Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Monday and Tuesday

Monday afternoon I went down to give Moosie a hand with his shirt. I just warmed up and lifted off for him and Gil Anderson.

Warm up
Flat Bench
?? x bar
9 x 3 x 155 varied grips

Military pin/Stump press
Pins @ chin height. Straps were about 4' long sp there was LOTS of movement from the hanging weights.
5 x bar
5 x bar + 90 hanging = 135
5 x bar + 140 hanging = 185
5 x bar + 160 hanging = 205
2 x 3 x bar + 180 hanging = 225 The first set was educational. It ended up being a series of single reps. You HAVE to stay SO tight to not A. swing the weights too hard and B. to handle the weights once they do swing. I wasn't tight enough the first set @ 225 and got thrown all over the place. 2nd set was much better.

Skull crushers ez bar
8 x 105
3 x 8 x 125 These have evolved to be a cross between skullies and JM's. Seems to be working ok.

CS rev grip row
8 x 1 plate
8 x 2 plates
8 x 3 plates
2 x 8 x 4 plates

Seated alt db curls
8 x 40's
3 x 8 x 45's

Things are still improving in the gym. I'm liking the VD template for raw benching. Well at least I like how I am interpreting it. It's pretty much the same as Vinnie did it but I add my shirt to the 2nd movement on Sat's.

My back was cramping last night and was very tight from the overhead work. Lisa brought out the tiger balm and massage oil and hooked me up. She did an awesome job. I'm still walking upright this morning and the soreness is way diminished.

Still looking for a job. I think my first choice will be a good fit. There seemes to be some logistical discussion on their end about the overall feasability of hiring me personally. God knows the needs and the best outcome happens in His timing.

I hate patience. I do like it but when it's done...

Gotta fly


God Bless!


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