Sat ME bench @ Sandy 7th Gold's
Warm up
Incline bench
2 x ?? x bar
8 x 135
5 x 185
5 x 225
5 x 255
3 x 275 PR
1 x 295 PR
Improvement over 4 weeks ago. Feeling alot more solid in my set up on the incline.
Flat bench
1 board
1 x 405
1 x 425
1 x 445
All touched. I moved my grip out to max width and it was alot easier to pull the bar down. Very pleased with this developement. The 445 was the best/fastest rep. I might just be figuring this shirt out.
Raw 5 board
5 x 345
5 x 375
2 x 4 x 405 Just couldn't manage the 5th rep on either set. These last sets might be PR's
Rope push downs
10 x 120
4 x 10 x 150
Seated rows wide grip
3 x 8
Preacher ez bar cable curls
5 x 8
Rev pec
4 x 8
Progress and increased workload is happening. The HRT is doing it's job. Good stuff. Way fun when a plan comes together. I feel beat up and will be sore for a couple of days. Good sore but i will complain...
Ward and his Army Buddies Lissy and Chewy came down last night and they all swung over to the gym and played around this morning. Manny and I showed them some stuff that should have them a little on the sore side tomorrow.
They are solid individuals that have been through more crap than anybody should have to go through. They are all honorable young men. I'm proud to know them.
I recommend to anyone to talk to any returned service person from the middle east to get a real account of the craziness over there. Our news sources pick and choose and manufacture what they want us to hear. Allways check more than one source for information. We are being directed as a society to think and react in a predictable, specified manner. I'm not a conspiracy guy. I do watch and read and compare lots of sources and there is a strong push to turn us into cattle moving blindly along.
Be aware of daily life around you.
God Bless!
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