3 x 135 controlled explosive if that makes sense. Anterior delts/outer pecs were still sore from Sat.
CG military (direct overhead close grips in the rack)
2 x 5 x bar
5 x 135
5 x 185
5 x 205
4 x 225
CG declines
8 x 135
8 x 225
8 x 245
Overhead extensions
3 sets
Single arm low cable rows
8 x 120 ea
4 x 8 x 150 ea
Straight bar low pulley stack strip curls
1 set from 120 down to 50
Done. Cardio tomorrow.
Need to get a balance on nutrition and cardio.
Need to get past this election and the blindness in the population. I don't have a problem with people holding different positions than I do as long as they have thought them through. "Feeling" a position is very dangerous not just for the "feeler" but for all that might be impacted by their choices. We have lost the ability to discern in our society. Very dangerous times.
God Bless!