Saturday, February 03, 2007

Fri Cardio and Sat ME Bench +

Friday @ Gold's Sandy on 7th
20 min eliptical
20 min stair stepper
20 min bike

Sat @ West Jordan ME Bench
Shoulder complex
Hip Swings
Situps 3 x 15

Flat bench
a bunch x bar
8 x 135
5 x 185 illegal wide
5 x 225 " "
5 x 275 " " + 2 boards
5 x 305 " " "
5 x 315 " " "
5 x 325 " " "
3 x 335 " " "

Four boards pinky on rings
3 x 345
2 x 2 x 365

T bar row
8 x 90
8 x 135
2 x 8 x 165

Single arm rope push down thingies
10 x 80 ea
3 x 10 x 90 ea

30 min eliptical (15 back 15 front)
30 min treadmill (1.5 el, 3.3 speed)

In cardio I'm trying to keep my heart rate between 105 and 120. Seems to be working ok. Weight was down to 282# this AM. Feeling better already. Started glucosamine & chondriton again and that's helping most of the arthritis. Looking foward to being down closer to fighting weight. Actually under 220 would be nice. The orthopedist would like to see me under 200. I don't know. If I can stay strong as a 198.... Who knows?

Praying for a friend's Mom. Kelli's Mom Marilyn had a biopsy done yesterday on a lump that might be cancerous. I haven't heard back from Kelli on the outcome. Breast cancer runs in the family so they are all concerned. Kelli's Dad just had shoulder surgery a week ago as well. Tough times.

The filters got changed @ work and for some reason myspace is allowed. My IM wqas on yesterday and my son Ward, the one in Iraq, IM'd me and we had a nice chat before he had to go to work. There is about a 10 hour time difference between here and there. He is going out on his night missions as we get up and coming back as we get home. It was great to talk with him.

Work is busy. there will always be things to catch up on. The immediate tech needs combined with the rewriting and updating the tech library keeps things going.

Lots of news of violence and riots with a background of secret peace talks with unlikely participants. And a North American Union? What are they thinking? Actually if the dollar is ready to tank then perhaps the anouncement of the NAU and the new currency, the Amero, will avert a real bad situation. Any way one slices it, life as we have enjoyed it will change.


God Bless!



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