Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Switching some stuff up a little.

Hip Swings

Flat bench
2 x?? x bar
10 x 135
5 x 225
2 x 290
3 x 3 x 275

Push press
5 x 135
2 x 3 x 155
5 x 135

Suspended pushups
3 x 10

lying down cable extensions
a bunch

On the bench I was messing around with some %'s that I saw in an article on

Was planning on doing 4 x 3 @ 85% of my former raw gym max, 345#. This had me @ 293 so I dropped to 290 and it felt way heavier than it should have. I then dropped to 275 and that seemed right. Finally got my legs firing closer to how they should.

I was surprised to the negative on the push presses. I was all over the planet on these and felt like an hour old puppy strength wise. I haven't been doing much full body pressing or swings and I could really tell. it could be that the weight loss effected some stability as well. Ah well. ok workout anyway.

Work is getting busier. That's good. The day goes much quicker when there are things to take care of.

God is good. Things seem like they are shaking out to the positive at home. Dave and company are still there but the mood is lighter. This is good.

Yesterday AM weight was 262# I went out to lunch and then Applebees last night with Lisa and was 264# this AM. Temporary set back. No worries.


God Bless


Blogger Huzz said...

Steve- I think I saw "stump" presses written about somewhere in your blog. Can you tell me what these are and what they are used for?

22/3/07 7:33 AM  
Blogger Stump said...

Stump Presses are something I made up (I'm certain I wasn't the first) and a workout partner named.

Basicly we use tie down straps (rope or chain works fine) and we hang weight off the ends of the bar. The weights start to swing and force you to use all of your stabalizers to keep in your groove.

We have tried these flat bench, close and comp grip, incline bench and I actually tried these squatting I had 225 on the bar and hum 2 45# plates off of ea side. The squat was hard but the walk out and set up was just nasty. There was one day where I tried these doing good mornings and I about launched myself into the wall behind the squat rack. Good times.

If you have more questions you can catch me @

24/3/07 4:42 PM  

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