Friday, July 16, 2010

Bench Support 7/15/10

Warm up
Speed bench
3 x 3 x 135 vg inside rings
3 x 3 x 165 “ “
3 x 3 x 185 “ “

8 x 135
8 x 185
2 x 8 x 225

CG 3 Boards
8 x 225
8 x 255
8 x 275

Bent O Rows
4 x 8 x 135

Hi NG Rows
4 x 8

WG EZ Bar Push Downs
5 x 10

Ok session. Still struggling with the narrower grip and tucking and feeling weaker. Well duh. Its because it is a weaker position for me and its what I need to work. That doesn't mean I like it...

Gotta go. Have a Friday night to kill.

Thought If a leg press goes more horizontal than vertical (ie below 45 degree) is the sled still 45#...?


God Bless!


Blogger Pete Bush said...

If the leg press does not weigh 45 lbs, then the bar should not matter either. Drop those bench numbers by 45lbs everytime.

16/7/10 9:15 PM  
Blogger Pete Bush said...

What;s with the narrower grip? or as Ilike to call it, my competition grip.

16/7/10 9:16 PM  
Blogger Stump said...

My lockout has always been suspect and some guys I've been talking to want to try a couple of things.

Primary for training right now is bring in my grip and really focus on tucking as far as I can and even though I am raw try to touch as low as I can. I have in fact been "forbidden" to use my comp grip(index on the rings) until 3 weeks out from a meet.

Its a hard transition for me as I have zero idea where my comp strength is. I'm trusting this guy as he is elite level and has been producing lifters with ever increasing numbers. Elbow is a little sore as well. I think I have a spur back there where the really close work hurts like crazy.

Goals for the upcoming meet:
1. hit my opener (whew)
2. Hit around 380 to break the Rooskie's record and
3. My mentor wants to see me break 400.

I might be capable of the 3rd one but I don't know if my head knows that which is bad....

Fun and games right? Beats assuming room temperature.

17/7/10 8:12 AM  
Blogger Pete Bush said...

Yes, it beats dying or loafing. I guess you have to believe that you are capeable of number three in order to start approaching it. Anyway, good luck.

When did you get a mentor? Always tough to change it up, particularly when it is radically different. Wait, your mentor isn't Svengali, is it? Cause that would suck.

I will keep track of your progress padawan. wish I had a mentor.

Think I found a meet to shoot for: First week in November about two hours from the house. Not sure If I am going to wear gear or go raw.

17/7/10 6:51 PM  
Blogger Stump said...

Naw my mentor is Sven Johnson... When I had to switch Sat AM and the schedule as a whole, I started talking to and sometimes working with a guy up in Roy UT, Jason Gibson. dude hass a geared 733 bench and 1003 squat with like a 680 pull. Mid 30's. Knows his crap. His methods sometimes seem somewhat foreign but I had stalled so we shall see what the meet brings. He has the stats to back him up and the improving performences of guys that train with him. His 16 year old son has a 722 comp squat. Genetics or environment? Probably both.

Nov? is there a raw division? If not, I would start alternating weeks in gear now to get your techinique honed in.

Hard to know on #3 till I get closer to it w/comp grip. A few weeks ago w/rev grip green bands I did 365 for 5 and doubled 405. Jason said his tired greens were good for 50# @ the bottom. If thats the case I'm farther ahead than I thought. Frontal lobe isn't quite connecting on that yet though.

I will pay attention as someone whispers of training things from GA...

18/7/10 7:59 AM  

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