Sunday, December 05, 2010

ME Bench Friday 12/3

Thursday Core
Didn't happen due to scheduling conflicts

Sat ME Bench on Friday
Free Bar W Up
? x bar
5 x 95
5 x 135
5 x 185
5 x 225
5 x 275

Dead Floor Press
5 x 135
5 x 225
3 x 275
1 x 325
1 x 335 PR
m x 345
3 x 275
5 x 225

CG 4 Boards
8 x 226
8 x 275
4 x 305
4 x 315
3 x 315

Bent Rows
8 x 135
3 x 8 x 185

Face Pulls
3 x 20

Sus Push Up
3 x 15 OSS Yoke Straps
The straps were great. Better than anticipated. Could be on to something.

Sent out some straps fro eval from some from friends. Should be interesting to get comments back. The OSS T/S thing might take off but I hope in the near future that some leads I have working job wise come through to be the primary income just in case the strap stuff ends up being just a hobby.


God Bless!


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