Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Tuesday Stuff

Gold's on 7th east.

Warm up

Flat Bench
2 x ?? x bar
9 x 3 x 145 3 grips

Military Rack Pin Presses
Pins @ mouth height
5 x bar
5 x 135
5 x 185
5 x 205
5 x 225 PR
3 x 235 PR
I don't think I have ever even singled these before. Not pretty but they did come off of the pins to lock out. Finally able to grind out some reps. Good stuff.

8 x 135
8 x 145
8 x 155
2 x 8 x 165

CS rows
5 x 2 plates
5 x 3 plates
3 x 5 plates
3 x 5 x 4 plates

seated alternate curls
2 x 8 x 40's
2 x 8 x 45's

Good session. Upper back is sore today and shoulders feel pretty good.

Check out Jerusalem Academy if you haven't done so. The focus of the world is on this little area of the middle east. Why? Final events will be centered in this region. Things are building up steam. Pay attention to the way thingsare worded. Like references to the 3 great monotheistic religions. 2 claim to worship the same God. Islam worships Allah, a specific god. Allah is the name of a moon god from an old pantheistic religion. Allah is at odds with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Only one can be the true God, not both. Check out how Muhammad had his vision to restore true faith. Sounds very similar to a kid named Joseph that had a vision in 1820 and started the mormon church.

Funny how things that aren't right on sound good to a degree but in the end can be very misleading. And then the same tactic is repackaged and reused to deceive in another generation. Solomon said that there is nothing new under the sun. Very true.

Fasten your seatbelts and put on your thnking caps. We are going to go through a bumpy time and we need God's discernment through it all.


God Bless!


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