Monday, December 29, 2008

Sat 12/27

The Christmas hustle etc made it difficult to get into the gym last week but made it to Ripped on Sat; late. Battery is/was shot and had to be jumped. Had to be jumped again leaving Ripped. Then on Sunday going to Autozone to get the new battery amd then again again @ Autozone because I left the house without my wallet. New battery is in and the truck starts like a champ. Seems like it all was a hassle but it got me out of the house for a bit so that was good.

Ripped on Sat. Lots of folks there. Building was a bit chilly and it took a while to get warm. Plan was to hit 3 x 6 x 315. Last cycle I hit 6 x 315 and 2 x 5 x 315. I had advanced last week in the triples so I had good expectations for today.

First set I felt a tightening in the outside of my left pec on the 5th rep so I shut it down. I'll hit it another time.

Warm up
Flat bench
?? x bar
?? x 135
?? x 225
3 x 275
5 x 315
Pec was tight at the bottom end of the ROM.

Pin presses 5"-6" ROM
6 x 315
5 x 365
3 x 395

Flat light DB stretches to get blood moving and avoid problems later.

High pulley wide grip pulls to chest

Push downs

Not a huge session but got some things done inspite of some hurdles.

More this week.


God Bless!


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