Monday, February 05, 2007

Monday Morning

It's Monday morning. The super bowl is now in the books for '07. Very happy Tony Dungey & Peyton Manning won. Not the best game overall but happy with the outcome.

Sunday morning weigh in was 280#. A little more this morning but I blame that on the nice spread Mike Cordova had at his house last night. Onward and downward as the case may be.

Everyone but Annystin and me is sick in our house. That is 5-2 with the diseased and infirm holding the advantage.

Haven't cruised around much to see what's shaking in the world. Regardless, God knows and nothing happens without Him knowing.

If you aren't certain of your future, know that none of us deserves heaven. We were born with a prideful sin nature that keeps us from God. Inspite of that, God sent Jesus, His Son also known as Yeshua, to die for us. To take away the sin that keeps us from God. To seal the deal, Jesus came back to life. The first to be resurrected. Now, through belief in Jesus and that the Father raised Him from the dead, we can avoid seperation from God and a very nasty eternity. In Revelation, Jesus says that He knocks on our heart and asks to be let in. God is a gentleman and will not force Himself on anyone. Romans 6:23, 1 John 1:9 Romans 10:9,10, John 3:16-17, John 6:29, 1 John 5 :1-8.

The equation is simple: God created us for a loving relationship. Mankind turned on God through the sin of Adam. God is Holy and sinfulness can't be in His presence. God loved us enough and wanted us to have a relationship with Him that Jesus came and died in our place. We can choose to accept that gift and have a relationship with God and share paradise with Him or deny the gift and be seperated from him and live a very real painful eternity. Easy choice in my mind. Agree or disagree, it's all in the Book. Why are you willing to take the chance on something so important?

Lot's more I could add but that's enough homework for this time. Be secure in your future. God loves you and want's your future to be with Him.

Cardio tonight.


God Bless!


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