Monday, October 16, 2006

Been ABsent this week

Trying to heal up the pesky AB injury. Tried to bench light last Tuesday and after taking a deep breath to unrack, it felt like mini me was cutting his way out of my gut with a pocket knife.

Went to the bench work out Sat but only did 2 light DB sets and some back stuff. Lifted off and helped with equipment the rest of the time. Abs didn't hurt during liftoffs. Odd.

Mikey Cordova said he had something similar last year from doing heavy leg presses. He laid off a couple weeks and then went back slowly with lighter weights on the offending injuries.

No meets till next year so this should be alright.

Sunday I did 5 x 5 bottoms up widow makers (one armed snatch with a press) with a 50# hand weight that felt ok. Harder to balance the hand weight than db but the slower pace kept me from bending over the trash can like we did with heavier db's. Abs felt ok with these.


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