Saturday, December 20, 2008

Spanish Fork

Ed Acey has been struggling with his Katana and Lil Dave (Doc) had told him he would go down to help him and asked if I would tag along, so I did.

We met up @ Bud Davis' house. Actually behind his house in his addition. Great hardcore, throw back gym that after we got the music changed was about perfect. They had a new Forza comp bench which I found out was the last comp production model made. Very nice unit.

They have a decent crew that trains there. 9-12 regulars. They seem to do mainly heavy bench on Sat's with little acc work.

Warm up
Flat bench
2 x ?? x bar
?? x 135
5 x 225
5 x 295
3 x 325
3 x 3 x 335 PR
The Forza was tall but since I have been working mobility in my hips I could rotate my hips and reach but the mats were smooth so I got little leg drive. They had plates with non slip tape but they were a pain to use. Based on my almost non existant leg drive I am happy with the 3 x 3 x 335. This is 5# up from the last cycle. I almost went 340 but am glad I held back. Some times discretion is the better part of valor.

4 boards
3 x 385 quick
1 x 405 weird handoff. Standards were dropped low and the handoff came out low and too high on the chest. Bizarre.
2 x 405

I think I will stop doing board work on my rep days. With the 3 x 3 and 3 x 6 I get a lot of volume. This week with the extra core day got me sore but I think it will be good if I maintain a sane level of volume. Not getting any younger and I need time to recover. Never too old to learn.

Push downs

CG NG Pull downs

Good time helping Ed and this kid Joe in their shirts. Always fun hanging with Dave. Had a good time abusing Darren Carr. Good guys there. It would be nice if Spanish Fork was closer.

It would be nice if I had about $8k and space in the basement or a garage for a home gym.

The work non situation has me baffled. Lisa thinks I need to relax until after the New Year. Mom's mental condition is worsening by the moment. Very strange interactions. Lot's of stuff to muddle on. God knows and has better answers than I.

BYU lost to Arizona tonight in the LV Bowl. Bummer for the conference but great for BYU haters. Freaking prima donnas. I think I have a bad attitude. TCU and Boise on Tuesday night. Great game. Or should be. They play in San Diego so my screen won't be messed up with the blue Smurf Turf.

Got another article to wtite for elite. An epilogue for the 4 parter earlier in the year. Need to start that soon.

Thank goodness for the gym. Great place to get one's brain scrubbed.


God Bless!


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