Sunday, January 16, 2011

Wednesday Through Saturday

AM Bike:wu 4 min, 7 x 40secs (100+ RPM) + 60secs (50+/- RPM, 2 min cool down
PM 5 x 60 + 60R

Warm up
SS Squats
3x 220 -70%
3x 250 -80%
3+x 285 -90%

10 x 135
4 x 10 x 220

Leg Press
5 x 15 x 360

Stand Abs
5 x 20

Bike 8 x 40 + 60R

Sat ME Bench
Warm up
Dead Inclines
5 x 95
5 x 135
5 x 185
3 x 225
1 x 255
1 x 275
1 x 285
m x 295 Missed current PR
This was a different incline bench. No excuses, just felt lower and didn't get enough leg drive going. Probably just a head thing as EVERY weight felt heavy.

DB Press
15 x 70’s
2 x 15 x 85’s Yup these felt very heavy as well

CS Rows
8 x 2 plates
2 x 8 x 3 plates These felt light. Probably should have done more BUT its the playoffs and they started in 5 minutes.

Pack & Steelers won!!! Usually my picks get slaughtered and kicked to the curb.


God Bless!


Blogger Pete Bush said...

Look at the old man squatting! Awesome.


16/1/11 3:18 PM  

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